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Next language you'd like to learn


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I need to learn Spanish as soon as I can so I can communicate better with my boyfriend's family, but after that, I want to learn Japanese, because some time in my life I'm planning on going to Japan. I also want to learn German, as my father is German (Though I don't speak to him). Other than that, I don't think I want to learn any other languages. Maybe Tagalog.

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Definitely Russian. I have no idea why, but the Russian language has always fascinated me. I actually tried learning some back in high school, but ended up passing it up for a job and schoolwork. Japanese would be awesome to learn to, I'm into anime and I'd like to watch some Japanese-only shows.

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Wow, I have so many languages I want to learn.  I honestly think the next one I want to learn though is Arabic.  I have a cousin who is studying Arabic right now so I've been picking up little things from her, here and there.  I think it'd be great to find the time to fully study it with her though.  I love learning new things with someone else.  It makes it more fun and gives you someone else to bounce stuff off of when you might be stuck!

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Wow, I have so many languages I want to learn.  I honestly think the next one I want to learn though is Arabic.  I have a cousin who is studying Arabic right now so I've been picking up little things from her, here and there.  I think it'd be great to find the time to fully study it with her though.  I love learning new things with someone else.  It makes it more fun and gives you someone else to bounce stuff off of when you might be stuck!

Wow, arabic is an unusual one to learn. Is it hard to learn? What made you want to learn this, is it because of your cousin? I've never even thought of learning arabic.

I do agree that it is a lot more fun when you are learning a language with someone else.

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Next to English, which is my second language, i really want to learn Nippongo, the Japanese language. I have six units of this language when i chose it as my cognate when i had my graduate study, but since i cannot converse and practice to someone who speaks the language, i completely forgot about the language except for a few phrases.

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I would also love to learn Russian. I dont' know, it has always fascinated me. And when I'm done learning Russian I would like to learn Japanese or Korean because I love their cultures. I think that in order to learn a new language you have to love its culture first.

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I used to learn Spanish back when I was still in school, even though I had to learn it for about three years I never actually learned something useful that I could use outside of school. If I could choose whatever I want to be the next language I will successfully learn, I would want to learn Spanish again. Not because now I already have some knowledge of it and could have a head start, but also because the language itself always fascinated me. It has so many cool-sounding words and it could come in handy on vacation.

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I used to learn Spanish back when I was still in school, even though I had to learn it for about three years I never actually learned something useful that I could use outside of school. If I could choose whatever I want to be the next language I will successfully learn, I would want to learn Spanish again. Not because now I already have some knowledge of it and could have a head start, but also because the language itself always fascinated me. It has so many cool-sounding words and it could come in handy on vacation.

I am in the same situation as you, but with French instead of Spanish. We had to learn French in high school and I was never motivated to learn it then as I was more interested in other things. However, now I have left high school I realise I should've taken full advantage of the opportunity to learn a language for free. But you don't think like that when you're a teenager. I would also love to learn Spanish, as well as French and a few other languages. I find it a really attractive feature when someone can speak multiple languages and I think this is the reason why I want to learn new languages.

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It's always good to know a second language.While in high school I did french and spanish for two years. My favourite was french.I'd like to be able to speak french fluently because when I hear the language been spoken it excites me :grin:and makes me even more anxious to learn it.

I plan to go for it because you never know when it could be of great help :grin:

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Right at this moment I'm learning Korean, but I have a list of languages I'd like to learn. When and if I ever get a good grasp on Korean, I'll probably move on to either Russian or Arabic. I would also like to learn Arabic, Mandarin, French, Japanese and German, though I doubt I'll ever learn that many.

I'm not putting high priority in being completely fluent in the languages I'd like to learn. Having a conversational grasp on at least of few of them it what I'm aiming for, but I would like to be fluent in Korean and Russian.

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German. My aunt is living in Germany, so hopefully she can help me out a bit.

I currently speak English and Croatian, and I would love to at least understand German. I don't find it as a really beautiful language, but as an useful one - yes.

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I'd definately have to say French. I started learning it in high school but wasn't fortunate to complete it. My teacher taught the subject with such enthusiasm, you couldn't help but loving it :love:. I regret not being able to speak it fluently :sad:.

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Although English is my second language and I am still learning it, I think it's time to start moving to something new and unknown, which will most probably be Spanish. Personally I had very little experience with Spanish when I was in high school but It was enough to make me want to learn it after five years. I can't say that I am officially starting to study it but rather ease my way into it and don't obsess too much and just enjoy the whole experience. And probably reward myself with a trip to Spain in the summer, I think that will be a big motivation for me to actually achieve my goals and better myself.

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The next language I would like to learn is German. I would like to learn German because it is so closely related to Spanish. I would also like to learn German because it would make me bilingual. Being versatile in your languages will give you an edge over the competition. It's scientifically proven that bilingual people are less likely to suffer dementia later in life.

German is more closely similar to Dutch and a little farther away English :) not Spanish. Spanish is part of the romantic languages stemming from Latin. German and English stem from the Germanic language family, although the Germanic and Romantic language treess both belong to the Indo-European language family

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I learned a little bit of French in school. I would like to fully learn it and speak well.

I am also interested in Italian, as it is so similar to Spanish. I can read it and understand most of the words, but I dont understand it when it is spoken.

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I want to learn Portuguese. I have always been interested in the language and I have a few friends from Brazil. It's interesting to hear the sounds that are associated with certain Portuguese words. After that, I would like to learn Yoruba. Whenever I hear people speaking Yoruba it sounds musical. The language is very rhythmic.

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