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      Have you ever fallen in love with someone who speaks a foreign language? | Language Learning Jump to content

      Have you ever fallen in love with someone who speaks a foreign language?


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      You find a person, a he or a she, and you are really attracted him/her. The only problem is that he/she speaks a foreign language. I won't specify a language, because it has to be a language that you don't speak. If there is a chance for a relationship, will you pursue it? Will you gladly learn a foreign language for your partner? Do you think you can communicate well, and have a good relationship?

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        I don't know about all this, but I have been able to risk having foreign kids because of language skills.

        I'm proud to say that, so far, I have conquered Spain, and italy  :laugh:

        But sure... If you are actually in a situation like that, go for it son.

        I think it can actually help if you play your cards right.

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        Why are you even having doubts about it! Learning a language to get closer to a person you like to be with is an incredibly good motivation, and a way to learn without having to study. You'll have foreign language conversation practice whenever you want it, and you'll never have to worry about not finding a topic to talk about!

        It happened to me with a Venezuelan girl who I was with for a year. Luckily she had been in Italy for quite some time, so we had at least one language in common. I still believe I owe most of my Spanish to her, especially since studying Spanish was really boring and difficult for me. And nowadays I still know every palabra de ternura in the language!

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        I tried it once, I'd not dare to say I was in love, but just attracted to the person.  It didn't get so far tho because we didn't speak the same language and he was damn slow so other forms of communication failed miserably. 

        I did learn some french just to communicate with him to a very basic level, lol.  But it was so hard, you are never sure you have gotten everything they said right or visce versa.

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        I'm not really sure because I would also have to look at the cultural differences too before pursuing a foreigner, but as far as language is concerned, I think I would give it a shot, but once I find it too hard or taxing, then I would have to say that I just might stop seeing that person, since learning a language can take years, who knows if we will only be dating for a month right?

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        Not quite. I was already fluent in English when I met my husband. I can say that now I am more fluent in Pittsburghese now. My husband is trying to lean Spanish to communicate with my family and when we're visiting over there, but I can tell he's not 100% percent invested in it.

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        I don't really have a lover that speaks a different language but I do have a friend. I say go for it, I mean there's nothing wrong with trying? Of course it's gong to be a challenge but I won't let our language get in the way of my feelings for someone.

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        Love doesn't have boundaries. I would go for it and make sure that I learn her language even if it would take me several months. Learning a language is very simple because you start by learning the basics. I once had a french girlfriend and it took me a while to learn, too bad that we separated.

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        Well, I dated a man from Central America for a few weeks.  His English speaking skills were limited but he managed to pick up on many English idioms and some slang in the first six months of living in the U.S.  Our friendship worked out good.  I helped him practice his English and he helped me to understand more about Spanish.

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        I've never fallen in love, but I have been attracted to some people who speak a different language as it seems foreign and exotic to me and therefore offers a bit of mystery. I think getting a relationship with a foreigner would be great but they would have to speak a bit of English because I don't think we could communicate that well without a common ground to start off with.

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        • 2 weeks later...

        I'm Filipino and I'm married to an American.  I guess you can say I fell in love with someone who speaks a foreign language.

        However, when I met him, I am already proficient in English, so there is not much of a language barrier.  There are some moments when cultural differences would arise, but they are pretty rare.  Also, there are times when I would mispronounced some unfamiliar words and that is usually good for a few laughs. 

        Right now, we are temporarily staying in the Philippines, and my husband cannot speak our local dialect.  He had learned a few 'survival' phrases so he can get around but because most people can speak English, he doesn't feel the need to learn the local language.

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        • 2 weeks later...

        I have never really fallen in love with someone who speaks a foreign language but I have certainly been drawn to certain actors in movies and it was all because of their accent. I would watch the movie over and over again just to hear the actor's word been repeated. I don't know what i'd do if such a thing happens for real.

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        I have never fallen in love with someone who speaks a foreign language. To be honest I'm not sure if I ever could. I think being able to communicate well with someone is one of the most important aspects of being in a relationship or in love with someone. While I've certainly found people from other countries attractive, I just haven't been able to really connect with someone on that level with whom speaks another language.

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        I'm American and speak English and Spanish. I had a Romanian boyfriend--but that didn't last too long. Anyways, there were times where he used some really offensive slang words; and when I would let him know that he was being rude; he would reply by stating that it wasn't his intention. He literally thought slang words are the correct  way of doing things. We also had a couple of odd conversations regarding culture. He would find some things American did odd, and extreme and I would feel the same way about his culture. I remember starring a a photograph of a woman kissing on the lips a 12 year old boy. It was just shocking to me but said it was common over there. I do think that people could overcome these barriers but boy it's a radical experience! :pirate:

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        I was already fluent in English when I met my (now) husband, but if he had been speaking any other language, I have no doubt I would have been able to learn it right away. Though my husband took the easy way and even though he speaks a little Spanish, he doesn't seem concerned about mastering it.

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        It wasn't love. For me, it was more like a crush. I used to work in a Korean company, and the IT Department manager couldn't speak English at all. He was really cute, and I instantly had a crush on him. Too bad we couldn't understand each other.

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        I guess falling in love requires some time for most of us, but it is probably pretty common to become extremely interested in someone despite (or maybe because of) the inability to communicate with him/her.

        Attempting to break the language barrier (and hopefully other barriers ;) ) can be a very rewarding experience. Go for it if you're open minded and not too scared to make mistakes.

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          On 8/26/2014 at 4:04 PM, raytalks said:

        You find a person, a he or a she, and you are really attracted him/her. The only problem is that he/she speaks a foreign language. I won't specify a language, because it has to be a language that you don't speak. If there is a chance for a relationship, will you pursue it? Will you gladly learn a foreign language for your partner? Do you think you can communicate well, and have a good relationship?

        I don't think you could ever fall in love with someone without at least talking to her. But I think it is possible to try and start a relationship. If you have a common language between the two. And maybe I'd be willing to learn the new language.

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        No, I have not fallen in love with someone who speaks a different language. I however have friends whose native language is foreign to me. They help me learn the most common terms used and we usually have fun doing that. We speak in English when we interact.

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        • 3 weeks later...

        Yes I have, but the medium of conversation between us were always English and as English is a foreign language to me so I have fell for some girls who were native English speakers.

        Though I remember one time I had a crush on an Argentinian girl, who could barely speak English, but she was very cute :D

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          On 8/26/2014 at 4:04 PM, raytalks said:

        You find a person, a he or a she, and you are really attracted him/her. The only problem is that he/she speaks a foreign language. I won't specify a language, because it has to be a language that you don't speak. If there is a chance for a relationship, will you pursue it? Will you gladly learn a foreign language for your partner? Do you think you can communicate well, and have a good relationship?

        Yes I have fallen in love with someone who speaks a different language, but I did not follow up, it was just a fantasy and I got over it.

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        It's kinda hard to fall in love with someone whom you don't meet quite as own as your own country people, right? I would admit that I haven't met with a lot of foreigners, but Jewish girls are really nice. You can see them everywhere in India.

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        I have always been attracted to French guys and You was told that they are very romantic  :wacky: for this reason I would learn French anytime. The best relationships I think are ones where persons are different from each other in a few ways. Negatives do attract and I think it would be cool to have a bilingual baby.

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