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      Have you ever fallen in love with someone who speaks a foreign language? - Page 2 | Language Learning Jump to content

      Have you ever fallen in love with someone who speaks a foreign language?


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      Well I've definitely fallen in LUST with persons who have spoken another language. For me to be truly in love,  real, clear communication has to be present, a language barrier would make a relationship-which is already difficult- even harder work...for me personally.

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      No I haven't but if ever I fall in love with someone who speaks a foreign language I will try to learn his language and I'll ask him to learn mine so that we can understand each other better and whenever we invite each other to meet respective family members and friends, we can feel at ease and comfortable in starting a conversation.

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      Yes I have when I was at school. He would write me letters and send them via the post. I was so excited to them but once I opened it, I had no idea what it was all about and there was no such thing as translators then.

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      My first boyfriend spoke more Spanish than English. So, I'd say I would definitely date someone who spoke another language. It was a wonderful experience since I got to take a much closer-look at his culture. But at the same time, that relationship taught me it can be difficult if you want to get deep. It was hard to have profound personal, philosophical, technological, and scientific conversations with him. So, that did put a limit on our relationship.

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      Interesting question. Actually I fell in-love with someone who's native language is English (foreign to me as I'm Romanian), but I don't think the language was the crucial element of this crush.. :) .. although I do find as many other people, french speakers as quite charming especially when spoken by a woman.

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      I know you meant verbal language... but ASL is a language. I know a woman who was deaf, and a stranger saw her and that was it. He was hopelessly in love. He tried for three weeks to go out with her, but he got frustrated with trying to write notes and she pushed him away. After two months, he became fairly fluent in sign language, came back and asked her out. She was so impressed they began dating.

      Today they have been married for 17 years and have three kids.

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        On 9/26/2014 at 5:41 PM, Rosa said:

      I have never really fallen in love with someone who speaks a foreign language but I have certainly been drawn to certain actors in movies and it was all because of their accent. I would watch the movie over and over again just to hear the actor's word been repeated. I don't know what i'd do if such a thing happens for real.

      Same here! I realized that most of the actors that I have crushes on have amazing accent. Most of them are actually British so I have a very high expectations whenever I watch their film.  :grin:

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      Back in 96, when I was 15 years old I once had a date with a brazilian girl. I was in Aruba for a family vacation, and I was at the reception talking to one of the bellboys, when a school group from Brazil came in. I started to look at this one girl and when she started looking back the bellboy said: "do you want to meet her?" I didn't know any portuguese, so the bellboy basically went to the girl and set me up on a date.

      It was... interesting and funny in a way. We came down to eat at the hotel's restaurant and then we hung out by the pool. We mostly saw things and laughed, she would talk in portuguese and gesture, and I would do the same in spanish. Since some words were similar, we sometimes would understand each other.

      When we went up to our rooms, I walked her to her room and she invited me to come in. She had other friends in her room and started introducing me. While this was happening, someone knocked at the door. It was one of the teachers, who was really upset because I was there. I didn't understand what she said, but when the girl turned to me, I saw in her eyes that I had to go.

      That was it. A couple of days later I left and I never saw her again.

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      Guest wellpostlooper

      This would make for a great romance movie. I hear hollywood calling. I know people can overcome the language barriers in time and it ends up being a great story about loving someone for who they are and not for what they said. The bond also grows stronger because you are willing to be vulnerable (language-wise) and entrust yourself to the other person to help you learn their language. Anyone in this situation should go for it.

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      Yes, I've fallen for someone who spoke a foreign language.  He was from Turkmenistan and only spoke Russian, I only spoke English, but have a passion for languages.

      I had taken language courses before (although not fluent in anything), and about a week before meeting this man I had just signed up at a community college to learn a few languages, one of them being Russian. 

      When he first tried to talk to me using his Russian to English dictionary, I was patient about it.  Our first real conversation took us 3 hours to get through just a few sentences.  After about a month of getting to know each other, we ended up a relationship for awhile. 

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      I have never fallen in love with someone who speaks a foreign language.  I am not good at language learning.  I doubt if I can cope with the cultural difference and language barriers.  I am unsecure that I can sustain this love and relations.

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      • 4 weeks later...

      Yes, I would try to pursue it. Even though, it may be a hard or hopeless endeavor. When it comes to matters of the heart, I go to pieces. What can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic like that.

      I would go a step further and not only learn his language, but teach him mine, as well.

