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Everything posted by linguaholic

  1. By the way, I have quite a lot of Italian friends. I can probably introduce you to some of them.
  2. Hey Scoi If I were you, I would probably combine both methods in order to get the most out of your "Italian studies". Instead of Duolingo and such I would probably recommend you to buy a book about Italian Grammar. It doesn't really matter which language you are studying, but Grammar will always be an essential part of studying a new language. Moreover, you could probably try to make some Italian friends online, so you could engage in conversations with them over Skype or MSN. Where are you living right now, if I may ask? kind regards Lingua
  3. Wow, thanks for that explanation HeyImLeeroy! That's really an interesting story!
  4. Your welcome SoBizarre If there is anything else I can do for you, please let me know. regards from Switzerland Lingua
  5. Hi Ang.diwata Welcome to the linguaholic.com language learning family :grin: It's great to have another member that is interested in Asian Languages, such as Mandarin/Japanese/Korean. I am studying Mandarin at University and I am also very interested about Japanese and Korean in the future! You already understand Spanish, that is great. Spanish is also a language that I would like to learn in the near future. As I already speak French, I am pretty positive that I can 'pick up' the basics pretty fast :wacky: But still, learning a new language is never easy, you still need an aim/goal and some motivation! Anyway, It's nice to have you here in the forums. Hopefully see you in the threads soon! regards Lingua
  6. Hey 2times You need to read more carefully what others have written about this matter :=) This feature is already available (as a matter of fact has always been available) and you can easily change the notification alerts from within your forum profile. All you have to do is going to your forum profile, then go to Notifications and there you can make the adjustments. For instance, you can choose to get notified by E-Mail whenever someone replies to your thread/post (When sending notification of a reply to a topic, send the post in the email (but please don't reply to these emails.))
  7. Hey Lasonax, when you notice that we already have a similar thread, feel free to merge the topics or to paste the link of the other thread in here, so that we can continue to discuss the matter in the 'already existing thread'. Thanks, man!
  8. We already have a thread about this topic: http://linguaholic.com/general-discussion/how-many-languages-do-you-speak/15/ I might gonna merge the two topics later on tonight or tomorrow.
  9. I am sorry but I'm having trouble to understand what you mean exactly. Could you please tell me in some more detail what you are looking for? Thank you!
  10. Hey Guys You might want to have a look at this thread here: http://linguaholic.com/german-grammar/the-german-genders-are-driving-me-crazy/ Especially have a look at what our Member Manuel Fuchs wrote. He breaks down things really well. If you have more questions about this, please feel free to ask me (I'm a German native speaker).
  11. Dear Karean Aren't you talking about something like this, Karean? You have maybe just not seen this section, yet. http://linguaholic.com/online-language-learning-resources/ Please have a look at it and tell me if this is what you were looking for :grin: In any case, thank you very much for the suggestion!
  12. Share your favorite Tongue Twisters Tongue Twisters are a funny thing, right? I would like to share a few with all of you guys. When posting your favourite tongue twisters, please indicate the language in brackets, like I did for [swiss German] Let's start with some Swiss German Tongue Twisters: [sWISS GERMAN TONGUE TWISTERS] "Dr Papscht het ds Spiez ds Späckbschteck ds spät bschteut." "Dr Whisky-Mixer mixet Whisky, Dr Whisky-Mixer mixet Whisky" "Lütis Lüti lütet lüter aus lütis Lüti lütet"
  13. Well, we already have this kind of forum, dorannwin. Please have a look here: http://linguaholic.com/study-other-languages/
  14. Dear Hoodoowytch You are right, it is really not easy to find good online resources for the study of Native American Languages. You might want to have a look here for some valuable resources for American Native languages: http://www.nativeweb.org/resources/languages_linguistics/native_american_languages/
  15. Hey Cielosur Welcome to the Linguhaolic Language learning family! We got them all here: French, Spanish, English. So please don't worry. :grin: I am sure you can find some useful information here! And of course, if you could spread some knowledge about English/Spanish that would be awesome too! Warm regards from Switzerland Lingua
  16. This topic has been moved to Online Language Learning Resources. [iurl]http://linguaholic.com/index.php?topic=1993.0[/iurl]
  17. This topic has been moved to Online Language Learning Resources. [iurl]http://linguaholic.com/index.php?topic=1914.0[/iurl]
  18. This topic has been moved to Online Language Learning Resources. [iurl]http://linguaholic.com/index.php?topic=1980.0[/iurl]
  19. This topic has been moved to Online Language Learning Resources. [iurl]http://linguaholic.com/index.php?topic=1178.0[/iurl]
  20. Hi Tim I can assure you that we have a quite a lot of Japanese learners here on linguaholic.com. If you are searching for the ideal study method, you can definitely get some inputs on here! Thank you very much for joining linguaholic.com! best wishes Lingua
  21. This is actually what I meant Miya :=) Maybe I did not get the messages across :grin:
  22. I have never heard about this rather special from Li Yang. Well, after all, I don't think that it is a very effective method and you can possibly just use this method for a very short time, as nobody is capable of shouting all the time. However, according to my experience, Chinese people or let's say Asian people in general are often pretty shy when it comes to speaking (out loud) foreign languages, so if they are forced that way to be brave and to speak out loud what they learned in a foreign language, this might have some positive effect on their studies. What is more is the fact that in my opinion, using rather weird study techniques works best and in this case the shouting out loud of Vocabulary might really help to create some sort of mnemonic device for the actual word/vocabulary.
  23. Glad to hear that we've got an other Linguaholic "on board" :grin: Thank you for this short introduction of yours, we appreciate it. Hopefully see you in the threads very soon! best wishes, Lingua
  24. Hi Juan To get you started with those two languages, a little link list could be helpful, right? Please have a look here for some good online resources for the study of Japanese and Chinese http://linguaholic.com/chinese-links/study-chinese-links/ http://linguaholic.com/japanese-links/study-japanese-links/ See you in the threads! kind regards from Switzerland Lingua
  25. It doesn't matter Eppie. It was my pleasure to search on the internet for the Chinese "counterpart" of that Chinese proverb! It is just really interesting to see the proverbs in different languages (translations). The meaning they convey is just never really exactly the same :grin:
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