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What language(s) do you write in?


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I can write in Urdu and English very well, though I can also write in Arabic, because it is similar in writing to Urdu, but I don't know much of the language so I wouldn't.

I could also try to write in Punjabi which is also very similar to Urdu in writing, but I have not written it ever.

I can also speak Hindi but I don't know how to write it.

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I'm sure everyone here has written a poem or a story at least once in their lives. Not necessarily an artistic masterpiece, but an emotional poem, or a little funny ditty to pass time in class, or maybe a story, etc. I want to know if people write in their native tongue or in foreign languages, and if the latter, in which?

I find that people in Slovenia often write in English. Some find it more artistic, some just find it easier to write in. I myself write (both poetry and prose) in my mother tongue, Slovene.

I write in English , Swahili and Spanish

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I'm sure everyone here has written a poem or a story at least once in their lives. Not necessarily an artistic masterpiece, but an emotional poem, or a little funny ditty to pass time in class, or maybe a story, etc. I want to know if people write in their native tongue or in foreign languages, and if the latter, in which?

I find that people in Slovenia often write in English. Some find it more artistic, some just find it easier to write in. I myself write (both poetry and prose) in my mother tongue, Slovene.

I write in English: Patois, Ebonics, Cockney, Spanglish, Celtic, Received Pronunciation, it's amazing how many variations there are in the English language. I avail myself of all of these. :tongue:

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I write in my my native language which is Filipino. I also write in English. :P I think I learned more grammar rules in the English language than my native language because ever since I started going to school, teachers put more emphasis on teaching English.

I can also write in Korean. However, I am having a hard time understanding what I am writing. xP

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My mother tongue is Romanian, and since very young I was fascinated about the language, the word's meaning, sound and effect within the written text. I started writing in Romanian my diary, poems, daily notes, thoughts. Then, at 16years old I moved to Italy and that was a very interesting transition into another Latin language and I was fascinated to discover that much of the origin of Romanian words was the same as Italian, and then I started making connexions between the 2.

My greatest achievement was after a few years to translate a poem by a Romanian write into Italian which maintained the message and the mood of the original.

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I haven't written letters since school but I often send emails to friends in Afrikaans, I write letters in Italian as I enjoy getting them back through the mail. This also helps me with avoiding the lazy approach and just finding the words online.

I have also recently been sending letters in Romanian but with this one I cheat as I use bing translator and not sure if I get the message across but usually all my questions are answered.

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Whenever I write a story, I wrote it in English but if it's just a normal notes or letters I would write it in either English or in my native language, Filipino. However I used English often than my native tongue.

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Great question. I never thought about this from an artistic standpoint. I use my native langauge, english, more when writing artistically. But that's just because I make less mistakes with english. Writing a good poem or story takes more than just knowing a language. You have to know the feel for it, the nuances, and etc.

But for titles, expressions, and less worded stuff, I sometimes use french or spanish. French and spanish give off a different feel than english. French can sound much more romantic or sophisticated. While Spanish can sound really sexy or fun. It really depends on the mood I'm going for.

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When I was in grade school, I used to write short articles or stories in Filipino which is our native language.

While I was in high school, I have written some poems in English and I have joined English poem writing contests too. I also wrote some poems that time in Filipino for school homework.

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Obviously I write mainly in English. I'm very fluent and a good writer in my native language. Used to want to be a professional writer. I can also write pretty well in Spanish, though I'm still learning all the ins and outs of that language at this point. Hopefully I will continue to improve.

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Forgive my English, but what is Tagalog? Where is it spoken? What makes it sound cheesy? I'm very curious!

It's the national language of the Philippines although the more modern term would be Filipino which is the version that incorporates other languages with it a bit more and it is also what the citizens are called, sort of like how American can be used both to describe the language and the people, I think. As for it being cheesy, traditional Tagalog just sounds very old time-y as a lot of the words have never really evolved into something more modern so to use it would probably sound a bit like if an American were to use Shakesperean style of writing in modern times.

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While I am not fluent enough in another language to write in it, I find French far more poetic in meaning. Just see the translation for Edith Piaf's "Non, je ne regrette rien"


So, yes, I would love to. I mean, Russian I find too logical to be poetic. Am waiting until I learn Hebrew or Arabic to start on that.


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