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Everything posted by linguaholic

  1. I like the idea of a review section. It would be fairly easy for me to implement this kind of forum. As linguaholic.com has already a massive amount of (sub)forums, I guess a general review forum would be more appropriate! We could do one general section for all the reviews and see how it goes and then at a later point, I could still move the threads according to the language. What do you think about that? :doubtful:
  2. Hey Caparica007 You will now get notified when somebody answers /replies on a thread/post you have written. Hope that is what you were looking for. I will see if there can anything be done about the other thing you asked. regards lingua
  3. Dear Linguaholic-members I would like to inform you that from now on, you will get notified by E-Mail when somebody answers on one of your thread / posts. If you would not like to get notified by E-mail when a new answer has been posted, you can change this and turn off notifications in your profile section!
  4. I think this one is pretty funny In German we also have an idiom to get the meaning of "someone who attains success later in life" across and it is called "Ein Spätzünder"
  5. Yes, I am serious about this one. It is pretty difficult in terms of stroke count, however I think the shape of it is really beautiful. I am studying Ancient Chinese at the moment and I must say that when studying Ancient Chinese, 難 can still be regarded as one of the easier characters :=))
  6. Hi SirTenenbaum I do agree with Czarownica that it would be really nice to get the stroke order of the characters and also the different readings. However, I do not think that this can be regarded as a "flaw", as James. W. Heisig sure was aware about all those important things that go with the study of a character. He must have thought that it makes sense to simplify things and he possibly wants to draw your full attention to the character itself. Still, I am not sure whether this really is a good approach to study characters. I did study with this book and also with the Chinese equivalent "Remembering the Hanzi" and I was able to study 800 characters in 3 weeks. Sounds great, no? The bad thing about it is that I almost forgot everything that I was learning after a few weeks / month. So, in short words: I personally think that "Remembering the Hanzi" is a fun way to learn characters and it can certainly help to motivate you to get into learning of characters (to read all those stories and make up stories on your own can be really fun at the beginning). However, for an effective study of characters, the foundation of this "method" is not solid/complex enough and you would need to use different resources at the SAME time to make it more effective. If you are a beginner, it will be difficult to combine it with other helping tools though, as you would need to have something like an ipad or so where you can actually draw/write the characters, so that you would get the different readings and in some apps/programs you might also get the correct stroke order. The problem? Usually when entering/drawing a character in one of those "apps", you ALREADY need to know the stroke order (does not always need to be perfect but you definitely need some knowledge about the correct stroke order), if not, the program will not recognize your character input.
  7. Wow! That was a great post Bob! Thank you for taking the time to write all this useful things :grin: By the way, your avatar is great! What kind of file is this. Is it a .gif file ?
  8. That makes much more sense to me now. Thank you for clarifying this! regards
  9. I am glad that somebody finally asks about the language badges :=) I invested quite a bit of time in implementing those language badges and one of my colleagues from my university has drawn all those ranks by herself!!! As you might have guessed by yourself already, those language badges are awarded according to your post count, which means, of course, more posts = better rank. As I have over 600 posts now, my badge is therefore "Language Buff". Question answered ? :grin: As you might understand, I don't want to "reveal" all the language badges for everyone. Those language badges are some kind of achievement and once your post count is high enough, you will receive the appropriate badge and the "name" that goes with it. As you were asking me about the different ranks that are possible, I can only tell you one thing: Have a look at other peoples posts (and post count) and you will already be able to see several badges that have been awarded already to some people. Currently, "my humble self" got the highest post count (which makes sense, as I am the owner of this forum hehe), so "Language Buff" is the highest grade you can find on the forum up to the present day. There are, of course, more badges and you will see them once a member reached the necessary post count. If you should still have questions regarding the badges, please let me know and please tell me whether you like the badges or not :=) regards Lingua
  10. What Spanish newspapers do you recommend? I would love to hear about the most popular Spanish newspapers. I am really a newbie when it comes to Spanish and knowledge about Spanish Newspapers. I would be glad if you could help me out here.
  11. Hi Rosacrux and welcome to linguaholic.com! It's always nice to see new Spanish speakers joining the forum! I hope you will enjoy yourself here! If you have any questions about the forum, just write me a PM. regards Marcel
  12. I guess I will do this kind of thing and as there are already a lot of "study-method-related-threads" in the general discussion thread, I will move them in the new subforum, so it will not look that empty at the beginning :grin: What do you guys think about the other subforums? Some of them are nearly empty, as they are really new and some of those languages of course are not very popular. Would it be maybe a good idea to merge those languages into one bigger forum (something like "Other languages"). If yes, do you have a suggestion for the title? "Other languages" does not sound neat at all :=) best wishes lingua
  13. I guess it really depends on the country. In Germany and in Switzerland for instance, I feel like people really like English terms and they like to use/adopt words from English as they are. In other countries, especially in France, the tendency is more towards coming up with an equivalent word for that new term. French people do care a lot about their own language and they don't like to use English words a lot. You would like to hear an example? Well, here you go. The word "Walkman" for instance is (and was much more in the past obviously as Walkmans are outdated already) widely used in Germany and Switzerland and many other countries all over the world. In France, however, they have their own word for Walkman, which is "le balladeur". The same thing with Computer. Whereas "Computer" is used almost everywhere in the world, french people say "l'ordinateur". Pretty funny, isn't it ? :wacky:
  14. I like how you broke things down in your post. I do agree with the pros and cons you mentioned ! Of course there are many more pros and cons that one might add, however you named some of the key aspects.
  15. Thank you for providing those phrases Amy! Do you know how to write these phrases in Hangeul (Korean alphabet). Would be lovely to see those phrases in "characters".
  16. Maybe I should reformulate the question, as it seems that "most suitable" was a little bit misleading here hehe :=) Still, it is also interesting to hear your opinion about the most suitable language for swearing. However, my intention was to ask about the language, which has the richest (best) vocabulary when it comes to swearing :angel:
  17. To add a study method/approach section sounds like a good idea to me. I would suggest that one general subforum would do the trick here. I don't think that it would be necessary to do this for every single language as study methods are limited and there is a big "overlap" of study techniques no matter what language you are studying.
  18. I might do more difficult ones in another thread though as this should be a help for beginners. Would that be ok then for you?
  19. Chinese character formation / The six scripts / 六書 If you are interested about the Chinese script or if you plan to study Chinese and write chinese characters, you should have a look at the following article. I can assure you that what you read in there is the truth and it is worthwhile reading it. There are so many misconceptions out there about Chinese characters, so that it is hard to find a good and correct article about it. This one here will not disappoint you and provides you with crucial information about Chinese Characters. http://www.hackingchinese.com/phonetic-components-part-1-the-key-to-80-of-all-chinese-characters/
  20. 你好 Kenthoaong 你的汉语真不错!欢迎来到我们的语言讨论会。
  21. Oh really? That's interesting. I guess it really depends on where and how you are spending your time online :grin: Are there other usages of slang that you know of? If any, please let us know :santa:
  22. Hehe. I like to browse the free papers as well. Some of my Uni professors have lots of stuff on there for free and I like to know what they are doing when they are not teaching us :=)
  23. Slang in the Chinese language Young people (not only) use a lot of slang these days. This also holds true for Chinese. For instance, people like to write (say) 好滴 instead of 好的。 Another example would be that young people like to write (say) 神马 instead of 什么。 There must be tons of other examples. If you are a native speaker of Chinese, I am sure you will be able to add to the list! Would be glad to get to know some more!
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