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Everything posted by linguaholic

  1. if you are going to Nanjing, make sure to go to S.I.T coffee. There are 3 or 4 SIT coffees in Nanjing. All of them are great and it is very easy to meet and talk to young people there. It is called 雕刻时光 in Chinese.
  2. Hey there I have been in China for one year as well. It is pretty easy to start a communication in coffee places in China. However, Shanghai might be a little bit more difficult than other places. I can highly recommend you to go to Nanjing. It is just one hour away from Beijing and it is very beautiful. Moreover, less people speak English in Nanjing than in Shanghai, so it is kinda like the perfect environment for studying Chinese. And it is really cheap too. I can tell you about some good places in Nanjing, if you want me to. kind regards Lingua
  3. Hi there Marissa I have just seen your message. I guess now it is already too late for suggestions, right? In any case I read through your 'essay' and if you ask me it is very well written :grin: kind regards linguaholic
  4. Hi there I have never heard about that school, I am sorry. Their homepage looks ok though :=) regards Lingua
  5. This topic has been moved to Promote your Language Learning Website. [iurl]http://linguaholic.com/index.php?topic=3987.0[/iurl]
  6. Well, I guess you could use that one too. However, it is grammatically not very correct. However, in oral conversation, you could use this one too, that's right!
  7. Hi there If you are phisically 'at the airport' you would say: "Ich bin am Flughafen". "Also, I understand "am Flughafen" to mean things surrounding the airport." This is basically correct. If you would like to refer to things at the airport, you could use 'am Flughafen' as well. regards Lingua
  8. Oh...Welkom already provided some resources. I haven't seen that :=) Thank you Welkom :grin:
  9. Hi there I am not studiyng Spanish but I am pretty sure you can find such a list. I will have a look for it as well. If I can find something useful, I will let you know. Best wishes Lingua
  10. This topic has been moved to Promote your Language Learning Website. [iurl]http://linguaholic.com/index.php?topic=3981.0[/iurl]
  11. This topic has been moved to Promote your Language Learning Website. [iurl]http://linguaholic.com/index.php?topic=1553.0[/iurl]
  12. Thank you for providing those links EmmaUsine. Please have a look here to find a huge list with good resources for the study of the Chinese language: http://linguaholic.com/online-language-learning-resources/study-chinese-links/
  13. This topic has been moved to Promote your Language Learning Website. [iurl]http://linguaholic.com/index.php?topic=3951.0[/iurl]
  14. This topic has been moved to Promote your Language Learning Website. [iurl]http://linguaholic.com/index.php?topic=3957.0[/iurl]
  15. This topic has been moved to Promote your Language Learning Website. [iurl]http://linguaholic.com/index.php?topic=2746.0[/iurl]
  16. Dear Gimx! Welcome to linguaholic.com! Well, what about Chinese? It is super useful, very beatiful, hard-to-learn and mostly magic. I have been studying Chinese for many years now and I am still enjoying it a lot. :grin:
  17. Agreed. Immersion is the best thing you can do. However, as seankim mentioned, not everyone has the opportunity to do so.
  18. It does make sense Filipe! It almost looks like you are studying computational linguistics...:=) I do, by the way. That is true as well. So, the more data (parallela corpora), the better the translation. This also means that in 10 years time, the translations will be much better, as google will have much more data than now. The lack of language data is indeed a big problem, especially for exotic, low-resourced-languages.
  19. Did you ever heard about TED Talks? If yes, what is your opinion about it? I recently had to hold a presentation about the TED Open Translation Project. It's quite interesting. Please have a look: https://www.ted.com/about/programs-initiatives/ted-open-translation-project
  20. Wow, they even support Turkish now. They seem to cover a lot of languages recently. :grin:
  21. Sounds like you are a true linguaholic violetcities :wacky: By the way, are you German? you just mentioned zhat your native language is German... I am Swiss, so my native language is German too (Swiss German). Welcome to Linguaholic! It's nice having you here! kind regards lingua
  22. I do agree. It is not abut the method you choose, its all about pasdion, perseverence and motivation/goal!
  23. Hey Taurean Welcome to linguaholic.com! It's nice to have you here. Where are you located at the moment? As Norwegian is your mother tongue, I guess you might be living in Norway? kind regards Linguaholic
  24. That's a good question Anonymuser. A few years ago I studied some Japanese and I had the same problem. I will ask my Japanese friend about it, as I also can't remember regards lingua
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