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      Everything posted by pahagwl

      1. Well, the next language I would like to learn would be spanish. This is due to the reason that I have always been fascinated by the Spanish culture and traditions. I am also a big fan of the Spanish La Liga which is one of the most popular football leagues in the world.
      2. Well there are some idioms which are pretty famous and almost every english speaker knows about them. And these were the idioms which I first learned. Some of them include, A stitch in time saves nine, which teaches about the value of time and too many cooks spoil the broth, which means that too many people doing a single thing end up doing badly.
      3. I have been using the app for a while now and I have to say that I am impressed by its performance and features which it offers. The feature I love the most is where they highlight a new interesting word everyday on their main page. And due to this feature, I have been able to learn a lot of new words and strengthen my vocabulary.
      4. I have a liking for the Irish and the South American accents. I like the Irish accent, due to the certain amount of rawness it brings while pronunciation of certain words. It is commonly referred to as the Irish brogue. I like the South American accent because the way the speakers roll their R's while pronouncing words like Rollers, etc
      5. English is not my first language so, I have not achieved the amount of fluency which the native speakers do. This is the reason due to which I occasionally make mistakes while having conversations with my friends in English. Though I continuously try to weed out the mistakes from my language.
      6. A lot of word processing software these days come in with a built-in spell checker. These are able to do all the required amount of checking which a normal person could require. But sometimes for a special set of users, these are not able to do the job quite up to the mark. For them there are a variety of spell checkers on the internet like and TeXclipse's spell checker which cater to a set of specific needs.
      7. English speakers all around the world use a mix of literal and figurative language in order to communicate their thoughts with other people. There is no general criteria as to in which proportion these languages are used by the people. People who are generally related to the arts tend to speak more in hyperbole, while the people of scientific community tend to use a more literal form of language.
      8. To is a preposition and is used to link the noun, pronouns or phrases to other words in the sentence. Too is an adverb which means that something is in a higher quantity then the desirable amount. Two is the number two an integer which is used to denote a specific quantity.
      9. There are a lot of words in English which are generally spelled wrong by the general public. These words are spelled wrong due to the confusion which is caused by the similarity in the pronunciation of different spellings of that single word. The most commonly mistaken words include receive and center.
      10. I generally find homonyms very interesting. These are the words which are spelled and pronounced similarly but have different meanings when used in different situations. For instance, the word bear is used for denoting the animal species when used as a noun and when it is used as a verb it means that you are putting up with or tolerating something. There are a number of homonyms which exist in the English language.
      11. There is not much difference in the meanings of 'smart' and 'elegant'. Smart is more used in relation to one's appearance while elegant is used in terms of ones mannerisms and the way he presents itself. In my opinion, this is the main difference in the meanings of the two words.
      12. English is an easy language phonetically. It only has a few words which are difficult to pronounce. The ones which I find difficult to pronounce include, Otolaryngology and entrepreneurship. These are the words which I struggle with sometimes.
      13. If you want to learn new words fast and effectively, I would recommend you to start learning meaning of new words that you might come across. And you should try to use these new words in the various mediums of communication you might use in your daily life. The sooner you start familiarizing yourself with these new words, you will start noticing a increase in the depth of your vocabulary.
      14. I always try to refer to my dictionary when I come across a new word in my day-to-day life. Due to this practice, I have developed a strong vocabulary and it has also improved my command of the English language. I would recommend everybody to keep a dictionary nearby and refer to it for meanings of new words which you may come across.
      15. It is very important that you are able to spell words correctly while using written means of communication. This is due to the fact that sometimes misspelled words may convey the wrong meaning to the recipient. It also causes frustration to the reader. The reason for degrading quality of spelling these days is mostly the haste with which people type/write their messages.
      16. Well, I have tried writing for some sites and have not enjoyed much success in monetary terms. As a lot of people have mentioned, most of the sites have very strict rules which make it very easy to reject an article without specifying any particular reason. So, I have given up on these sites and do not look at them as a way to make money.
      17. If you want to speak and understand English fluently, it is very necessary that you have a good command of the English grammar. Grammar is a set of structural rules which govern the composition of sentence, clauses or phrases used in the language. A good command of grammar also increases your comprehension skills.
      18. Writing is an art, which can only be improved by means of thorough practice. If you want to improve upon your writing skills, I would recommend you to start writing more articles and letters. And I would also advise you to beef up on your vocabulary, so that you can make your writings more ornate.
      19. I have been using the Merriam-Webster application on my android phone for quite a while. And I have been very satisfied with the performance of the application. It does exactly what it is supposed to, i.e., provide meaning of difficult words quickly The application has a easy to understand user interface which is beneficial to those users who are not that tech-savvy.
      20. In my opinion, the spell checker of Microsoft Word is American because the software has been developed by Microsoft which is an American company. So, it is all but natural that it checks the spellings with American English as its base. But they are trying to bridge this gap in the new versions of Microsoft Word where they have provided options for different versions of English in order to cater to a global audience.
      21. I have been using Oxford Dictionary since I was very little. Its printed every year by the Oxford University Press in England. I like it because it gives very concise meanings of the most difficult of words. It also has the reputation of being one of the best in the world.
      22. The most popular way to increase your vocabulary has always been to keep looking up meaning of new words which you might come across in your daily life. This is a very effective method which has been tried and tested over the years. I would also recommend reading some books like, Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis, which have a number of exercises for increasing your vocabulary.
      23. Communication is only possible when the message of the sender is understood by the recipient, as intended by the sender. So, I always try to use simple words when making a conversation so that my message goes across unambiguously. The only place suited for complex words is when you are expressing your opinion while writing letters or articles.
      24. In my opinion, creative writing is an art and as we all know, an art can only be mastered with practice. Students do not take out the time to write some stuff on their own which is the essence of excelling at creative writing. Poor grammar and command of the English language is also attributable to some extent for this failure.
      25. Cursive writing is a dying art nowadays. This is due to the fact that these days, people are living their lives at a rapid pace and they do not have much time to concentrate on the form and shape of their handwriting. Nowadays it is very rare that you come across people with good handwritings. Another reason for this is the advent of technology, due to which people have started typing out their letters instead of writing them.
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