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      For beginners: "What language should I learn"? "What is the easiest one"? (NOT MY QUESTION!) - Page 6 | Language Learning Jump to content

      For beginners: "What language should I learn"? "What is the easiest one"? (NOT MY QUESTION!)


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      Going off the idea that your maternal language is English then I would say it's probably Spanish. 

      Even though English is classed as a germanic language, it actually shares more words in common with the romantic languages and choosing one of those would probably be the easiest to learn.

      Obviously if you have a different mother tongue then you'll find a different language easier to learn. 

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      I think it's important to mention the perseverance factor.

      No matter how "easy" the language, if you don't stick with it then it will never be "learned".

      The example being, my mother language is English. In theory, languages like Spanish, French and German should be the easiest for me (as they are some of the closest languages to English.)

      However, I have very little interest in these languages. I don't really have much of a reason to use them and so I would probably give up along the way. Instead, I chose Japanese. A language which is one of the most different (and by extension most difficult) for native English speakers. 

      Sure, it will take me longer and it's more of a challenge but the fact that I'm more interested in the language and the culture means that I am more likely to stick to it (as I have done for the last 1.5 years) and eventually become proficient in speaking it.

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      • 1 month later...

      As the most important factor to start and keep learning is motivation, it's maybe better to focus on this starting point...

      Need: I want to visit China, I am an export manager...

      Passion: I love Korean dramas, fond of egyptology, bier lover,...

      Opportunity: living at the border, a Chinese neighbour, a Russian girlfriend/boyfriend

      Stress coefficient: Italian is easy (I am a Romance language native), Bulgarian (knowledge of Russian), ...

      "Officials" Languages of the worlds: United Nations pack

      The most spoken factor: Mandarin, Hindi...


      My choices:

      German, Italian, Spanish, English for business (and travels)

      Chinese: my Taichi teacher is a native and use Chinese and my new neighbour is Chinese

      Russian & Ukrainian: long time friends. So happy I am learning their language!


      Korean: Viki alcoholic

      Hindi: just curious and the voice India with incredible singers...


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        On 7/11/2019 at 6:20 PM, Xequeo said:

      As the most important factor to start and keep learning is motivation, it's maybe better to focus on this starting point...

      Need: I want to visit China, I am an export manager...

      Passion: I love Korean dramas, Fond of egyptology, Bier lover,...

      Opportunity: Living at the border, a Chinese neighbour, a Russian girlfriend/boyfriend

      Stress coefficient: Italian is easy (I am a Romance language native), Bulgarian (I am Russian), ...

      "Officials" Languages of the worlds: United Nations pack

      The most spoken factor: Mandarin, Hindi...


      My choices:

      German, Italian, Spanish, English for business (and travels)

      Chinese: my Taichi teacher is a native and use Chinese and my new neighbour is Chinese

      Russian & Ukrainian: long time friends. So happy I am learning their language!


      Korean: Viki alcoholic

      Hindi: just curious and the voice India with incredible singers...



      Wow, that is a very interesting answer Xequeo. So which of these factors is the most important one for you? Which of those languages would you really like to master in the future? I guess to master them all would be a little bit too much to ask for :=)


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      In fact they are the factors that made me study those languages... :-)

      The ever strongest factor has been the "girlfriend" one. Fan of boardgames too made me spend nights and days on rules translations starting at 10 years old!

      Nowdays I prefer to focus on known languages in order to improve or "refresh" those linked to a travel but an opportunity (I have two new Japenese friends in my course of Tai-Chi) could trigger for example a learning session of Japanese. Aging, business languages needs are less important... 

      If you have a good and strong motivation (not only a "need"), it is much easier to learn any language.

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      Learn English! There so many languages nowadays, but don't forget that English is the international one. By the way there so many good schools, teaching Englis. Now there so many sources to learn English but be careful when you choose because I have a lot of negative experience. At the end I chose Genius English, and that was my best choice. I really recommend this school.

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      • 4 weeks later...

      The importance of French on the international scene is becoming more and more critical, especially given the likely technological jump in francophone Africa.

      The advantages of speaking French are numerous.

      1. French is a Professional and Political Cornerstone.

      French is the most expansive language in the world–stretching 5 of the 6 inhabited continents–and an official language of the European Union, many African countries, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, and of course, France.

      1. It is the Language of Reason, Law, and Love.

      Structuring much of the legal foundation Europe now calls its justice system, French words can be found accross legal texts, all emanating from Napoleanic Code. If you’re interested in American law, you will surely come accross terms such as voire dire in the thick jury selection legal framework.

      French is has an incredible litterary and philosophic history, making up much of what we consider today as comtemporary philosophy. France was also such an integral part of the American Revolution that many of the Enlightenment and Transcendental ideas have a base in French texts. The very ideals so many Americans hold dear spun out of French Enlightenment writers.

      Paris is the most beautiful western city in my opinion. There is such much culture, so many different nationalities, significant political summits, and more. I feel like I’m travelling the globe in Paris. In order to succeed in visiting or living in Paris, you must speak French. Parisians don’t take too kindly to people expecting them to speak English.

      1. French Opens Doors to Commerce in Both Hemispheres.

      Because France is spoken accross the globe, it opens doors to business opportunities in every time zone. You might be thinking, “Wait, Noah, I can also speak English with these people.”

      To a degree you’re right. Most successful international businesspeople will speak English. But how much of a business decision is based on mutual trust? I have often found myself in discussions with French speakers. If we’re speaking in English and there is a communication problem, I can always rectify it in French. This has saved more than one meeting.

      1. French People are Notoriously Weak in English.

      So yes, most business people will speak English. However, I use French in 90% of business transactions with French speakers because, for whatever reason, they are notoriously weak in English.

      If you go to Germany, however, you might find yourself trying to keep up with the high-level command of English. I often get the impression Germans speak English better than I do…

      I recommend looking at if you're interested in learning. The articles have a good amount of information, and there's a free ebook

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      • 4 weeks later...

      Anyone who decides to learn another language must have a purpose first. As the world's tourism grows geometrically, people are becoming more interested in learning their destinations language. If you are not a native English speaker, definitely, English should be your first to learn.

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      • 4 weeks later...

      Hello everyone,

      I personally believe that it all depends on the learner, their interests, background and of course, native tongue. Something that I find easy, might be difficult for someone else. So the best thing to do is to follow your gut, this is what I always say :) If you like the language, you should definitely pursue it. I've written an article about this couple of months ago, it might help:

      Good luck!

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      • 1 year later...

      As a student, the language that I should learn is English. English is mostly the language of all. It is very important for me to learn this language because it gives me confidence to participate in a class discussion, improves my communication skills and it offers a lot of job opportunity in the future. For me the easiest language to learn, of course it's my native language. 

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      • 3 weeks later...

      There is no easy or difficult language. Every language is at the same time easy and difficult. I mean at the beginning it's tough but when you get experienced it's seems easy coz you forget the hard work you had done before that. If you wish please visit my tiktok : mrmekansenglishclub

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      • 7 months later...
      • 5 months later...

      I`m interested in learning German. And of course, I improve my level of English. It is not easy for a foreign student to get an education in the USA, but with the help of US essay ghostwriting I manage to turn in my homework on time. Sometimes I just don't have the time to learn everything on my own, so I ask for help.

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      • 2 months later...
      • 3 months later...

      I would suggest you start with English language or Spanish. 

      Though Spanish has up to six different time verbs so I might say a bit more difficult than English. 

      If you want to learn in English from the scratch check out this YouTube channel.

      Thank me later. This goes to everyone 

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