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Everything posted by linguaholic

  1. Hey XiaoXing Thank you for those posts! I should probably provide some new material here in this thread. I am studying Chinese at the University of Zurich, so I got lots of characters to present :=) Best wishes Lingua
  2. Hi there! Welcome to linguaholic.com! I get your point. There are really so man things one could learn in this world....and it is really hard to focus on specific things... :grin: However, are there any specific languages you have in mind? I mean, which languages would you like to learn?
  3. Hi There Nice to have you on linguaholic.com! My English is not perfect, but maybe we could study some English together :angel: I hope you will find some English native speakers here, though! Shouldn't be a big problem. Have a nice day! regards Lingua
  4. Dear Clod It would be great if you could share some more information about your question. What language(s) would you like to learn and also for what purpose? regards Lingua
  5. I am a Mac user myself as well. Let us know when the iOS version is out and I will be glad to test your product! regards Linguaholic
  6. Never heard about it. I will give this a try. Sounds quite interesting. Thank you for sharing.
  7. I get your point. However, I think it is very difficult to shape classes in a different way. I couldn't come up with sometimes better myself, at least not without thinking about it thoroughly. Do you have any suggestions on how classes could be 'shaped' in a different way? I would love to hear about that then :grin:
  8. I do agree languagelearner. I also think that Immersion is usually (and for most people) the most effecitve way to learn a language. Some friends of mine speak more than 5 languages and they all achieved this by living in different countries for some time (and some of them having relatives and family all over the world, which, of course, makes studying languages much easier as well).
  9. Hi there Nice to meet you. As far as I see, you are here to study Spanish, is that right? I don't speak Spanish, so I have to make an educated guess regards from Switzerland lingua
  10. Hi there The translation could be something like that: "Bitte füllen Sie das Formular aus und laden Sie das Video hoch". Regards, Linguaholic
  11. Hi there I have quite a lot of things to say about what you just wrote here in the forum. My words could be of some interest to you, let me tell you why Well, I am studying Chinese at University, have been to China 7 times, am currently sitting in my hotel room in 中关村, 北京 and have been through endless hours of studying Chinese. I will be glad to share my experience. However, I have some questions. First of all I would like to know WHY exactly you want to study Chinese. Then, I would like to know more about your Chinese Level. What does 'getting nowhere' mean? Does it mean you can't have a basic conversation and are unable to read books for kids or does it just mean you can't read 老子 and 状子 without the occasional help of a dictionary? What level would you like to achieve? I am looking forward to hearing from you :grin: greetings from 北京 linguaholic
  12. This is a forum, not a chat website. This is why there is no chat function. I was thinking about it before, however I decided against it. This websites purpose is to gather written information about language, so a regular chat function would just work against that. Hope you understand my point :grin: kind regards lingua
  13. Well, the most awkward thing I ever did to study a language was actually when I first got to China. There, when going out, I always took my translator with me. And then, in the Bars & Discos, I translated everything from English to Chinese and showed them the output on my translator. Then, after reading my message, they wrote down their answer (with a special pen) directly on the screen of my little translator and I translated it back to English :grin: This was the only way I could communicate with Chinese people when I first visited China about 10 years ago:=) I do speak Chinese now and this definitely makes things much easier, hehe :=)
  14. Hi there! Thank you so much for joining linguaholic.com! If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know! Best wishes & Merry Christmas Linguaholic
  15. What is Englishtown, Clod?
  16. Hey Celine Are you from Switzerland? Thank you for joining Linguaholic.com. I am Swiss too kind regards
  17. I studied translation & interpreting. However, I always focused on translation rather than interpreting. Not because I didnt like it, it's just really really difficult. However, I think it is a very interesting job, but as you mentioned before, it is very demanding too. Anyway, I wish you all the best in your 'quest' to become an interpreter! You can earn good money as an interpreter, that's for sure. :grin:
  18. Thank you for this useful vocabulary! Some of them are really similar in German: Waiter / waitress! Kellner! Can we have the check please? Die Rechnung, bitte. It is very delicious! Das Essen schmeckt sehr gut. I don't like it Das mag ich nicht. Expensive Teuer Cheap Billig What time is it? Wieviel Uhr ist es / Wieviel Uhr haben wir? It's 3 o'clock Es ist 3 Uhr. I'm hungry Ich habe Hunger / Ich bin hungrig. I'm thirsty Ich habe Durst / Ich bin durstig In The Morning Morgens / Am Morgen In the evening Abends / Am Abend At Night Nachts / In der Nacht Hurry up! Beeil dich!
  19. 你好 SAM. 欢迎来到linguaholic.com。 我是马塞尔。 这个网站的老板 :=) If you have any questions about linguaholic or about any specific language, please let me know! :grin: kind regards Lingua
  20. Hi there Jupiter! It's great to have you here on linguaholic.com I will try to answer some of your 'french-related' questions. Have a great day Linguaholic
  21. That's no problem at all. I am really happy you pointed that out. I am going to change that immediately. If you find more silly mistakes like this, please let me know. regards Lingua
  22. Hi there Welcome to Linguaholic.com! I wish you all the best for your 'language studies'. If you have any questions about linguaholic.com, please let me know! Please have a look at our online learning resources page, to get an overview about the available online resources for different languages: http://linguaholic.com/online-language-learning-resources/
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