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Everything posted by linguaholic

  1. Hey monty5 We have a lot of native Tagalog speakers here. I am sure someone can point you in the right direction! Have a great time on linguaholic.com! regards Lingua
  2. Well, as for me, knowing French is pretty crucial, as it is one of the four national languages in Switzerland. Knowing French improves my chances to get a good job in Switzerland. French is of course not needed for all the jobs here but it is in many cases considered to be at least a valuable asset. Moreover, French is still really international and there are quite a lot of French communities all over the world. All over the world is maybe a little bit exaggerated, though :=)
  3. Hey Trellum I have used Memrise for some time and it was good fun. Maybe not the most effective method to learn a language, but definitely a fun method. We already have quite a lot of posts about Memrise. You might wanna have a look at some older posts: http://linguaholic.com/search/?q=memrise Oh and Trellum, what do you think about the new design of Linguaholic? I really enjoy it so far. best wishes L
  4. Please have a look at this link here for some basic Vietnamese Phrases: http://www.omniglot.com/language/phrases/vietnamese.php
  5. Chnuuschti, are you Swiss by any chance? That name of yours really sounds like it :=))
  6. Hi Richard Welcome to linguaholic.com! It's a big pleasure having you here. I am also studying Chinese and I have some very basic knowledge about Japanese. Both languages are really fascinating! It's pretty impressive that you do all your studying at home! I think it is pretty hard to motivate yourself when doing self-study, that is why I like to join classes from time to time or maybe consider an immersion program or so! Best wishes Lingua
  7. Hi Sia Welcome to Linguaholic.com! It is a pleasure to have you here! Unfortunately I am not familiar with Rocket Spanish, but I am sure some of our users already tried this one out!
  8. DEAR MEMBERS AND VISITORS of Linguaholic.com I proudly would like to announce that linguaholic.com will be changing to new forum software, soon. The site has been running on SMF (Simple Machines Forum Software) since day one and the overall experience with it was fantastic. However, as SMF basically is an open source forum software (and therefore free), it comes with some limitations and is probably not always up-to-date in terms of Design, User Friendliness and Features. Moreover, it is really difficult to offer the members a member-friendly mobile access to the page. As more and more members of linguaholic.com access the page with a mobile device, it is our top priority to ensure a mobile friendly environment. This is very hard to achieve with SMF and therefore we decided to move to IPB. IPB offers amazing forum software and has many mobile-friendly themes on the market. As for existing members of linguaholic.com, we do try to make the switch to IPB Software as smooth as possible. All individual posts, Ranks and Titles are supposed to be taken over to the new Software and should display in the same way it was the case with SMF. So if everything works out well, nothing will change with your member account! We will keep everyone updated about this change to IPB. Due to this change, linguaholic.com will be down for some time, soon. So if you are trying to access linguaholic.com and get an error, don't worry. The page will be up again as soon as possible (we are talking about 24 hours to a couple of days here, not more). I hope you will all enjoy the change to the new forum Software! Best wishes Linguaholic
  9. Dear All I proudly would like to announce that linguaholic.com will be changing to new forum software, soon. The site has been running on SMF (Simple Machines Forum Software) since day one and the overall experience with it was fantastic. However, as SMF basically is an open source forum software (and therefore free), it comes with some limitations and is probably not always up-to-date in terms of Design, User Friendliness and Features. Moreover, it is really difficult to offer the members a member-friendly mobile access to the page. As more and more members of linguaholic.com access the page with a mobile device, it is our top priority to ensure a mobile friendly environment. This is very hard to achieve with SMF and therefore we decided to move to IPB. IPB offers amazing forum software and has many mobile-friendly themes on the market. As for existing members of linguaholic.com, we do try to make the switch to IPB Software as smooth as possible. All individual posts, Ranks and Titles are supposed to be taken over to the new Software and should display in the same way it was the case with SMF. So if everything works out well, nothing will change with your member account! We will keep everyone updated about this change to IPB. Due to this change, linguaholic.com will be down for some time, soon. So if you are trying to access linguaholic.com and get an error, don't worry. The page will be up again as soon as possible (we are talking about 24 hours to a couple of days here, not more). I hope you will all enjoy the change to the new forum Software! Best wishes Linguaholic
