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      Next language you'd like to learn - Page 12 | Language Learning Jump to content

      Next language you'd like to learn


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      I would also love to learn Greek.  I have not met that many people that actually know how to speak that language, so I think that would be cool because it would set me apart from everyone else. Plus I think it is an absolutely beautiful language.

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        I would love to learn Swedish next. I have always been really interested in Sweden and think it looks like a stunning country. I'm from the UK so I love the fact that they have proper seasons over there. I have also heard they are spending hundreds of millions on neuroscience and research facilities there and as that's my passion. That's something that really draws me to the country.

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        • 3 weeks later...

        I just started learning Japanese, and I think I'll be learning Italian after that. I am in school studying classical music performance (vocal), and knowing Italian would really help with the operas! So would French and German, for that matter. It's important to actually know what you are singing so you can convey emotions to your opera audience! :)

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        I'm really interested in studying Russian along with Japanese. I love the way it sounds and the writing. Hopefully I'll someday learn Japanese so I can continue onto Russian. Those would probably be the only languages I want to learn, honestly.

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        I want to learn Polish, but sadly it is not even in the list. I am a very big fan of Chopin. I feel that by learning his language, I will be able to know him more and understand him deeper so I will be closer to him. I want to know more about his country as it is the key to know the culture that shaped him. And for me, this is very important.  Aside from that, there are many more Polish musicians that I admire. From their music, I think that they have a very beautiful and interesting culture.

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        I would love to learn French!

        I think it is such a beautiful, romantic language. I'm sure there are plenty of beautiful languages out there (heck, they all are!) but French is a language I have always wanted to learn! I'd also like to learn German, because my friend speaks German and it would be so cool to converse with her in German!

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        Maybe Japanese. Though it would require a lot of effort, compared to something like Spanish I think. So yeah, probably Japanese. I know some basics already, would need to learn to characters next I feel.

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        Russian too! I have a friend who speaks Russian and I found the language amazing in a lot of levels. It really has this certain appeal that I can't explain - but instead of just giving me the chills, it also presents a beauty on its own.

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        • 2 weeks later...

        I'm certainly learning French, as I don't really have a choice in that one. I'm trying to learn German, as it's interesting and since it's Germanic/Romantic like English, it works well for me. I'm also trying to learn Chinese, as it's the most spoken language in the world. I like the characters too, as they look nice and always seem to have an interesting story about Chinese culture behind them.

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        I would really like to learn Italian. I've always been fascinated with Italian culture, and I'll admit, their food is magnificent. I plan to travel to Italy sometime in my life. Knowing the local language would definitely help.

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        I would like to learn Spanish next. The reason is a bit stupid, though. You see, I was browsing through the tv channels and found a channel in spanish and the show looked so interesting, but I have no idea what it is about. I also like how they talk.

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        I might have said this before, but after I finish my Japanese studies (which is actually never because I can never learn all the Japanese), I plan to study Korean, Dutch, and Indonesian. I also want to review my French.. which I haven't used for over 4 years, lol.

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        The next language I would like to learn is Russian so I can speak to my grandparents. I am currently studying Italian, but Russian will definitely be next. I notice the more languages I study it becomes ever so slightly easier every time, I hope it is the same for Russian but doubt it.

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        I would say japanese, because lately I became really interested in it's peoples culture and art. Plus I am planning to visit Japan in a few months with my family.

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        I'd like to learn Russian next. I'm a huge history buff, and am taking some history courses in university at the moment. Of particular interest to me is the Soviet Union and the Communist influence in Russia (and the region). I feel that being able to have a working grasp of the Russian language would open up a ton of possibilities for me to do further reading and research on the subject in the language it was used in. It would also be interesting to compare a Russian interpretation of the effects/pros and cons of the Soviet Union with the Western, English interpretation of the Soviet Union.

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        I would definitely like to be learning Spanish next - mainly because it seems to be a fairly easy language to learn with a lot of similarities to other languages such as English, making it so much easier. The thing is that I struggle remembering 'alternatives', so a whole new language is a complete alternative, so if I choose an easier one, it should make it easier for me to learn.

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        I'd love to be able to become fluent in Spanish, and then learn French! Many of my close friends are Spanish-speaking without any English, so learning the language would help me out a heap loads in terms of forming bonds and communicating! Not only that, but a large portion of my community here are Spanish speakers. After that, or at the same time, I would very much value learning the French language. In my homeland, French is the second language. Not only that, but I find the culture and origins associated with the French language to be completely beautiful.

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