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What's the reason you study foreign language?


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All of us have their own reason of studying a foreign language. My main reason is that, I find it interesting and I like European countries. I am a big fan of ancient Europe with royalties and such, as well as the great painters and composers in history. It just amazes me so much.

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I am studying foreign language because of interest.  I have always been an anime fan, and while I watch English dubs of my favorite anime shows, I figured that it would be better if I had some knowledge of Nihongo.  I know some basic Nihongo words, but I find it difficult to comprehend sentence structure.  I have enrolled in a Nihongo language class so I can have a better understanding of the language.  Also, it is a good way to keep my brain working.

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For me there's no reason, it's just like something a part of me since i was a kid. People still don't believe that I've learned the languages that I know now all by myself, and tho I was wishing to learn as many languages as I can, I got the chance to learn only 4 of them till now.

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While English is not my native tongue, learning English is more or less forced on us. For a time, English is the medium of instruction in our schools. Thus, English is highly part of our school curriculum. Learning Korean, on the other hand, is necessary for work. Unfortunately, I'm bad at acquiring a new language that I still only understand a word or two. Still can't string my own Korean sentences, haha.

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I have different reasons for the languages I'm trying to learn. Sometimes it's out of necessity because I'm in a place where I don't know the local dialect or language. I think it's much more convenient to learn the language than to have to find someone to translate for me all the time. Sometimes I learn just because I find the language interesting though.

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All of us have their own reason of studying a foreign language. My main reason is that, I find it interesting and I like European countries. I am a big fan of ancient Europe with royalties and such, as well as the great painters and composers in history. It just amazes me so much.

I am currently studying Spanish because there is a huge call for bilingual employees in today's job market. Not only will being bilingual earn you more money but will also make you more valuable to most employers.

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I have two main reasons for studying Spanish. For starters, my mother's side of the family are all basically fluent in Spanish and I would love to be able to interact with them in that way. My brother and I weren't raised in that culture and it would be great to be able to talk with them on another level.

The other is there are very few jobs out there that couldn't use a bilingual employee anymore. With the world becoming heck of a lot smaller and the U.S becoming vastly more diverse, having the ability to speak another language is a very important skill. Especially for my hopeful future job (journalism), the ability to speak Spanish is something that is coveted from reporters.

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I just decided to learn a foreign language out of curiosity. I immediately liked Rammstein's songs the 1st time I heard it, so I started to google the English interpretation of their songs. Rammstein is a German band, by the way.

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I am story-teller and in turn a voracious reader. Learning new languages bridges the gap between entire groups of people and allows one to discover entirely brand new and exciting stories. From folklore to simple conversation, stories can be passed from one person to the next, and I think that is an incredible thing.

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I studied foreign languages because it was always an requirement for me in high school, college, and while studying abroad. I am glad that I learned the basics of Spanish and Italian though, because its great to know different languages as it may benefit others.

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My reason for studying foreign language is to expand my studies even further.Since I travel a lot and plan on traveling the world I will need to know how to adapt to more cultures around the world and their languages.It will make me feel more comfortable with traveling abroad and studying abroad as well.I just want to prepared in advance.

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The reasons I have for learning each language are very different. I am learning Dutch because I live in the Netherlands and it would make it easier for me to find a job here if I learn the Language. I am also learning Spanish. This is because I want to travel to South America.

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Knowing a common second language is almost never useless. If you play mmorpgs, you have probably seen people talk in spanish, portugiese, chinese or even german. If you work in the restaurant business, you might have to learn the language of the nation the recipes came from , say korean or taiwanese, is a good example. Only in the us, are we required to learn the language of people coming to our country. Almost everywhere else, you need to learn their language or your sol. So if you want to travel outside of places that speak your native tongue, you need to their their language at least semi fluently. Don't want to go to france and order a potted plant XD

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To be honest? I'm obsessed with foreign languages. Language itself evolves and grows in every part of the globe. For many people it surrounds their daily lives as part of something that is simply just understood by those around them. I want to explore those languages and those cultures to see the world in a different light, a better light. In some ways, through language comes unity. I suppose, in a sense, I study the languages because I love to learn them.

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I've always thought that learning a new language opens up a new world - so many extra opportunities are brought to the surface after learning a new language: business opportunities, education opportunities, work opportunities, and friend opportunities. After learning some basic Korean, I've made so many new friends that I would've never had the chance to communicate with if I hadn't known any Korean. Most of them also want to learn English, so I'm able to help them with that, too.

Another thing is learning about the culture of the language you're studying - it's fun to acquire knowledge about different places, and it allows you to be able to add a possibly unknown opinion/perspective to common conversations you have with friends.

There are so many benefits from learning a new language, and I love them all.

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I too am a great fan of history. I absolutely love everything about it, especially the antiquity and the Renaissance period. I believe my BA thesis will be something from history as well. That's why I wish to study Old English, but that's impossible. Maybe one day, I'll get the chance, but right now, I'll be content with learning Latin. It relaxes me and makes me think about the history of Rome almost every time I work on the text.

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I enjoy the aspect of studying cultural differences and languages.The German language for example is the language of Germanic Western. It is one of the major languages in the world and the most widespread language in the European Union, the mother.At the global level, speaking there are 105 million natives speaking the German language.

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I find that learning foreign languages helps one to get a better grasp of language/communication/literacy in general. Think about, the process I studying the nuances of any new language really challenges and works your language  "muscle" and can help your verbal fluency, even in your native language.

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It is fun. There isn't really any other large reason for me. I mean, back in my weeaboo days, I learned some Japanese because I thought it would help me to move to Japan one day and fulfill all my weeaboo fantasies. However, those desires never stay for long. If you do not find a language fun, you probably won't stick with it. Luckily for me, after I left me weeaboo days, I still found Japanese a fun language.

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I personally learn foreign languages because I feel as though it is a way to connect with many different people. I once read this study that had bilingual individuals take personality tests in two different languages and the results would come out different. I feel as though speaking different languages brings out a different side or form of yourself. Perhaps I may go so far as to say that speaking different languages helps you learn more about yourself in general. I cannot confirm or deny that statement since I am not fluent in any other language besides English at the moment. Though when I do speak Spanish I feel more confident and a little more sexy lol. How does speaking different languages make all of you feel?

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I am currently studying Spanish because there is a huge call for bilingual employees in today's job market. Not only will being bilingual earn you more money but will also make you more valuable to most employers.

This is true. I have many friends who have made a good living by just knowing another language. Some were of different nationalities and just grew up speaking it at home while some grew up in other countries and they are all highly sought after by employers. I myself know a few languages but I'm not fluent enough to make an official job out of it.

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Well, for me during the times I had studied Spanish, it was because it was included in the courses offered. I had no choice but to take it. Lol!

Then I took French just because. Obviously, I did not learn a lot because I really did not have a sound reason for learning it. It was free so why not take it?

Lastly, I tried learning Arabic just for fun. It was also free. :-) I learned some words, but not enough to carry on a decent conversation.

Personally, I think there must really be a valid reason for me to take a language course, like it's needed in a job I would like to get into.

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