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Everything posted by sillylucy

  1. I love watching language videos! I find that I learn quickly when I watch a language video. It's nice to see a language video that shows conversations between two people. It helps me apply what I've learned in my textbooks.
  2. I have read some pamphlets in Spanish. I read a Bible story book in Spanish as well. It was pretty much just like the English one. I think it was literature for the Jehova's Witnesses.
  3. I can not learn in groups. I have to learn on my own or I will not retain the information. I did learn with other students in my language class, but it didn't really help. If we did review together then it helped if I had questions, but initial learning never stuck with me in large groups.
  4. I am a visual learner. I can not learn if I am being lectured or if I have to listen to information. It just goes in one ear and out through the other. I can only learn if I read it myself. I also learn if I watch videos of things being done. I can't learn with instructions.
  5. The best part of learning a language is being able to connect with other people. Once I get to put my new language skills to test and other people understand me then I know I have succeeded. It makes me feel great.
  6. I can see the link between the two. People who are avid readers are more likely to read in different languages. They are probably more likely to pick up a few language books and check them out. I also think that they read quickly and so they can quickly absorb information.
  7. I can hardly get by with language. I can't even imagine what it would be like to not have language. I'd be drawing pictures all day long then.
  8. I knew a girl in college who could speak 7 different languages. I was always amazed by her and thought it must be hard to keep up to date with all of those languages and idioms. She was pretty well traveled and from Brazil. She spoke English flawlessly.
  9. I think for me it's the fast speaking. I can not keep up with fast talkers. Native speakers are so quick. I wish I could speak that fast!
  10. I have tried a few and they have worked for me. I can have a conversation and things are okay. It's worth a shot and it's free.
  11. I don't have any quirky sayings to remember it. I just think of "de" as "of" and "la" as a feminine form of "the" and "el" as the masculine form for "the."
  12. I did join a local group and they hosted movie nights and activities, but many of the members were much older than me and I felt out of place. It wasn't a problem for me because I do have a lot of older friends now, but at the time I was young and just felt awkward. I will have to revisit that club soon.
  13. I have so many! I don't even know where to start. I am a big fan of French New Wave and directors like Jean Luc Godard and Chabrol (great if you like mysteries or thrillers). I love going to my library and checking out the international section and renting movies from them.
  14. Words like "Secret" and "Shocking" or "Scandal" always catch my attention. I can't help but pick up the magazine or click on the link. Also "Top 5" or "Top Anything" works for me too.
  15. I don't know why people get to confused by that. I learned this when I was 7. Just remember that "you're" is "you are." If you are unsure about the usage, substitute it in your sentences. If "I love you're sweater" is substituted with "I love you are sweater" then you can tell it is wrong.
  16. I always remember in English class how my teacher said that rules didn't apply to poetry. I can see how rules would restrict the artistry, but sometimes when things are in all lower case it hurts my eyes. I need some rules!
  17. I think if I feel like I have to express myself the words just flow out. If I am writing then I have more time to think of my words and that trips me up. I over analyze, but if I have to speak to people the words flow out.
  18. I usually think in English. I sometimes think in Spanish if I am speaking in Spanish all day. The weirdest is when I dream in Spanish and it is more fluent than I am. That really freaks me out. :confused:
  19. I get so confused by fast talkers. I just feel so lost! As for the video, that girl also posted another video on youtube wondering if dogs had brains. She is out of control.
  20. LOL Thanks for the help with "culero" guys. I lived with 2 Dominican roommates and they both loved saying "gilipolla." It pretty much means the same thing, but now I love using it because most Mexicans don't understand it. I probably just sound silly to them.
  21. :clown: Thanks for the tips. I always feel like being redundant just shows everyone that I am struggling with the language. I hope to sound like a local one day.
  22. I have tried their audio books for French. I got them at my local library. Nothing beats a free way to learn a new language. I love putting their audio books on my mp3 player. It's a great way to learn a new language and work out.
  23. Yo me gusta Juanes tambien! Mi cancion favorito es "A Dio Le Pido." Me gusta la cancion "Yo sigo aqui" de Carla Morrison.
  24. I have taken some speed reading courses and have used the eye Q software to improve my reading speed. It really did help me out in college and I was able to focus and get all of my assignments done on time. I feel like I have slowed down a bit since though.
  25. I've never heard of "konchia." Is this some shortened version of Konnichiwa? It is a daytime greeting, but can still be used as "good afternoon."
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