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Everything posted by linguaholic

  1. In most cases, I would agree that 'paper dictionaries' can be substituted with 'digital dictionaries'. However, there are definitely some areas of study, where 'Paper dictionaries' are still a must. For instance, I study Ancient Chinese and there are simply almost no (reliable) digital dictionaries available on the net. So, when analyzing these kind of texts, you definitely want to go to a library and get hold of a paper copy. So, in conclusion, I would say: 'Online dictionaries' are often good enough, but if you are into something special, in the sense of an area that is not 'mainstream' and very specific, then you might need to consult a paper dictionary.
  2. That's a great pick in my opinion. I would go with those 5 languages as well.
  3. Thank you Denis Hard for taking the time to make some corrections. As far as I can see, you almost did not change anything at all. :grin: I guess I should be happy about that, no? :angel: The second part of the last sentence sounds a little bit odd, doesn't it ? "At this moment I am studying Chinese and Computational Linguistics at the University of Zurich, so working with languages is my every day business and I am absolutely loving it. I would need to find something more appropriate that saying 'and I am absolutely loving it'. Hopefully someone can come up with something a little bit more 'elegant' than that.
  4. Dear Pipps Thank you for your kind words. Well, there is already a built-in functionality that will achieve this. In your profile, you can go to 'Notifications' and there you can activate the option 'Get notified by E-Mail'. Every time somebody replies to your post/thread, you will get notified. I already did that in your case now. So if you would like to deactivate it, you can do that manually in your profile. Moreover, there is another way you can get notified about posts. You can simply 'follow' a board and then you will get notified as well. For instance, you could open this link here: http://linguaholic.com/general-discussion/ On the top right corner you will see a button 'Notify'. So all you would need to do is to click on this button and you will get notifications.
  5. I definitely agree. Latin can also be beneficial in terms of Grammar. For instance, when studying French Grammar, you definitely have an advantage if you are familiar with Latin Grammar.
  6. Hey there You can add me if you want. I speak German, French, English, and Chinese. my Skype is: djeasily1, my Wechat (微信) ID is : easilyy regards lingua
  7. How does it come that you speak Swiss-German (my mother tongue), Dora M?
  8. If you are indeed interested in Duolingo, you might want to have a look here: http://linguaholic.com/spanish-links/duolingo-com-vs-spanishdict-com/ http://linguaholic.com/german-links/duolingo-2320/ http://linguaholic.com/spanish-study-apps/anybody-use-duolingo regards lingua
  9. In Switzerland we have four official languages: German, French, Italian and some minor language called 'Rätoromanisch'. Depending on where you are living, it is crucial that you know either French, German or Italian. If you know two of them, let's say German and French, you will be fine almost everywhere in Switzerland. If you know English, you will also be understood (by the younger population).
  10. I really understand what you are talking about. I am also an "over-passionate" person and somethings I am also lacking aim. Hm, the best thing you can do is enroll in some kind of program/activity, then you will really feel like you have to stick with this certain language/topic, especially if you have to pay money for this activity/program. That is how I overcome this kind of 'problem'. It might be a little bit extreme but it really helped (helps) me to stick to a certain language/activity.
  11. That's true and 'De rien' means something like 'It's nothing (not worth mentioning it)'
  12. Haha, well that is definitely true. Luckily those days when people were speaking like him are over now! (referring to the first sentence of your text).
  13. Hey all Could somebody please help me to make corrections of the following text? Thank you Text: [i currently hold a bachelor degree in Translation (ZHAW Winterthur, Switzerland), covering the languages: German, French and English. German is my mother tongue. Languages have always been my passion and I am very eager to take part in your next translation project. Rest assured that I am willing to provide fully accurate translations at any given time. At this very moment I am studying Chinese and Computational Linguistics at the University of Zurich, so working with languages is my every day business and I am absolutely loving it.]
  14. Welcome to the linguaholic family 1honeybrown!
  15. Dear Nyandroid First of all I would like to thank you for your kind words! I created this forum half a year ago out of pure passion for learning languages and it fills my hearth with joy to see people that are actually enjoying to be part of this community! After all, we are sharing the same passion, which is 'Language(s) (Learning)' and it is a great thing to be able to share the experience while studying with fellow 'Linguaholics'. Thank you very much for introducing yourself! It has been my pleasure to read your introduction. Hopefully see you in the threads very soon! Regards Lingua PS: What does Nyandroid stand for?
  16. Hehe, somehow sounds cute, though. I also got some bad language habits ;( As most of you already know, I study sinology (Chinese). However, I did not take part in any language-related classes recently, so my conversational did not get better to say the least:=) You could already call that 'Bad language habit Nr. 1'. To make matters worse, when speaking to my Chinese friends here in Switzerland, I often switch back to English/German rather than speaking Chinese all the time. Especially when I feel tired, I am really having a hard time to continue speaking in Chinese, so in this case, it often happens that I stop speaking Chinese to them. I would call that 'Bad language habit Nr.3'. I am pretty sure I could come up with some more, but let me think about it first, please :grin:
  17. If you would ever want to buy a Kanji Poster, I can recommend you the following posters. I got myself two of those posters and they are really great. http://www.kanjiposter.com/
  18. This is a metaphor then. However, drawing the line between metaphors and idioms is not always easy. However, in general, you can put it like this: 'Metaphor is "a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable," while idiom is "a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words." (New Oxford English Dictionary)'
  19. I study (Ancient) Chinese at the University of Zurich and I'm loving it so far. In the case of Chinese, knowing the ancient form of writing helps you a lot in understanding modern Chinese and even modern Chinese culture.
  20. Hey misty Welcome to Linguaholic.com Thank you for this short introduction about yourself! It has been an interesting read! :grin: Hopefully linguaholic.com (and its members) will help you to get back "on the right language track" :grin: See you in the threads!
  21. Dear Sarz We already have a really popular thread online about quotes here: http://linguaholic.com/english-language-general-discussion-thread/your-favorite-english-quotes/ Please share your quotes there. Thank you! regards lingua
  22. Dear Mafdet There are already a lot of posts about Duolingo. Please share your opinion on it there: http://linguaholic.com/spanish-study-apps/anybody-use-duolingo/ http://linguaholic.com/german-study-apps/duolingo-1850/ http://linguaholic.com/spanish-links/duolingo-com-vs-spanishdict-com/ It would be appreciated if you could use the search function before making new threads (there might be similar threads/questions already) Thank you for your understanding!
  23. Has anyone tried this website already? It looks pretty interesting & fun at the same time. It claims that you can learn languages by watching films (providing some extras that go with the films of course) and you can also buy language courses in many different languages. Please share your experience, if any :=)
  24. Well, I partly agree. However, I do not think that English will be dominant because it sounds especially nice or beautiful, but simply because English is easier to learn than Chinese. However, this only holds true for some aspects. Chinese Grammar, for instance, is really easy and compared to English Grammar I would even go so far to say that Chinese Grammar is (much) easier than the Grammar of the English language.
  25. Hey Monica88 You will find both Native Russian speakers & Native Chinese speakers here on linguaholic.com. Moreover you will also find ambitious foreign language learners for BOTH Chinese (me included) and Russian. If you have any questions about the Chinese language, please let me know (or better open a thread in the Chinese sub forum of linguaholic.com. regards lingua
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