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Everything posted by linguaholic

  1. Hi Takibari Welcome to linguaholic.com! You have just mentioned that you are working with Koreans, right? Does that mean you are teaching them English? We have a few people talking Korean here in this forum....they might be willing to teach you Korean if you can help them with English :grin: Have a nice day and enjoy the forums! best wishes lingua
  2. Well, there is maybe no Chinese Hollywood, however, there are still a lot of possibilities to watch Chinese movies/series/TV on the internet for free and also from the US. Let me suggest you a few sources: 1. CCTV (The main Chinese TV stations; you can watch them online) 2. PPTV (Software for Mac/Windows; after download you will be able to watch thousands of series/films/documentaries in Chinese) 3. QQ (Same as PPTV; Quality is lower, however there are even more films available than on PPTV). 4. xiami.com (It's not about films, it's all about music here. You can stream an endless number of Chinese albums and singles online here.
  3. Thank you Nikolic for sharing your favorite language learning applications! I just new the first one and Babbel. I will have a look at the others! They look really useful. Are you using all of them regularly?
  4. Hi Andrew! It's great to see someone from Kenya joining www.linguaholic.com! I didn't know that we are that universal yet *.* I am studying Chinese at University. If you have any question about this beautiful language, please let me know Andrew. Hope you will have a great time here on www.linguaholic.com Kind regards Lingua
  5. Hi there Nice to have you on linguaholic.com! What languages are you studying at the moment if I may ask? Have a nice Sunday and enjoy your time in the forum :grin: best wishes lingua
  6. Hey Meerkat Thank you for the suggestion! I am always happy to see new suggestions for www.linguaholic.com and I am always willing to talk about creating new subforums :grin: However, in the case of Polish, I would like to ask you to create some threads in the "Study Other Languages" Section first and then we will see how it goes. If many people are interested in Polish, I will create the Polish subforum later on. Please note that some month ago, www.linguaholic.com had like 50 or 70 subforums more and at this point we decided to make the forum more compact and the layout more "overseeable", so we merged a lot of forums and deleted a few subforums.
  7. You are welcome thefluentape! I am not just the admin of this forum, I am also a passionate Linguaholic :grin: And of course I love to see this community grow, so I am more than happy to greet new Linguaholics! :grin: Kind regards Lingua
  8. Hi Meerkat I am happy to see another eager Linguaholic on www.linguaholic.com! Good luck with Russian! You might want to check out our link list for the study of the Russian language: http://linguaholic.com/online-language-learning-resources/useful-links-for-russian-language-learners/ Have a good day! See you in the threads Lingua
  9. That's a pretty accurate way to put it BearAcrosser! I also heard about Papa New Guinea being the place where the most languages are existing/spoken! That is really fascinating, isn't it?
  10. Kuchiplay just mentioned that the App is available for PC as well, so you could indeed check the App out, couldn't you? You probably didn't read the text very carefully :=) Well, that can happen. @kuchiplay Please keep in mind that www.linguaholic.com is not an advertising platform. However, you presented your App in a nice way and in the appropriate forum, so I am willing to "accept" this post. Please don't advertise your App in different sub-forums. If you do so, I will find out anyway. Unfortunately I don't own any Android devices, so I can't try your app. Anyway, I wish you the best of luck with your App!
  11. Guten Tag :=) Vielen Dank, dass du unserer Community beigetreten bist! I hope you will have a good time here at www.linguaholic.com! If there is anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to contact me! :grin:
  12. "I used to tease my mom with this one all the time when she was watching her soap operas. I used to sneak up on her and shout "Crazy Glue!" at the top of my lungs. She hated that." That's pretty funny Hemikune :=)
  13. It does not mean that it is not happening anymore at all, however I have been very busy recently so I stopped doing it. Still, if you have a question about Chinese/Chinese Characters, feel free to ask me about it at any given time! :grin:
  14. Oh, is that so? I was completely unaware of that fact! In this case, I will soon change it into Study Filipino.! I did not want to be rude or something! Thank you for pointing this out! kind regards lingua
  15. You are welcome christendenkt ! If you should have any questions about the German Language, feel free to contact my at any given time *.*, I will be glad to assist you. Best wishes Marcel
  16. Thank you for that lovely introduction christendenkt! And to answer your question: Ja, ich spreche Deutsch. Meine Muttersprache ist Deutsch. Allerdings bin ich Schweizer, aber in der Schweiz sprechen wir ja auch Deutsch :=) You seem to have a lot of passion for languages, we have that in common! It's great having you here. I hope we can have many interesting discussions about languages and language learning! kind regards from Switzerland lingua
  17. For Chinese, there are several good ones: If you would like to study for Chinese exams (HSK), you could try the following: https://www.hskflashcards.com If you would like to make your own flashcards and study different flashcard sets, you might wanna use SKRITTER (it's really good, not for free though) http://www.skritter.com Another one is NCIKU. It is basically a dictionary, but there is a really handy flashcard section as well. There are 100's of pre made flashcard vocabulary sets from other users that you can choose from. You can also compile your own sets. http:://www.nciku.com The best flashcard programm by far, in my opinion, is PLECO Flashcards. It is not exactly a website though. It is an APP for Android and iOS (the main app is free and the flashcard module is a few dollars).
  18. Hi PixelBaebee It's great to have you here on www.linguaholic.com! You are going to move to Belgium soon, right? May I ask you why? Currently you are living in the US though? That's a pretty big thing to move country, isn't it? I ope you will have a good time here! Warm regards from Switzerland Lingua
  19. Hey there Saholy! Thank you for that explanation of the word Azafady. My malay is rather limitied, so I did not have any clue about the meaning of it! In your signature I can see that you know ASL? Is that right? I would love to hear more about that. There are not many people out there having knowledge in ASL. Have a good weekend! Lingua
  20. Great share Kangoo! :grin: What does "Je troque" mean. I am not familiar with the verb "troquer".
  21. Hey Nikolic Does that mean you were not allowed to edit them? I think the problem is that you can only edit your posts for a pretty short time and then the system blocks the ability to change/alter posts. However, if you want I can change it for you and I will have a look in that matter and will allow users more time to edit their posts! Have a nice weekend! regards lingua
  22. Hey there Nice to meet you Rahstyles! I speak Chinese..so if you have any questions about it, feel free to ask me. I have been studying Chinese for many years, so I hope I could be of some help to say the least :=) I have just seen that one of your hobbies is "Rap"? Did I get that correctly? Your introduction there was in Japanese and my Japanese is really basic, so maybe I got that wrong. kind regards lingua
  23. In this case, kannst du ein Buch mir geben is completely wrong. If there is a direct object and an indirect object, the indirect object (mir) will be first. "Ein Buch" is the direct object and will, therefore, be placed after the indirect object (mir).
  24. I never heard about the last one: The devil makes work for idle hands Sounds pretty cool! I will try to keep this one in mind! Thank you Raytalks!
  25. Hi Nicolic Welcome to www.linguaholic.com! It is really nice having you here! There is no sub-forum for Language Logs yet, that is true. However, I am willing to create this kind of sub forum if your log posts turns out to to be a success :wacky: Please understand that there are already so man sub-forums on www.linguaholic.com and some of them are rather empty, so I am cautious about creating sub forums on a daily basis :=))) If there is anything I can do for you please let me know. If you have basic suggestions about new forums or new features on linguaholic.com, please let me know as well! Have a good day Lingua
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