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Everything posted by linguaholic

  1. Dear All I would like to share with you and yours some useful kitchen-related vocabulary. Enjoy.
  2. If you are in need of a professional translation, you could check out the platform www.proz.com. Another way to get a very high quality translation would be to use the platform odesk.com. You can find highly qualified translators there speaking almost any "language pairs".
  3. Thanks a lot littlebelgiumwriter! Your posts have been really informative and interesting/useful so far.
  4. Wow, that's an interesting post. Are those terms used in Mandarin Chinese only or do you use these combination of characters in Cantonese as well? I have not heard about them yet, but of course it could just be due to my lack of knowledge.
  5. Hey Josh Thank you for joining linguaholic.com! I am happy to hear that you would like to get back to language learning :grin: I am sure this forum can be of great help on your journey to Fluency :wacky: Hope you have lots of fun here. regards
  6. This morning, somebody on Facebook mentioned the website www. phonemica.net, which is dedicated to record spoken stories in every one of the thousand of the varieties of Chinese in order to preserve both the stories and the language for future generations. This is such an adorable project! Have a look for yourself! http://www.phonemica.net
  7. I also have the impression that Spanish is generally a "fast spoken language". I often watch Football Games of the Primera Division and I can tell you that the moderators just speak soooo fast...it's incredible. Moreover, and more importantly, I also noticed this in every day life (I have been living on campus with quite a lot of Spanish people).
  8. Thank you for this reminder MoonshineSally! Spiegel Online is certainly not of very high quality, that is true. Which newspaper would you recommend then? I personally like sueddeutsche.de and Die ZEIT (www.zeit.de). My favorite is www.nzz.ch (as my nationality is Swiss) What are your favorites MoonshineSally?
  9. Dear all Every year, the Duden (www.duden.de) releases a book with the newest German slang words/phrases. I would like to share with all of you a small section of those slang terms and today I'm uploading some of the slang that starts with the letter A. For each slang term, you will see the translation, both in US English and British Englange (if there are no equivalents in English, obviously no translation is given). Hope you will enjoy those...there are some really "dirty" ones in there :grin:
  10. If this is the true "nature" of this idiom, it is indeed very odd...but also quite funny, no? :=)
  11. Dear zcrooks322 You are right. There is already a thread about this guy and this exact video. Please have a look here: http://linguaholic.com/general-discussion/new-york-teenage-prodigy-speaks-20-languages! best wishes lingua
  12. Some of you might be familiar with the meaning of the word "twerk". I didn't know this word until today and therefore I was glad that this article teached me something new :=) Have a look for yourself: http://blog.oxforddictionaries.com/2013/08/what-is-the-origin-of-twerk/
  13. Something when learning a new language, it can be pretty useful to know the most common words/expressions of that (new) language. Therefore I would like to provide a link of a website,which lists the most common French words, gives an an English translation for them and even tells you what word class those words belong to (Part of speech). http://french.languagedaily.com/wordsandphrases/most-common-words
  14. I just stumbled upon another neat website to study Chinese: http://cn.hujiang.com They have tons of different lessons about all sorts of things: Grammar, Pronunciation, Culture, and and and. The lessons are all in English and especially the grammar lessons are interesting. I just learned about the expression 再三。It means "repeatedly" and you can use it with a verb. So the structure is verb + 再三。 The example on hujiang.com is the following: lǎoshī xiànɡ tā zàisān qiánɡdiào “wàiɡuó” bú shì yī ɡè ɡuójiā。 老师 向 他 再三 强调 “外国” 不 是 一 个 国家。 The teacher has stressed to him over and over that "foreign" is not a country.
  15. Did you ever pay some money to see how the tests look like there? I am wondering how the tests look like and if it is worth to pay money for it.
  16. The link did not seem to work that you provided Joo. However, I changed the URL and now it works perfectly. When adding links, you can just click on Adding Hyperlink while writing a message and then just simply write the website's address between the two boxes [url\]
  17. Dear Loki! Thank you so much for joining the Linguaholic community! It looks like we've got another Polyglot joining the forums! That's really awesome :grin: The formatting of your message looks brilliant! How did you do that exactly? warm regards from Switzerland linguaholic
  18. We already had many interesting discussions about idioms of a certain kind/type/subject. I would love to take this further, and therefore I would like to ask all of you about color idioms. There must be plenty in the English language, right? Please write down some off the top of your brain and give a short explanation whenever possible.
  19. I have been really enjoying this fish idioms thread so far :grin: Let me add to the list. (sth. being) off the hook Everyday meaning: "To let someone off the hook" means that you are not going to hold him (or her) responsible for something. Literal meaning: This refers to the fish that got off the hook before it could be reeled in; the fish that got away. I actually think there is another possible interpretation of something being "off the hook", meaning that something is great/crazy (for instance: This party was just off the hook). Can somebody confirm this? Another fish idiom would be Hook, line, and sinker Literal Meaning: -->Different parts of a Fishing Rod Figurative Meaning: To fall hook, line, and sinker” for something means to be tricked into believing something (completely).
  20. I just found a really nice paper about loan-words in the Japanese language. It will give you a nice overview about the impact of LW (English loan-words) in Japanese society. One part of this paper also gives you a short overview about the history of LW's in Japan. There is a horrible typing error in the first sentence. I almost stopped reading but I'm glad I didn't. It turned out to be quite an interesting read! You should give it a go.
  21. That's a very good way to put it Scurventery! As you already mentioned, flashcards come in handy when it comes to studying Hiragana and Katakana. You can certainly learn Hiragana / Katakana in a pretty short time like this! By the way, what's your Japanese level Scurventery?
  22. 我希望在馬年有更多说中文的机会!然后我也希望四月会去日本旅游。不过,最重要的是我家人身体好。
  23. It would be fairly easy to do the same thing for Chinese .=) It would probably take you 5 minutes to come up with the same structure :grin:
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