      I think we'd have a hard time communicating at first. More than likely, we'd end up with a game of charades of trying to figure out what the other wants. Eventually though, the love is what will be the fuel for the fire to keep trying.  :wink:

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      I haven't fallen in love with anyone, though I usually have crushes or dreams about that person.  However, if my feelings gradually turn to love, I will have to take the time and effort to learn the language of the person I'm in love with.  By learning the person's foreign language I am doing everything to overcome the language barrier between me and that person.

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      I seem to constantly be attracted to people who know a minimum of two languages. I think it's part of my obsession with foreign language itself that attracts me to them. However, I don't think I've ever pursued a relationship with someone I couldn't understand linguistically. In the case it did happen though, yeah, I would attempt to learn that language if I really thought I loved the person.

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        On 8/26/2014 at 4:04 PM, raytalks said:

      You find a person, a he or a she, and you are really attracted him/her. The only problem is that he/she speaks a foreign language. I won't specify a language, because it has to be a language that you don't speak. If there is a chance for a relationship, will you pursue it? Will you gladly learn a foreign language for your partner? Do you think you can communicate well, and have a good relationship?

      If you love someone so much, I think it will be enough motivation to learn his/her language. Even though it will be tough to learn the language, perhaps I will try my best to learn it. First, that's a way for us to communicate better aside from English, the universal language. Second, it will be for my own protection in case we fight and he's already planning something bad against me, I will know. Lol!

      I know several couples of different nationalities who can understand, if not speak, the languages of their spouse. They are so eager to learn each other's language especially about words of endearment. :-)

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      I had a fling with this Romanian guy online. We both like each other, he speaks very little English. Sometimes I don’t even understand it so I decided to learn Romanian for him but then I found out he’s got a girlfriend and didn’t even tell me. I’m just glad I didn’t enroll in a language class, otherwise I think it will be all for nothing.

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        On 8/26/2014 at 4:04 PM, raytalks said:

      You find a person, a he or a she, and you are really attracted him/her. The only problem is that he/she speaks a foreign language. I won't specify a language, because it has to be a language that you don't speak. If there is a chance for a relationship, will you pursue it? Will you gladly learn a foreign language for your partner? Do you think you can communicate well, and have a good relationship?

      This is interesting. I know this sort of thing happens on TV/movies, but in real life? I am not so sure. First off, how do you fall in love with someone if you cannot get to know them to start with? Communication is the key to getting to know a person, and that's how you fall in love. I don't believe in love at first sight. That's infatuation, not love. If I was really interested, based on looks alone, I might pursue a crash-course, to at least get noticed by them. Then I would see how difficult it would really be.

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      I didn't fall in love because I need a deeper connection than just looks to fall in love. I can say that I have fallen in lust with some Italian and French men thought. They can be talking about the weather for all I know, but they just make me melt.  :love:

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      I love strong accents. I have romanced a girl who once only knew the Spanish dialect. I won't lie, it was very frustrating because I couldn't take her to many places because she didn't what to learn English. Spanish is my native language but there are some jokes and news that I would have loved to show her, but what can we do if not sigh in frustration?

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      I love this question. I have never personally fallen in love with someone who speaks a different language, but have had a lot of fun listening to the way someone sounded when they spoke the language. I think this would apply mostly to someone moves to another country and spent enough time there to actually meet someone to fall in love with. I have never spent an extended period of time out of my country.

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      I don't have that kind of experience but my friend has.

      My friend speaks Chinese and he used to have a Korean girlfriend.

      He said it is so inconvenience because they need to argue in English and it is so difficult.. :nerd:

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      • 1 month later...

      I think it would be difficult to get involved with someone who speaks a different language, especially if that person does not speak a common language between you two.  Communication is very important in any relationship and if you don't have a medium by which to communicate, it's impossible to develop a relationship.  Also, you must take into consideration how you would also relate to the person's family or relatives, especially if they also don't speak any common language.  It's just going to be hard, unless you both exert effort to learn each other's languages. 

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      I once had an Italian boyfriend whose English wasn't very good. I was all too happy to learn Italian to meet him halfway. Of course there's also that thing where people believe that a language's best learnt in bed LOL Apparently you learn a foreign language faster if you date a native speaker of that language. I agree it's great motivation.

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      • 9 months later...

      My story wasn't 100% like that my Ex's parents (especially his mom whom he still lives with...) couldn't speak English (well she could, but her accent was so thick that the only person out of my family members that COULD understand her was me... so yah) But my Ex was trilingual, He could speak fluent English, Vietnamese and was semi-fluent in French (same language courses; different periods)... I wanted him to teach me Vietnamese, but he never really got around to it... (Then we had a stupid argument that has nothing to do with this topic and well he's my Ex...) So yah...

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