  10. Chinese is actually not using any Alphabet at all. This is a common misconception about the Chinese language. Chinese is using characters and in general one character is representing one syllable. In ancient Chinese, one character mainly represented one word but this changed a lot over time. So you might wonder how many characters are there in Chinese? There are actually thousands of characters! You need to know about 3000-4000 characters in order to read a newspaper, but you have to take into account that you will need to know an endless amount of character combinations as well, as words are generally made up of at least two characters. There are some 1-character-words as well, but as mentioned previously, this is not the standard in Modern Mandarin Chinese. I could go on forever with talking about Chinese, so if you have some specific questions, feel free to ask :=) kind regards Lingua
  11. We have an endless number of posts about Duolingo on this forum already. You are well invited to use the search function of this forum to get some more thoughts and ideas about the Duolingo language learning concept. http://linguaholic.com/search Regards Lingua
  12. my update on the first translation request: 老啦..唔去啦. 老 literally means old. 啦 is a final particle and it can be used for emphasize. Probably the person said this to make a joke (like saying oh, you are really old now). 唔去啦. This basically means I go and then the last character is the same as before (for emphasis). I am not sure what is meant here.....maybe this is some kind of slang that I am not aware of. I know all of the characters in the first line, but I really don't know what the meaning of 我都5知你地讲咩 is supposed to be. pretty hard to tell without more context.
  13. I will have a look at it. If I can find some free time, I will try to translate it for you. regards Lingua
  14. Hi there Is there any info you have about this text? It looks like it is a manual for some kind of machine / working process. I could possibly translate it. However, it would be great to have some more info about the text kind regards Lingua
  15. you are welcome :=) Oh, the 英國老鼠 must be a reference to her birthday then. As you probably know, rat/mouse is one of the Chinese Zodiacs. So if she was born in one of the years Years of the Rat:1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020 she might be a rat/mouse in Chinese Zodiac. However, you would have to tell me the exact Date of Birth to make sure she really is a mouse in Chinese Zodiac. I will add some comments for the other lines as well soon :=) regards L
  16. What did her post include? Maybe a picture or a video? I could help you with the translations but I need to know a little bit more about the context. Anyway, I can already tell you about the meaning of some of those: 我們都在講英文 = We are all speaking English (now) 英國老鼠 = English Rat/Mous (Rat/Mouse from England) 笑了 = laughed ( I had to laugh.) Because of the character 唔 I reckon those people commenting are either from HK or from Taiwan, is that possible? I don't think Mainlanders would use it (at least not in this kind of context). 轉台 literally stands for 'Turntable'. Without context it is impossible to tell you what was meant here. regards Lingua
  17. I've never heard about that language before. Sounds really interesting. Could you please share some audio? That would be awesome! Is it a language people speak on the Phillipines? I was just aware of Visayan, Tagalog (Filipion) and Cebuano. bW Lingua
  18. Hi Angela It really depends on the language. As a German native speaker it was really easy for me to learn English. French was a little bit harder but still not a big deal. After that I studied Chinese and in this case it was really necessary to go to China for some time to improve my Chinese skills (mainly in Speaking the language). It is not impossible to study Chinese in another country but you should eventually go there and apply what you learned. If you don't, it is very well possible that Chinese people will not understand a word of what you are saying, because some students of the Chinese language never actually get to the point where they are able to pronounce the tones correctly! bW Lingua
  19. Hi Ana Nice to meet you! I speak Chinese, German, French and English. So I can help you with French and German if you want. :grin: best wishes Lingua
  20. The last word sounds like autumn :=) Really don't know what language that is. sorry. (
  21. Actually, there are quite a lot of Spanish speakers on linguaholic.com ! Hope you can find a language buddy here as soon as possible! best wishes Lingua
  22. Hi there You might wanna have a look at this here: http://www.wikihow.com/Use-English-Punctuation-Correctly regards lingua!
  23. Hi JasleenKaur Welcome to linguaholic.com! I hope you have a great time here! regards Lingua
  24. Hi there Welcome to linguaholic.com! Please have a look in our Korean section. You will find some useful links there to study Korean. You might wanna start with studying the korean alphabet 'Hangeul'. It is pretty easy and very logic indeed!
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