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Everything posted by linguaholic

  1. Hey Takibari I am not sure if I get your point takibari. Could you please reformulate your suggestion/wish in one or two sentences? That would be nice. Thank you :grin:
  2. Hi and welcome! You can find some useful links in our link section of the forum. Please have a look here: http://linguaholic.com/online-language-learning-resources/best-websites-to-study-french-online-free-resources/ regards lingua
  3. Hi Agnieska Thank you very much for joining linguaholic.com! It's a pleasure to have you here! Are you currently studying three languages at the same time? That sounds pretty difficult to me! But I like ambitious people :grin: If you would like to learn another languages, let's say German, French, English or Chinese, I will be glad to help you out! You might want to have a look at our list of 'Learning Spanish Resources' here: http://linguaholic.com/online-language-learning-resources/spanish-online-resources-link-list-for-the-study-of-the-spanish-language/ regards, Lingua
  4. Hallo Georg Willkommen bei Linguaholic.com! Freut mich sehr, dass du dich bei uns registriert hast. Du bist erst 20 und sprichst schon viele verschieden Sprachen! Hut ab! Ich hoffe, dass du hier im Forum noch viele weitere interessante Sachen über Sprachen dazulernen kannst! Solltest du noch irgendwelche Fragen haben, dann kannst du dich gerne an mich wenden. Beste Grüsse aus der Schweiz Lingua
  5. Welcome, Grüezi Lucibi! It's great to see another person from Switzerland joining Linguaholic.com :=) I am Swiss as well and I am living in Biel/Bienne. I currently speak German, French, English and Chinese. If you have any questions in those languages, feel free to contact me. Have a great day! Lingua
  6. Hi Baburra Thank you for this suggestion. Could you please point out the exact thread? I will do a sticky then. Have a nice day! lingua
  7. great quotes. I like the one from Albert Camus! When I was still in school, we had to read some of his books! I really enjoyed reading his works.
  8. You are welcome Takibari What do you think about 'reopening' the poll? We need to give our community some more time to vote for it I guess. It's an interesting question, though!
  9. May I ask you why you think it is great for studying new writing systems? I rather have the impression that for learning scripts, Rosetta Stone doesn't come in very handy. However, I don't have a lot of knowledge about Rosetta Stone, so maybe I'm wrong!
  10. Where did you find that list Trellum? I would like to find out whether they are going to include Chinese or not. :grin:
  11. Hi Radooqu We collected a lot of great online resources for the study of German here: http://www.linguaholic.com/online-language-learning-resources/online-resources-for-the-study-of-the-german-language/ Hope this helps! kind regards lingua
  12. 'False Friends' are really an interesting topic. Please note that we already have a couple of similar threads going: http://www.linguaholic.com/french-vocabulary-69/false-friends/ http://www.linguaholic.com/english-language-general-discussion-thread/false-friends-1433/ You might want to have a look at them as well! To see if threads about any topic already exists, you can always use the search function on the top right corner of the main page (www.linguaholic.com). Have a great weekend Lingua
  13. Hi there HellsBells! Welcome to www.linguaholic.com! Hopefully some of our members can help you in learning Swedish. We have a few Swedish native speakers on here and I am sure they are willing to help :grin: See you in the threads! regards linguaholic
  14. Hi Helen Welcome to the "linguaholic language learning family". It's really great having you here. Most probably you are the first member 'from Mauritius'. :grin: I hope you have a great time here in the forums and hopefully you will find the inspiration for learning your fourth language. best wishes linguaholic
  15. That's a very interesting question, however it is a very difficult question to answer, as the answer is strongly 'attached' to the place where you are living. If you are living in Asia, for instance, a different exam might be useful (the best) than for people living in Europe. Still, it's interesting to hear everyone's opinion on this! Thank you for bringing this up Takibari.
  16. Hey Christine Welcome to www.linguaholic.com! I wish you all the best with your Spanish Studies. To get you started, you might want to have a look at our Spanish Link Section here (online resources to learn Spanish): http://www.linguaholic.com/online-language-learning-resources/ Have a great Sunday Kind regards Lingua
  17. Thank you for that list chigreyofthenorns! Please find attached another useful list with English irregular verbs (and even a translation into french of all the verbs). If you know some English Irregular Verbs that are not part of this list, please leave a comment. Thank you.
  18. To get you started, please have a look at those links here: http://linguaholic.com/online-language-learning-resources/best-websites-to-study-french-online-free-resources/ regards, lingua
  19. The language exchange subforum is already up and running. Please check the forum index again:=)
  20. You need to reach a certain number of posts to be able to post in the off-topic section..that is why :grin: Keep on posting and you will soon be able to post in the off-topic section as well :=)
  21. First of all I would like to say: Welcome to www.linguaholic.com laniñabonita! It's a pleasure having you here! I am on my way to university and I am very busy at the moment, so unfortunately I can't write a reply to this 'question' yet. However, I will definitely reply later on! Have a good day. kind regards Lingua
  22. There are definitely some idioms that are used in various languages/cultures. Moreover, I would claim that there are many "universal metaphors". I am not sure if you consider metaphors to be idioms, though. Metaphors of movement or more specifically metaphors with "up" (up is usually good) and "down" (is usually bad) are quiet common in many different languages. More specifically, you could say that things from above are considered to be good and things from "below" are considered to be bad. There are quite a lot of metaphors portraying this idea of good and bad by making use of this "up/down difference". I will come up with some nice examples eventually:=) In the meantime, if you are interested in these kind of things, you should have a look at the book "Metaphors we live by". You will find plenty of examples in there. This book is like the holy grail when it comes to "Metaphors". It was written be George Lakoff and Mark Johnson.
  23. Oh, what a silly mistake. You are right. Just changed it. Thank you for pointing out that embarrassing mistake :grin:
  24. Hi Berfraper Welcome to www.linguaholic.com! It's a pleasure to have you here! As you are studying Japanese, you might want to have a look at some useful online resources for the study of the Japanese language. I compiled the last a few month ago: http://www.linguaholic.com/online-language-learning-resources/study-japanese-links/ We have some Japanese native speakers as well here in the forums. If you have any question about the Japanese language, you might want to ask our member called Kei. Have a great day! Best wishes, Lingua
  25. Hi xTinx Welcome to our language learning family! To get you started, you might want to have a look at the online language learning resources for Korean and Japanese: http://www.linguaholic.com/online-language-learning-resources/great-websites-to-learn-korean-language!/ http://www.linguaholic.com/online-language-learning-resources/study-japanese-links/
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