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Everything posted by linguaholic

  1. Have you been watching The walking dead on netflix? The subtitles don't make sense sometimes :=)
  2. Hi there Feel free to document about your learning process here on linguaholic.com. I am curious to see how it goes. regards L
  3. Hey djordje87 Yes, feel free to add more English one's and then you can provide the Serbian equivalents. That would be awesome. Thank you !
  4. I remember that homepage. The project is absolutely adorable. I find it interesting that the actual owners/makers of this project are NOT Chinese. I hope the website and the contents will grow in the future. Having a large amount of text corpora (both written and spoken) will be a very valuable thing, both in terms of culture and language technology.
  5. We had a pretty similar discussion in another thread here on linguaholic.com. Please have a look here: So if you would like to talk about ASL being Universal/international or not, please do that there. Thank you for your understanding. regards L
  6. I have done 4 and 5. You might wanna start a little bit higher than 1 because 1 is gonna be very easy and the use of owning HSK Level 1 is probably very 'limited'.
  7. Wow, those words are really beautiful. Unfortunately I do not speak Spanish yet but I can definitely feel the magic that comes with them!
  8. I didn't even know that. However, I probably know more about the etymology of Chinese Characters than German
  9. Dear Brian It is a big honor to have you back on linguaholic.com! I hope you are enjoying the new forum design/software! If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know! All the best Lingua PS: I see that you decided to make a new account. Is there a problem with your old account? If yes, please let me know. I am sure I can fix it.
  10. Yes, Google saves that stuff automatically. Don't worry about it :=)
  11. Willkommen SkyFox! Ich hoffe, dass es Dir hier auf Linguaholic.com gut gefallen wird! Falls ich etwas für dich tun kann, dann gib mir bitte Bescheid. Beste Grüsse L
  12. Ok, let me add some Chinese terms that are difficult to translate: There is the word 麻烦 [má fan] in Chinese. I don't say that Ma Fan can not be translated into English, however it is not easy. Depending on the situation, many different translations are possible. Chinese people use this phrase all the time to express that something is actually very troublesome and/or annoying. Then, there is the word 道. It means way/method/road/path, just to name some of the more important meanings of the character. It also stands for Taoism. However, a lot of Chinese experts prefer NOT to translate this term when translating from Chinese into their native language because the character 道 is loaded with so many different meanings. This is especially the case when 道 is used in a religious context. If you are not familiar with 道, you might want to read the classic 道德經。According to tradition, this awesome work has been written by 老子 Lǎozǐ. You might have heard about him if you do care a bout Chinese Philosophy/though/religion.
  13. oh Rome. Such a great city. However, it is a little bid dangerous. I went there once and there were a lot of thieves in the streets. Apart from that it was a wonderful experience
  14. Where exactly in Italy do you live Mameha? I like Italy. It's a really beautiful place!
  15. no problem at all. I think we eve have more threads like this on here. Let me do some 'reserach' ^^
  16. That's an interesting question Mameha. Some time ago we had some threads about this 'phenomenon'. For instance, please have a look at this thread here: http://linguaholic.com/topic/2584-tagalog-words-with-no-direct-translation-to-english/ I will try to think about some in my native language (German) and maybe add some Chinese examples.
  17. I guess I can help you, at least with Chinese. Your English seems to be OK, though.
  18. Dear Mameha Very warm welcome to to Linguaholic.com! Are you actually from Italy? I am from Switzerland and I do speak German, French, English and Chinese. As you probably know, we also speak Italian here in Switzerland. However, I did not yet have the chance to learn it. But i really like the sound of Italian and I guess it would be pretty easy to learn, as I already speak French. So maybe we can help each other? I have been studying Chinese at University of Zurich, so feel free to ask me any question about it. In any case, I hope you will have lots of interesting discussions here on linguaholic.com! Best wishes Linguaholic
  19. Wow, that sounds awesome Miya! I am proud of you! Hope everything is going just fine for you there. And of course you are still welcome in the forum! We are more than glad that you are back! Best wishes L
  20. In Switzerland English, German, French and Italian is important. Depending on where you are living in Switzerland, you will definitely need to know either German, French or Italian. On top of that you should be able to speak English as well (not very surprising, is it). Then again, in some regions of Switzerland, it is a must to be able to speak German and French. In my city, for instance, German and French is a must because the city is bilingual. So to get a decent job you will need to be fluent in both. Italian is crucial in the italian speaking part of Switzerland, however, it can still be a valuable asset to know Italian for some international business or business that spreads all across the country. The same with French -->Many employers are in need of someone who can actually master German, French and maybe a third language like Italian. So knowing these 3 languages is definitely improving your chances of getting a decent job on the job market.
  21. This question might sound a little bit stupid for some: Do you have words for "yes" and "no" in your language? This question is actually not as trivial as it sounds because some languages actually do NOT have a single word for 'yes' and another single word for 'no'. How can this be? Well, in some languages, the answer to a specific question has to be given according to the words used in the original question. How are questions raised and answered in your language? Please let everybody know and provide some examples!
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