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      Linguee Translator : Searches Real-World Translations | Translations (Theory & Practice) Jump to content

      Linguee Translator : Searches Real-World Translations

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      If you ever need to look up how a specific phrase (or word) was translated, you can put it into Linguee and the program will display excerpts from real-life translations where these phrases were already translated by professionals. I find it's a fantastic resource when you need to look for more obscure or idiomatic expressions, or when you're not sure what sounds natural in German (or English).

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      • 1 month later...

      Wow, awesome! I had never heard about linguee before :)  This software sounds like a really interesting, since most translators out there seem to have a lot trouble with idiomatic phrases.  Which is a total let down, because most if us are interested in that aspect of the language (most people use that kind of phrases nowadays and it's good to know the proper use of those just in case).

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      • 1 month later...

      Add my reccomendation to this website too, it's a great resource both for professional translation and for language learners.

      I have used it for teminology on some translations I have done, and to check the occasional idiomatic expression, and was actually introduced to the website by a translation teacher, so that vouches for it :P

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      Linguee is great, I have been using it for years. However, they recently updated their arsenal of available 'language pairs' and I must say that I am not impressed about the Chinese-English, English-Chinese versions. It seems to contain quite a lot of 'errors' and often the wrong part(s) of the word/phrase is highlighted. Other than that, Linguee is really one of the best tools for translators out there.

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      I've used Linguee during my translation work, it's a good, most of the time reliable source for translation  examples, but you have to be very careful using it, and not take the given translation for granted. But used properly it can be immensely helpful to unblock that bothersome expression you're stuck on.

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      • 1 month later...

      Great info! It's hard to find translation websites that are reliable and will give you the exact meaning of words. I have used several websites and apps but it didn't satisfy me. I will try using Linguee. Thanks!

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      • 2 months later...

      this is my first time to hear about Linguee Translator. I usually just rely on Google Translate or Babel Fish. And from everyone's comments, it appears to be a highly recommended language translation tool. Thank you for sharing. Will soon check it out. Thank you once again for the recommendation.

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      My gratitude for sharing this program to us all. I did wonder whether there's some translator program out there that's more efficient than Google Translate (which is the closest thing to accurate Spanish and Portuguese I've experienced). Thanks a lot and I look forward to using this program to my own advantage too.

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      • 2 weeks later...

      Never heard or read about this site even I have been using the net for years. This kind of useful site should be famous or be well known so that it would help a lot more. Thanks for sharing about Linguee and definitely I will use the site when I would be needing some words to translate or know the further meaning.

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      • 1 year later...

      I have never heard of such a program. I wonder if they have translations in my mother tongue, but I will make sure  I check it out.

      Hopefully, they do. Thank you for introducing it to us. I would need such a thing because there are some expressions, like business expressions or the law ones, that really bug me, making my life unbearable, since I am doing translations occasionally.

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