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Everything posted by pcgamer

  1. I would say, it's pretty normal occurrence. When you live in a different culture with a totally different language for an extended period of time, your brain starts adapting to it and as you learn more and get involved, you will start thinking in that particular language more often.
  2. Hi! Greetings from India and welcome to the forums.
  3. Do you think people actually bother with online tutorials when they want to learn a language? I for one certainly didn't. How could I when I didn't even know a single word of English until I was 16. I have been learning English since I was 16, but online tutorials were never a help for me.
  4. You guys are really lucky. You don't need to learn other languages if you don't want to. But in countries like India, you have to learn your own native language, your national language and thereafter the English language to be successful in any area. So it's obvious that you people will be a little bit arrogant and want everyone to speak your language as it's the language which connects everyone from all across the globe.
  5. I am learning first few words of French right now. I don't know how long it will take me learn to speak it.
  6. I wanna be really fluent in English, I really do. While the writing skills has gradually improved over the last 2 years, when it comes to speaking it fluently, I fumble a lot. I am determined to do better than native ones and I will do that
  7. I will admit that video games have played a big role in helping me out with getting the hang off English besides reading blogs and having my own blog.
  8. There are so many words that I can't even remember. I still fumble a lot in speaking English, but I am working on it.
  9. I don't know many languages yet, but I like American accent and wish I could speak like that. It's not possible as I am an Indian.
  10. I believe that all the languages are really ineffable. They have their own beauty, but it's the accent of some people that riles me up sometimes.
  11. I got it now. It's an amazing idea. I for one would like to make some French buddies who can hopefully help me out with this language
  12. Well, you said it. I don't need to answer this anymore. Are you an Indian?
  13. It has helped me earn so much money. I would still be a broke guy, if it wasn't for my English. I am still improving upon it, but I will master it one day.
  14. I live in a state where more than 90% of people speak my native language. So, it's not difficult to find one speaks mu language lol. But yeah, it's difficult to find someone who can string a proper sentence and speak fluently in English here
  15. Excuse my ignorance, but I don't quite understand what you mean here. Can you please elaborate it a bit? I would like to know more about what you have in mind
  16. There is no unusual way to learn a language. It doesn't matter as long as you are doing good in a particular language. Internet taught me more than 80% of English. So yeah, it's a bit unusual for me.
  17. What do these words mean? Sorry, but I am not a native English speaker. So, I don't know about a lot of English words yet.
  18. I think, I have finally learnt some decent English. I still fumble here and there as I make quite a few mistakes often, but I will conquer it too. Right now, I am starting to learn a little bit of French. After this, I would like to learn Spanish.
  19. To be candid with you, I didn't chose to learn French. It's was my elder brother's choice. He wanted me to learn it and started teaching me back in 2012.
  20. Let me tell you that I am not learning Japanese right now, nor I plan to do it for at least 2 years as I am trying to get the hang off French language first and then learn a little bit of Spanish. But if I wee to choose a fifth language I would like to learn, it would be either Japanese or Italian. So yeah, it's on my radar. I want to learn it, but have not embarked upon it yet.
  21. Nope, nada, nothing. I don't know any sign language. That's why I have had difficulties communicating with any deaf person.
  22. Thankfully, I haven't lost my fluency in any of the languages that I have learned. I have only become better in English and French, but that's because I am a blogger who does most of his work in English.
  23. There's more if you include languages that have been completely forgotten now.
  24. Yep, I think writing has helped me improve my English a lot. Also, perusing gaming websites like IGN and Gamespot was a big help.
  25. Listening to songs has never helped my English to be honest. I still can't make out some words when someone like Emnium raps.
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