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Everything posted by Channa

  1. I get really tired of studying and always having to be at a class and juggling school and work becomes very tiresome and hectic. The demand is very challenging
  2. That is true I find that I am better able to study with the sound of a football game playing in the background and at one point I studied on a crowded bus and it forced my mind to block out every thing around me and focus. :wacky:
  3. I am from a country where Patois is our native language but because we were colonized by the British there is a mixture of patois and English the refer to the natives as uneducated if they speak a mixture of both. go figure. :bored:
  4. Life can be life, but we all have to live life
  5. At the end of reading an article certain things must have been achieved, knowledge and understanding being the main reasons. so i do agree with the small words for the everyday reader but for someone who wants to expand on their vocabulary and education words that are"bigger" are more interested and beneficial
  6. 1. learn the sound each letter in the alphabet makes 2. always have a dictionary on hand(to search for word meanings) 3. keep a notebook on hand to write down words and there meanings 4. learn part of speech and their uses. eg. verbs are action or doing words 5. practice speaking and writing standard English at all time so it becomes the norm and everyday way of life.
  7. I like the Qxford Concise, It give you the meaning of words, it also gives you sentences and pronunciations of words, also figure of speech .
  8. I like the word, Lovely, whenever someone says that word to you its makes you feel good about yourself., It is also telling you that you are very beautiful. So that why i like hearing that word. Have a lovely day.
  9. Well what is happening now is that base on where you come from and it also depend on how you speak, the way we pronounce, Ariel, Americans pronounce the name totally different from us.
  10. Words like Vacuum, the silent [E] on this is married the and joined him inside the word, where they are living ever since. Well the evidence is suggestive but not conclusive . Anyway, spell this word with two 's and not like "volume".
  11. No i don't as I try to pronounce my words correctly. I know that "loose" means, not tight, and "lose" means, be without something that you had once. Sometimes when you don't pronounce your words correctly it causes a problem when you spell.
  12. Well for me i can read body language sometimes. You have some person that will look at you with lustful eyes. Like they want to tell you that they like you but are very afraid to tell you. Body language really speak a lot, sometimes persons don't like you and they will give you the eye look, that says I hate you .
  13. Poetry, Because it give you a chance to express yourself, It also expresses how you feel, It helps you to use rhyming words. So I go with Poetry.
  14. Well as for me i do have problem with 'E" and "I", Whenever I am suppose to put "E" first I always tend to "I" instead. Such word as, "Yield", "Field". I always have to ask someone if the spelling is correct. I also remember try to spell 'Busy", and it took me two day before i could get it right .
  15. No I don't care what they say really. Because you can't please everybody, So if they wanna talk let them talk. And furthermore people love our accent because we speak, Patios and that cause us to have a unique sound.
  16. For those of us who speak English , we should speak properly. Why I say so because I come from Jamaica and we speak different and so it is very important to speak properly.
  17. I use to think that babies fall from the sky, Because when i was growing as a child and we as our mom. "where does baby comes from " She would say baby comes from sky?.
  18. Well as for me, I listen to the words they are saying and if they are looking at me. The Chinese always do that, But we pretend as if we don't know what they are saying.
  19. Reading a lot of books help your vocabulary. It also give you a better understanding. You also know a lot when you read. But it is difficult if you don't set your mind to it .
  20. Well i really love the English Accent. They sound so unique, I Love it when they speak.
  21. I do use it but only when there is a need to use it. It is just a short and spices way to let someone know that you find it real funny. lol.
  22. English is a must learn, even if you know other language its important to learn English.
  23. Well when I just got my phone I receive a text message from some one and i just could not understand the text. There were too many shortcuts ,Like ,"omg" O my God. "smh" Shake my head. "kmt" kiss my teeth. It is hard to read messages like that if you are not familar with shortcut.
  24. Its good when you are talking to someone you use proper English. It makes a lot of sense. And it is important too.
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