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Everything posted by linguaholic

  1. Thank you for those links Esperahol I really enjoy the last of those three links! I found lots of useful information there. Moreover, they have a pretty impressive list with links to other great "Learning-Japanese-Websites".
  2. That sounds lovely Erika! It must have been a very exciting experience to teach English in Korea, right? I would love to hear more about it!
  3. Thank you for those lovely quotes Emily. I really like the one from Confucius that you have just mentioned! I would definitely agree with it.
  4. Dear Erika Please have a look here for some opinions on the most beautiful french words: http://linguaholic.com/french-vocabulary-69/most-beautiful-french-word(s)/ regards lingua
  5. I know a guy that speaks about 10 languages. Maybe some more. For instance, he speaks German, French, Spanish, Bosnian, Russian, Chinese and also Cantonese (Chinese Dialect).
  6. I am currently fluent in German, French, English and Chinese. I would like to learn Spanish and Japanese in the future. If I can get to the point where I am speaking those 6 languages fluently, I will probably be more than satisfied... :grin:
  7. I guess we already have that here, don't we? http://linguaholic.com/other-languages/ (no posts in there yet). Feel free to add a new thread :grin:
  8. Exactly! For instance, I am now learning Cantonese and it is really quite different from Mandarin Chinese. One big difference is that you have 6 tones (arguably even 9 in total), whereas in Mandarin Chinese you have 4 tones (arguably 5, if counting the neutral tone). As CeliVega mentioned, the script (characters) are more or less identical, no matter which dialect you are speaking. I can basically confirm that, however there can be some 'special' characters for different dialects, which are not used (or not used as often) in Mandarin Chinese, for instance. I would like to give you an example for this: The character 有 means 'have' in Mandarin Chinese. If you won't to negate 有 in Mandarin Chinese, you would just simply say 没有。In Cantonese, however, you use a special character for saying 'not have', which is 冇 (please note that this corresponds to the Mandarin Chinese character 有,just without the last two strokes). That is pretty funny and interesting, isn't it? :grin:
  9. A native cantonese speaker would refer to Cantonese as '广东话‘ (guǎngdōnghuà). Native Mandarin Speakers refer to Mandarin Chinese as 普通话 (pǔ tǒng huà). Hokkien in Chinese is 福建话 (fù jiàn huà). Hope that helps.
  10. Dear Litnax Welcome to Linguaholic.com! Have a great time here in the Forums & and if you have any questions or suggestions of any kind, please let me know! I will be glad to help you ! kind regards lingua
  11. Hi Kimerah Welcome to Linguaholic.com! I hope you will have a good time here! You will find lots of English native speakers here in the forums, so if you have any questions, don't hesitate to start some new threads in the English Subforum. As your native language is Spanish, I am sure you will be able to help some of our Spanish learners here on Linguaholic.com! See you in the threads! Lingua
  12. Hehe, that sounds really funny :grin: So, basically, all you would do in 'Pegion' is inserting vg in any kind of word?
  13. Wow, you really seem to be an expert in this field. Thank you for sharing those lovely words. I didn't know that blog is actually a combination of web & log. That is indeed interesting.
  14. Oh I have not seen it at first glance, but you forgot one word in the sentence. I inserted the word now (red color). regards lingua :grin:
  15. Salut Caffajake Ce que t'as écrit est toute à fait correct. Meilleures salutations :grin: lingua
  16. Wow, that is a great resource. Thanks a lot Polaroidsredwine! I will make sure to insert this link to the Chinese Online resource link list that I did a while ago! Fantastic, thank you.
  17. Sounds good Polaroidsredwine. I will upload the new design for the forum very soon (tonight or tomorrow)! It will look much much cooler than it does now (at the moment it still runs on the standard theme). I hope you will all enjoy the custom theme. I am sure you will though :wacky:
  18. Hey Fluffyducky I am really pleased to see another Chinese/Japanese speaker joining our language learning community. I hope you will have a good time here and I hope you will learn lots of new facts about languages! If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know! regareds Lingua
  19. You are right Denis. Matters related to the French language should be discussed at the French Subforum. The link that Denis provided is absolutely correct. Thank you Denis!
  20. Well, I am not sure about it but I think I heard people saying things like: "This beat is murder", meaning that this beat is really great/good. I wonder if other people can actually confirm this use of 'murder' or not.
  21. Could you please be a little bit more specific about your question? Thank you!
  22. I actually know that woman. She is the woman in charge of the project www.chineasy.org, right? The project is cool, I have to admit. However, "linguistically", the approach is a little bit problematic. I am from Switzerland Zacwrong.
  23. Hey Zacwrong Welcome to Linguaholic.com ;=) I already followed your advice and started studying Chinese many years ago. However, I did it out of pure passion and not because of the fact that China will be the next 'economic giant'. That's just some sort of nice 'side-effect' for me, I guess :=) Where are you from exactly within China? kind regards lingua
  24. Dear Ahmed Thank you for that great introduction and welcome to the "linguaholic language learning family". It is great to see someone at your age already having a great passion for learning (foreign) languages and 'exploring' new cultures. I am sure you will have lots of fun here and of course you will also be able to learn a lot about foreign languages here! I do speak Swiss-German, German, French, English and Chinese, so if you have any questions regarding those languages, don't hesitate to ask me and I will be more than glad to help you! :grin: See you in the threads lingua
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