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Everything posted by linguaholic

  1. Hi Kurjith12 Welcome Linguaholic.com! How are you doing?
  2. It depends on what you are looking for dday9. Some sections are kinda active while others are not (yet). Don't be shy to make them more active :=)
  3. Hi there! Welcome to our community! Hope you will find lots of friends and useful threads here! kind regards Lingua
  4. I just checked the audio... have never heard that language before... Please let me know once you find out! I'm curious.
  5. Hi Gilbert Thank you so much for joining linguaholic.com! I am studying Chinese as well. I am just about to finish my bachelor studies at the University of Zurich. I have been studying Chinese and Computational Linguistics. What is your Chinese Level if I may ask? Where did you learn Chinese? Have you been to China yet? I have been there 7 times. kind regards Lingua
  6. Looks good. It might be a little bit too simple though, at least for the ambitious learners out there.
  7. Hey there I gotta say that this App looks awesome. I am not sure about the approach though. Anyway, keep up the good work and hopefully you will be able to get this done ASAP! Would definitely like to check it out
  8. Welcome Holiday My mother tongue is German. I will be glad to help you in case you got some questions! Feel free to ask me at any given time! regards Lingua
  9. Hey Eugene111 That's amazing! Thank you so much for sharing! regards Lingua
  10. Hey As you did not reply yet, I have not answered your initial thread/questions yet. If you are still in need of an answer/translation concerning your initial post, please let me know. Best wishes Lingua
  11. Hey there Your idea sounds great. However, programming this kind of app must be complex and time-consuming. Do you have any concrete plans on how you are going to program this? Which programme language are you going to choose? Well, this will depend on whether you are going to produce something for Android or iOS of course, but there are different ways to get this done, I guess. It would be amazing to be able to learn languages according to where you are situated at a very specific moment. There must be some Apps that are going in this direction, right? Do you know of any similar projects? I'm really curious now kind regards Lingua
  12. Hi there I will be glad to make the corrections for you. However I am at work now. If you can wait until tomorrow morning, I will help you out! There are a couple of problems in your text that need to be addressed. kind regards lingua
  13. Hi there Welcome to Linguaholic! Italian, Dutch, German sounds like a great choice to me. Afer studying Dutch, it will be mch easier for you to master German. German is a pretty difficult language. The Grammar is a lot of hard work.
  14. Hi there I have been studying Chinese for many years. It will be my pleasure to answer some questions if you got any at all :=))
  15. Well, this is simply because in those two sentences the case is "accusative", so you have to ask: Wen/Was haben Sie? -->ihren Anzug Wen/Was tragen Sie? --->seinen Mantel Please check this page for more examples: https://deutsch.lingolia.com/de/grammatik/pronomen/deklination/akkusativ
  16. Hi Goop I am very happy to welcome another language enthuasiast on www.linguaholic.com! Hope you will have a great time here! If you have any questions about the forum, please do not hesitate to contact me! regards Lingua
  17. Hi Snoopsion Thank you so much for joining linguaholic.com. I am glad you found this place. I am very happy to hear that you found this forum by typing 'language forum' into google....it is proof that my forum can actually be found with that keyword :=)) Combine 'gaming' with language learning is indeed an interesting thing. I know some projects in that field. http://www.gameswithwords.org/VerbCorner/ https://greatlanguagegame.com/ http://www.vocabulary.co.il/english-language-games/ For more 'language games', please have a look at the presentation (PDF) that I attached with that post. You will be able to find a list with language games in there and you can try to find those games online. I know that you are not exactly talking about this kind of 'language games'. Your idea with making youtube videos + playing games + tell other people about your gaming experience (while playing) sounds pretty nice to me. It could work. But as with every other internet project, it will be hard to drive traffic to your channel and 'get heard'. If you are really producing something like you mentioned in your post, please let me know. I will be glad to check it out and give you some feedback. kind regards lingua
  18. Hi Simon It's great having you here on www.linguaholic.com. I am proud to have an author as a member of my community :grin: Hopefully someone can help here you with that question regarding colloquial colombian spanish! have a great day lingua
  19. Afrikaans? I am not sure about it. Afrikaans as a language is not that popular, as far as I know. At least for the moment, you might be much better of with Chinese. What about Russian or maybe Spanish? Spanish is also one of the most used languages.
  20. Hi Mokhles thank you so much for joining linguaholic.com! I am sure you will have a good time here! have a great day regards Lingua
  21. hehehe, that's what I was thinking. However, I thought it is a little bit rude to mention it --.--
  22. Oh ok, but I thought you wrote 'perculiar' at the beginning of the line as well. But I double checked it and actually I'm wrong :=) Sorry about that. :grin:
  23. Conscientious is pretty hard. You also mentioned "Perculiar". It should be Peculiar, no? I have never heard about perculiar :=)) @Elfinitty: Welcome to linguaholic.com :grin:
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