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Everything posted by linguaholic

  1. well it really depends. In some tasks literal translations are preferred, in others a more semantic approach is desired. If I'm going to translate a book, the author of the book is hopefully going to tell me how he would like to have it translated, but in general 'book translations' are of course more semantic-oriented than other translation tasks. When translating a service manual, I guess it is just really important to get your point across, even if you use different sentence structures and so on, but the purpose of such a document needs to be 'clarity', so sticking to specific sentences structures is probably less important. Culturally speaking, some jokes and some content has to be adapted in any case, because it could well be that a concept/content of the source context is inappropriate in the target language or maybe it does not exist or means sometimes else. So this is probably the true art of translating to consider all these things and produce a text that flows nicely in the target language and gets the desired message/emotions and semantics of the source language perfectly across.
  2. Reading a lot and writing new words down at the same time is definitely a good way to learn a new language. Writing down vocabulary is by far the best way for me to remember it. Just hearing stuff has never really been a quick and effective help for me.
  3. Sounds like a good idea to me ! wish you good luck with Spanish then! regards lingua
  4. I am in London at the moment.Once i get back to Switzerland I will provide some examples for you!
  5. Je suis Suisse alors j'aime bien le Fondue:) C'est très simple à faire comme on utilise pas beaucoup d'ingrédients.
  6. Thank you for sharing your experience Multilingo. So you moved to Germany, right? Why did you move there? Because of some kind of job opportunity or are you especially fond of Germany/german culture? Kind regards Lingua
  7. This kinda looks like Futhark to me. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Younger_Futhark https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Futhark
  8. Hey Gabriela. First of all I would like to say Welcome to linguaholic.com! It's nice have you here. Moreover, I would like to thank you for sharing your experience with Spanish / Portuguese. I love the way you put your experience ((Advantage: Portuguese is very similar to Spanish. Disadvantage: Portuguese is very similar to Spanish.) Pretty funny :=) However, I can really understand that this might be exactly the problem: It is too similar, so it gets you confused, right?
  9. Interesting story, FlagOnce. I have studied French for years but I never really asked myself about the origin of the mysterious Circumflex. It makes a lot more sense now! Thank you for sharing.!
  10. I have never heard about it, but I gotta say that website looks amazing. Kinda like Duolingo :=) I own Heisig's book and his approach is definitely an interesting one. If I can find some time I am going to check this WaniKani thing out. bW L
  11. Hi Kyrne It's a pleasure to have you here on linguaholic.com! Hopefully my forum gives you the necessary motivation and passion to go on with your language studies and hopefully you can make a lot of friends here! If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know. I hope you enjoy the new design of linguaholic.com. You have probably not seen the old one, though :=) regards Lingua
  12. I am going to add this to the list. then you can choose it as well :=) (see the poll above). regards Lingua PS: I forgot to add Sanskrit to the list. Stupid me
  13. Hi / Hello / 你好 /Bonjour / Guten Tag Carina! Thank you for joining linguaholic.com! I am sure you will have a lot of fun here ! Ich begrüsse Dich ganz herzlich auf meinem Sprachforum. Solltest du irgendwelche Fragen haben über das Forum an und für sich oder sonst irgendwelche Fragen, dann melde Dich einfach bei mir. Beste Grüsse Lingua
  14. Dear Michelle Thank you so much for those kind words. While this website is not exactly new, the design is brand new. I am so happy to hear that you like the forum. This is what keeps me going on with it. If there is anything I can do for you or if you are missing something on linguaholic.com (like a different section for subject x), please let me know. I always try to improve linguaholic.com and I value member input a lot! Best wishes Lingua
  15. Dear Linguaholics What's the most beautiful script in your opinion? Please share some pictures that go along with your pick of the most beautiful script ever. I would go for Manchu. My second favorite script is Chinese (Traditional Characters).
  16. Korean is truly fascinating. Moreover, Hangul (Hangeul) is often considered to be the most logical script every made! Thanks for sharing some facts about that fascinating language!
  17. What's special about your language? Every language has some special aspects. Let me start with my mother tongue: German. One funny thing about German is that there are a lot of compound words. In this kind of aspect, German is very flexible. It let's you put together an almost endless amount of nouns in one word. So you could have a word like "Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz". Tell us something special about your language. It can be about the Script, Grammar, Pronunciation. Whatever. You choose and introduce
  18. That is an interesting suggestion. I will have a look into it. Thank you!
  19. It can be really frustrating at times...that's true. When reading some stuff I always feel like : Ah, now I know most of the vocabulary..just to realize a second later that I still have to look up the next word in the dictionary. There are just so many characters, words and expressions in Chinese...I just really feel like the vocabulary is endless. kinda like in English. English is pretty easy to learn to a certain extent, however, the amount of vocabulary is overwhelming.
  20. It really seems like you have a lot of passion for languages! That's great. I am the same! I completely agree that Grammar is the most difficult thing about Japanese. Chinese Grammar is so simple compared to Japanese Grammar. The cool thing about Japanese is that you don't have to worry too much about Pronunciation. The fact that Chinese is a tonal language does it make considerably more difficult.
  21. Sounds good Richard! 6 sounds like a great number. I am at 4 now but I would like to add Spanish and maybe Japanese as well. Spanish will be pretty easy, as I already speak French. But Japanese will still be a tough one, even considering that I know Chinese. It just really helps me with writing and understanding Kanji. But there is so much more when it comes to learning Japanese!
  22. Welcome to linguaholic.com! Hope you have lots of fun here and many interesting conversations about language learning! If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know! best wishes Lingua
  23. Hi blackshaky How's your progress in Japanese? It's pretty hard, isn't it ? :=)
  24. Problems solved, Trellum? I think so :=) I am so happy about the forum software update. Everything looks and feels so STATE-OF-THE-ART now. Well, almost everything. We are still on the standard theme now, but we are working on a great custom theme. Will be up in a few weeks the latest. Really looking forward to it. For those of you who use mobile devices for accessing the website, I am pretty positive that everything got much easier/faster and prettier now. IPB forum software is amazing for access from mobile devices. That was the main reason for the switch to the new software anyway. Hopefully you guys all are enjoying this change! I really do, that's for sure
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