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What were your first words?


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My mother said that my first word wasn't a word, but the letter "K". They had an alphabet block with the letter "K" on it, and were trying to get me to say it. Apparently Wheel of Fortune also taught me how to read! Which makes sense when you think about it. They pronounce all the letters and phrases with plenty of repetition.

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This is a very interesting idea for a post.  I started talking abnormally early-- sometime around 9 months.  My first words were "mama" and "tissue" (as in toilet tissue or toilet paper), believe it or not!  At that age, I had an obsession with eating toilet paper.  I would always try to get a hold of toilet paper, and when I did, I would chew up as much of it as I could before my parents caught me.  I would try to crawl into the bathroom and say "tissue" over and over.  Guess that's a slightly atypical experience... not sure why it was so important to me.  Haha.

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My first word was "WOW." I was always so proud of that because it wasn't one of the more popular first words like "mama" and "dahda" Can you imagine hearing someone say their first word? I said "Wow" because it was Easter and my aunt kept saying, 'Look at the colorful eggs. Wow. Those are pretty, huh? wow." She was egging me on!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My favorite word (actually two, I guess) were "Uh oh!" when I dropped a pair of toy car keys on the ground. Best part is my mom got it on video! She just happened to be recording me playing at the time and it happened :)

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When my son was a baby, I sang to him endlessly. One day, in the car, when he was very tiny, he said" Stoppa singing!" It was hysterical and he was a very smart little baby! :kiss:

Hehe, that sounds lovely!

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My first word was "puppy." My grandmother had a little dog, and I was absolutely in love with it. My second word was "boat" (we lived near the water).

My mother was pretty disappointed that it wasn't "Mama!" But that came third. :)

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I guess, you are right about asking to parents about our first words, but what if they don't remember it lol? I must have uttered something like mom or dad. Can't say for sure though.

My parents would always say it was just a mumbled version of mom and dad.  But they would always tell me that they were careful not to say any bad words in front of me during that stage because they know how quickly toddlers can actually imitate what you say.

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I remember my first words and I remember it perfectly. I was about 10 years old...no I'm just kidding! When I was born, I was the head of a company called Apple. Well actually I kid again, I'm not sure what were my first words were. But when I had trouble getting my words out clearly as my parents told me. It wasn't very clear to others but I was talking a lot!

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I asked my mom a while ago.  According to her my first word was: ''Sal Hada''. That was the name of a salt brand that was very popular over here, lol. I don't think they longer make it. 

Strangely enough my parents say that I didn't start talking or walking until I was 3 years old!  I've always had language problems, I guess.  A teacher told my mom when I was just 10 that I could be suffering from dyslexia, but what do they know, lol?  I do have some symptoms... I've always had troubles spelling and writing some words. Sometimes reading is a bit hard :P

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I am told my first word was "lights" (in reference to a lightbulb or other lights source), though I pronounced it "aightz".  Not far from my childhood home was a massive industrial complex that at night had thousands of lights on it.  Apparently, I found the sight rather impressive, so "aightz" were repeated nonstop.  :laugh:

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My first word was "No" as I was a total rebel. Well, at least that is what my mom told me. As I got older, I was a little better. You know how it is when a kid is in their "terrible twos" where they run around not listening to their parents.

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pretty standard are momma and dada. Then no and baba (for bottle). Nouns and verbs are almost always first. Softer sounds like m and p are easier than sounds like f and g. Once children get started they really take off. It's all about tongue control for children around one. Once they figure out they can control their tongue to make certain sounds they begin practicing what they hear.

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This is embarrassing but I'll tell it anyway.  I'm not sure what my first word was, but I spoke early and quite well.  Precocious might be the word.  At any rate, my mother tells the story that one afternoon I came to her while playing outside and said, "Mom, change my diaper. The flies are following me around."  I was either too young to be forming that kind of sentence, or WAY too old to be wearing diapers!

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I can't remember what where my first words, and nobody seems to recall.

Some people say that a mother never forget the special moment at which the baby begins to talk, but my mother say she can't remember.

I'm sure that if my maternal grandmother would be alive, she would knew this. She really loved me so much and often was more supportive than my own parents.

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