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      Do you over use "LOL" when you write to your friends? - Page 2 | English Language | Discussion Jump to content

      Do you over use "LOL" when you write to your friends?


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      I don't think I over use it at all. I only use it when it's absolutely necessary, when someone shares a very hilarious joke; but I try to keep abbreviations to a minimum even when I'm texting or using instant messaging. I'm a writer so I enjoy writing and typing.

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      I try hard not too. I only use "LOL" when it's absolutely necessary or if I'm sharing a joke or receiving one from a friend. I generally don't like to use too many abbreviations when I'm using instant messaging, texting, or on a social media site. I think this is the case because I'm a writer and I love to write and type.

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      There are actually times when I have used "lol" two times before the sentence is even over. I mean I am a person who has a lot of humor, so most of my conversations are joyful. I hate saying something that would sound straight forward without "lol".

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      Sometimes I'm using LOL if I'm writing to my friends, but most of the time I use Hahaha instead of LOL. Sometime if I'm talking to an elder friend they don't understand the LOL. But if I use the hahaha, they can get what I'm talking about better. :wink:

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      I am guilty! I use "LOL" all the time when I'm chatting with my friends on whatsapp or facebook. It does not help the fact that my friends are really crazy, funny people, always deserving of a "LOL" remark. I am doing it so such that ultimately, the phrase seeped into my everyday conversations. I know, I'm as annoyed as you are. Every time I utter that word, I immediately feel like shooting myself after. :(

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      Am very much guilty too! Not only "LOL" but also other words like "OMG,NVM" etc.

      Am trying hard to get rid of them from my system but it is not happening at least for now!

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      I rarely use LOL, usually I resort to emoticons instead. But it does have its uses, I think it's just the equivalent of the word "like" in Calfornia-speak, it's necessary but easy to abuse :D

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      I can't lie, I use this a lot. I know that it means "laugh out loud", but mentally I don't view it as that when I am texting. I just use it as an interchangeable word for "haha". As I get older though, O imagine that I should probably start to remove lol from my text dictionary. It just seems very kiddie to me.

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      Yeah I do over use LOL. It seems so much easier to type than other words. Although, I don't like it. It makes what you are saying sound cheap. But I still use it as I haven't found a better way to quickly say LOL. It sounds like a funny word as well so I guess the meaning is actually quite good in the way that it sounds and speaks.

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      I don't do this. I feel people are becoming increasingly lazy and just type out LOL instead of actually laughing.

      I think we need to cultivate the habit of laughing out loudly than typing it out.

      The best medicine is laughing and not typing that you are laughing....

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      I don't use it. I try to stay away from sarcasm when emailing or texting because it is so easy to misunderstand. Communication is harder when writing than speaking because you don't have the advantage of non-verbal clues.

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      I'm one of those guilty of "over-using" it. I use it a lot, even unconsciously; it can be a little embarrassing. I've been teased about it numerous times by my boyfriend, but I just can't help myself from using it. "Lol" lightens my mood and I tend to joke around a lot in person, so I think it fits my personality.

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      I'm guilty as well! I just got so used to typing LOL whenever I encounter something funny, even if I am not really laughing out loud. But I guess it expresses so much emotion and tells the reader that you really found something funny. After all, people usually suppress their laughter when just chatting. I guess typing LOL is like saying you would've laughed out loud when you are with the person you're chatting with.

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      I used to. Now I actively limit myself very heavily. When on IRC, I also occasionally use "w", the Japanese equivalent, not because I'm a weeaboo, but because a lot of people on my frequently visited channels use it, and it seems more practical, because it's just one key press, and I can just hold the key for emphasis.

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      I realize that I use "lol" a lot when talking with my friends. Even when something isn't that funny, I still use it, basically describing whatever to be somewhat humorous but did not garner an actual laugh from me. There are times, however, where capitals are used: "LOL", and that is when I actually do laugh out loud because something is explicitly very funny.

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      I use "LOL" but not to the point of pelting my chat box with it. I'm not a fan of acronyms when I email or chat even with my closest friends. What I think I use a lot is "haha". I noticed that I add more ha's whenever I laugh harder, so it appears like this: hahahahahahahaha.

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      Guest isabbbela

      I do with my American friends or others foreign friends who I speak English with. In my own language I will usually use "hahaha". Most people know LOL means laugh (even though probably not everyone knows it means laugh out loud), but it's not common to use.

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      I blame it on AOL Instant Messenger for starting this problem with our generation (born in the 80s). I haven't used IM in ages, but the lingo lives on through my texting, emails, Twitter, and so on. My friends and I even made a band in high school, calling ourselves LOL-squared. It is part of my familiar vocabulary with friends and family, and I use it both literally and ironically...way too much.

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      Unfortunately I do overuse it. Not so much my friends as my boyfriend. I tend to adjust my way of writing and speaking with each person and he's the one using words like "lol" and other internet slang.

      I don't use it anywhere else though so I think I'm not that bad.

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