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Everything posted by linguaholic

  1. Thanks for that FlagOnce! I often have trouble with the use of "tout/toutes/tous/toute". Especially when writing, I always have to think about the correct morphological form.
  2. Thank you for that interesting introduction. I didn't know that the "Florentine dialect is" is like the key dialect of the Italian language!
  3. Sounds fantastic Blaveloper! Unfortunately I am on a Mac. Any chance you are going to release that for Mac / Linux as well?
  4. Hi Beatrish! So nice to have you here on linguaholic.com! I like your vision and your dreams! You really have interesting plans! My mother tongue is German, so feel free to ask me any question about it. warm welcome & best wishes Lingua
  5. Wow, didn't even know that colors look so beautiful in the new forum software. Awesome!
  6. While I would not say that they are all simple, I would still agree with the quintessence of Tyrells' message :=) I am also terrible at drawing but was still able to learn how to write an endless amount of Chinese Characters.
  7. I think it is completely fine to introduce some basic concepts in English, as long as your English is easy to understand. It does not need to be perfect, if you ask me. Feel free to share some links to your content, so it will be easier for us to give you some feedback on it!
  8. Hi Nihlus First of all: Welcome to linguaholic.com! As you see in profile, I am studying Chinese. I have a lot of Chinese friends here in Switzerland and we often talk in Chinese. However, I also feel like my Chinese is still rather limited in terms of speaking and I feel like I am using the same words and expressions over and over again. Especially when I am tired I will just start speaking in German or in English. I guess it is just really really important that you try forcing yourself to keep on speaking the foreign language in question, even when being tired or feeling ashamed. Good friends will definitely not make fun of you and will help you to improve your speaking. Many people are not going to correct your mistakes, unless you ask them to do so. I always tell my friends: "Please correct me if I am making a grammar mistake or pronounce something wrong". Like this you can learn a lot.
  9. You might wanna have a look at this here Fegg. regards
  10. I like your approach on how to learn a new language. A lot of the things you mentioned in the last paragraph are very useful and I am doing stuff like this as well!
  11. Welcome onboard Fegg! It's nice having you here. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know! See you in the threads! Regards Lingua
  12. Hi ancestraltongue Warm welcome to linguaholic.com! According to your profile you are studying Hebrew, Italian and Russian at the same time? That sounds really interesting. Why those 3 languages? Just curious. regards Lingua
  13. Ach wirklich? Wenn du in deinem Profil auf Nachrichten gehst...dort gibt es keine Nachricht? (PM) ?
  14. Welcome to Linguaholic! Lots of people interested in Japanese and Korean have joined the forums recently. So I am sure you will have a good time here! Best wishes L
  15. Agreed. However, I guess for adults who have been speaking their native language for dozens of years, they could problably never forget it, even if they would stop using it for like 5 or even 10 years.
  16. Hi Ich glaube auch, dass es für Ausländer schwierig ist, die Artikel zu lernen. Meine Muttersprache ist Deutsch, daher war es für mich natürlich verhältnismässig einfach zu lernen. Es ist aber in der Tat so, dass Ausländer immer wieder Fehler machen im Umgang mit den Artikeln. Ist aber eigentlich auch absolut verständlich, denn die Artikel bleiben ja nicht immer gleich und wie du schon gesagt hast, gibt es hier nicht wirklich handfeste Regeln dazu. Allerdings gibt es gewisse Suffixe, die einem dabei helfen können, den richtigen Artikel für die Nomen zu finden. Beispielsweise ist der Artikel für Nomen, die auf -chen enden, immer 'Das'. --->Das Hündchen, Das Mädchen, etc. Hast du meine private Nachricht eigentlich gelesen, Multilingo? Beste Grüsse L
  17. As for your Japanese studies, you might wanna have a look at this: regards L
  18. You are right multilingo. Vox and prosieben provide some good content (online).
  19. Trellum, you just love to talk about food, don't you ? :=))))
  20. There are some good TV stations in Germany/Austria. Most of them also have an online presence and many of them offer their TV-related-content online as well. You may wanna have a look at some of those ARD TV Station http://www.ard.de/home/ard/ARD_Startseite/21920/index.html ZDF TV Station http://www.zdf.de/ZDFmediathek#/hauptnavigation/startseite RTL TV Station https://www.google.ch/?gws_rd=ssl#q=rtl+mediathek ORF http://tvthek.orf.at/ You might be able to find some nice tv shows there. Please have a look and let me know what you think about it. regards Lingua
  21. Hy LCastellano Warm welcome to linguaholic.com Yet another Japanese learner! It is crazy how many people are interested in the Japanese language. There must be something magical about that language / culture. In fact there is --> I also studied Japanese for some time and I have been to Japan twice. Very interesting country!
  22. Thank you for this great example FlagOnce. You can find this 'phenomenon' in all languages. 'Verre' / 'vert' / 'vers' all sound very similar. Can you even hear a difference when someone is speaking them out loud? Probably pretty hard. Non-native speakers would definitely have to rely on context to hear the difference. Then there are of course also homonyms and they are written in the exact same way. So in german we have the word 'Schloss', which can stand for 'Castle' as well as 'door lock'. In both cases it is written 'Schloss'.
  23. Hi SilverGlyph Welcome to linguaholic.com! Hope you have a great time here. regards Lingua
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