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How many languages do you speak?


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I can speak two languages fluently. My native language and english. I can also speak and understand a little german and spanish. But I don't consider myself fluent. I'm not that confident with my german and spanish.

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I speak four languages fluently. Two Chinese dialect, Indonesian and English. I also understand Mandarin a bit but not the writing since my parents never taught us though they both speak and write the language fluently. I am learning German right now through duolinguo.com and would like to learn some French and perhaps Spanish. I know some Japanese and Korean words just from watching the tv shows and the songs here and there.

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I speak about two languages. I am fluent in English, and I'm at the intermediate level when it comes to communicating in Spanish. I am better at reading and writing the language than at speaking and listening to it. I speak a little bit of French, and I can read and understand some aspects of it. I can also listen and understand some French words. I have yet to write in it. I also can speak a little Italian and I can read and understand some Italian words too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I speak two languages, which are English and Chinese. I speak two dialogues in Chinese, which one is Cantonese and the other one is Mandarin. I also learned French when I was in college, but I dropped out the class because it was too difficult for me.

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I am native speak of Arabic. I have mastered a good level of English and Hebrew. Then comes the French language which I have mastered 80% of the language. Then comes the Spanish language which I am at the beginner area. :)

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Right now I only speak 2 languages fluently.  I can understand or read other languages at a very basic level but that's it. The two languages I speak fluently are: English & Spanish.  I can also read hebrew, I can speak some norwegian and swedish. I'm also trying to learn Dutch right now, but I've stopped studying it for a bit because I'm way too busy working! Besides, I haven't moved to the netherlands yet... so I'll not resume this until I move there for good.  There is no point in trying to learn it now, since I can't practice it.

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  • 1 month later...

I suppose I'm in the 2 camp if you round up...English is my native language. At one point I spoke/understood Spanish quite fluently, but I haven't kept up with it and feel I really need to refresh quite a bit for it to count- so I give that one 1/2. I can also speak some Latin, but not conversationally at this point, so another 1/2 there. ;)

There are other languages I know a few key phrases, numbers, and words in but it's very broken and inconsistent.

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I speak two languages: Spanish and English. I can read, write and speak both fluently, but I like writing in Spanish more. I'm also learning German so I know a bit of German but definitely not enough to maintain a conversation.

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I am a native English speaker and fluent in French. I can pick out a few words in Spanish and Italian but no where near proficient to string a sentence together. I have two sons aged four and seven, both born in France who have chosen French as their native language and English as their second...We are as a family quite fluent "Franglais" speakers LOL! I am waiting for the boys to choose a third language and I will learn it with them! I'll keep you posted on which one it turns out to be!

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  • 2 months later...

Presently, I am fluent in two languages, Jamaican Creole, my native tongue and English which is the language that I was taught in school from an early age. I also know some level of Spanish and it is my dream to one day master it too, then I can proudly say that I am fluent in three languages.

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I speak four languages. English, Filipino, Ilocano, Ifontok although I can't speak fluent Ifontok, I understand it well which is still a mystery since I never grew up in our province. We have different languages in the Philippines which is also a blessing and a curse in some ways because people cannot understand each other well but sometimes is a good thing.

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