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      How often do you dream in another language? | Language Learning Jump to content

      How often do you dream in another language?


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      When I began speaking in Spanish regularly, I also started dreaming in this language.  My dreams seem to be either/or.  They are either in Spanish or English.  They also occur about 1x a week depending on how active I am at using Spanish.

      What about you?

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        It's great to know that I'm not alone when it comes to dreaming of speaking different languages. I don't always dream of speaking another language, but I still remember the couple times that I did. I have no clue how to speak Russian. I don't have family nor friends who speak the language, but apparently I was speaking perfect Russian. I remember grabbing some phrases I said in dream and when I went to search for it via the internet, I was fluent. There were some grammatical errors, but I knew words. It was the strangest thing! Haha!

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        I only dream in 2 languages which are English in Tagalog. Mostly my dreams were in Tagalog, but I remember singing an English song in my dreams, and that's the only time that I dreamt in English. I usually speak Tagalog in my dreams.

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        My mind can't always decide between languages in dreams! I'll generally start out in English, but sometimes switch back and forth speaking/reading/thinking in Latin or Spanish as well. It really all depends...I do dream in English most often, but it's not infrequent for other languages to be included in my dreams to some extent, sometimes even fully.

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        Uhm this kind of thing has never happened to me often, it happened to me once when I was in Norway tho.  I dream of a girl standing at the entrance of our apartment (me and my ex's), she told me: ''Don't believe everything they tell you''.  I woke up feeling so scared right after she said that!  She was a blonde girl, maybe 6 or 8 years old.  I had to go to pee after that, and I was sooo scared, because I knew I'd need to walk right into the entrance of the apartment, since the bathroom is right next to the entrance.

        Funny thing is... many year later I found out my ex had been lying to me all the time.  All his friends knew it too.  This could be a really incredible coincidence.  I guess.  I've probably dreamt in another language maybe 3 times in my life, counting this one time.  But I don't know if this one counts or not, because I didn't utter a single word in this dream.  My dreams often contain no dialogue.  Hence I rarely dream in my own language, let alone hear or speak other language!

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        I have never been able to dream in another language :/ It may be because I'm not fluent in anything other than English and the amount of words I know in other languages is limited.  It would be a wonderful experience though.

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        I rarely remember my dreams so its hard recalling  what had happened. But usually I dream in English as I speak it normally but sometimes in my mother tongue too as thats what I use to communicate with my family members.

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        I have often wondered this myself. I sometimes dream in Spanish and I am not that fluent, but the people in my dream speak it perfectly. I don't know how my brain does it. I wonder if it just taps into those telenovela shows I watched as a child.

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          On 11/26/2013 at 4:24 AM, jbepp said:

        I don't dream very often, and most of my dreams don't even have people speaking so it's hard to say.

        Spanish is my first language but the last dream I had in English was like 2 months ago.

        Haha I was wondering what I could say but you have mentioned it all. Like you I don't dream often and whenever I dream I don't think there are any conversations going which means I cannot really say what language is being used.

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          On 11/26/2013 at 1:45 AM, True2marie said:

        When I began speaking in Spanish regularly, I also started dreaming in this language.  My dreams seem to be either/or.  They are either in Spanish or English.  They also occur about 1x a week depending on how active I am at using Spanish.

        What about you?

        Erm, yikes! lol

        I think dreaming in another language would actually seriously worry me! I speak English, German, Spanish and Swahili, and I think if I ever dreamed in any of them I would wake up a little disoriented to say the least! Doesn't it worry you?

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        I haven't the faintest idea of what I regularly dream about, and even less of the languages used. I don't think my brain really works like that, most dreams I have are of non-descript people and I'm not even sure if talking is involved at all.

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        As far as I can remember, never. But I find myself thinking in another language if I was influenced by something what I've seen/heard moments (sometimes days) ago.

        I've never had a dream in another language, but I'd most certainly like to. It would be a fun experience.

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        This is a very interesting topic. Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever had a dream in which I was speaking, that I was speaking in another language other than my native English. From what I can remember of my dreams, there isn't rally any speaking in them as much as there are thoughts that don't really come across as such. Non-verbal communication if you will. Kind of like the fact that when you are walking in your dreams, your feet never touch the ground. It's hard to explain.

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        • 4 weeks later...

        I have never dreamed in another langauge. However I think if you have it probably is because you mind wants you too. Dreams usually are based on something that you have viewed or has happened during you day. That is why you usually have dreams about something you have seen before you fall asleep. So I could see myself having a dream about a different language if I am studying before I go to sleep or something.

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        I had a dream in Japanese once, I was quite fluent in the dream, then I woke up and frowned at myself because it wasn't real. It's fascinating to see myself speak another language in a different world; waking up and not remembering a single word is pretty sad.  :bored:

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        That is an awesome question. I dream in at least two languages that I have a splendid command of. Remember a preposition is not something you end a sentence with. But that is not our proposition.  :smile: I even learn new words in my dreams. My big dream is to 'dream' in ancient Egyptian.

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        I dream in only one language and funny enough, it's not my mother tongue. My mother tongue is kikuyu but all the books I've read and movies that I have watched are in English so naturally, my creative side thinks it was born in London. I actually like the dialogue in my dreams so much that I think it's because of these dreams that I started writing for magazines :).

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        I usually dream in my native tongue, English. The longer I live in Latin America, however, I've noticed that Spanish infiltrated into my dreams. I guess I can't be surprised :)

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        I haven't actually had a dream which involves speaking another language. Most of the time my dreams are just running, motions and actions. I seldom dream speaking and in these dreams I am either shouting or crying or some other intense emotion.

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