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Everything posted by linguaholic

  1. I speak German, French, English and Chinese so far. The 'remaining' languages on my bucket list are: 1. Japanese 2. Spanish If I still got time, I might add some more languages :grin:
  2. I did this again in Excel (Google Drive). If you would like to print it out, please download the .pdf file (attachment).
  3. Thank you for collecting these resources! Let us gather some more and then we can add Norwegian to our Link Ressource section: http://linguaholic.com/online-language-learning-resources/
  4. Dear Kaffi I allowed myself to add a title to your post: Colors in Norwegian. I hope that is ok with you. kind regards Lingua
  5. I might be able to find this kind of chart. I will give it a try. If I find something, I will post it here, later!
  6. Subject Pronouns and the Verbs 'to be' and 'to have' are a very crucial aspect of about any language. Also in Norwegian. Therefore, please have a look at the following 'graphic' to find out more about Norwegian Pronouns and the Norwegian Verbs for 'to be' and 'to have'. Just click on the attachment link (not the picture) to download the file. If you click on the thumbnail, you can view the content without having to download it.
  7. If you are a Beginner of studying Norwegian, you might want to have a look at the Norwegian Alphabet.
  8. You are welcome, Kaffi But in fact in this context, the restricted area is the area that you are not supposed to walk into, right? What about the phrase 'level out the stand'. Please let me know what this means exactly, so that I can provide an appropriate translation. Thank you!
  9. Dear All I would just like to let you know that we now have a 'Study Norwegian' section! Please contribute to this section, if you can :grin: kind regards, Linguaholic!
  10. Hey there I will try to take part in this exercise. However, I will first need to study a little bit (review your other posts). Hopefully this will enable me to solve this exercise! :doubtful:
  11. Sure, why not. I will add a Norwegian section today or tomorrow! Please promise me to write some interesting posts in there, so that we can get this section going! kind regards Lingua
  12. Thanks Mim I just updated the list with your entries for the Japanase onomatopeia :grin:
  13. What are the demonstrative Pronouns in Latin and how do you use them? Please refer to the following picture for an explanation of Latin Demonstrative Pronouns:
  14. Hey there Welcome to Linguaholic.com! Hope you have a good time here! kind regards lingua
  15. If you are already studying Chinese, then you surely know how important the 'Family' is in China/Chinese Culture. This is also reflected in the Chinese language. Words/names for family members are very numerous and the system is rather complex. Have a look for yourself!
  16. I would like to provide a list for Adjectives ending in -us and um: Here you go:
  17. MindSnacks is a pretty funny game. I bought the Full Version and I must say that I had quite a lot of fun with it. However, I did not learn much from this program. It's still good fun and worth a try.
  18. I thought I would share this list with Latin Irregular Verbs. Here you go:
  19. And of course the third one in your list: Styrbord. This one is called 'Steuerbord' in German :grin:
  20. Thank you for the info Aurelia! I knew that J.K Rowling made up some of the expressions with the help of Latin. However, I did not know that she was that crazy about it :grin: The latin foundation of those words/expressions make them sound really special/unique! Absolutely brilliant!
  21. Great thread! I can recognize some of it. In German, we do have Anker and Landgang. What is the exact meaning of Landgang in Norwegian? I guess Anker and Landgang actually have the exact same meaning in both languages (and the spelling is the same as well!).
  22. That's interesting. I just noticed that Albus stands for White. I am sure J.K Rowling had this in mind when she made up that name Albus Dumbledore! Now it makes sense to me!
  23. If you would like to contribute to this thread, please fill in the information in this list here (as well as directly in the post if possible). This is the link to the List (based on Google Drive. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1L8BBM4Mz3RZvqxKgRgA2H0H1khqgYu3lIXI11w4CC9I/edit?usp=sharing
  24. I really start to love this thread! I am going to collect all this data in an Excel-File. Maybe I am going to do some research on this topic! Someone else interested in this? If yes, please let me know! :grin:
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