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      Do you over use "LOL" when you write to your friends? - Page 6 | English Language | Discussion Jump to content

      Do you over use "LOL" when you write to your friends?


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        No, I do not use "lol" when texting or instant messaging. I feel like "lol" is overused and lost all meaning. Many of my friends use "lol," even when they do not actually find something funny. They sometimes use it as a way to show annoyance, or they use it as a way to break awkward silences in conversations. Unless they use "LOLOLOL" do they actually find something at least a little bit funny, but usually, "lol" is just used as an extra thing to put after a comment.

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        I admit I am also quite guilty with overusing LOL when I get to chat with my friends and colleagues. :) It is easier instead of typing "hahahahaha" or what to express how much you bought one's joke or when you just want to laugh it off because of something. :)

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        Sometimes I do, but not all the time. I use :)) a lot, but 'lol' not so much. It doesn't bother me when others use it and I have some words that I use very often like 'right...' or 'ok'. I use 'ok' a lot, I should cut down :)

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        I still use it. But come to think of it, I use it a lot less than I used to. Back in the days, everything was LOL, LMAO, and ROFL. Now, i usually just write, hahaha and/or :D.

        When it comes to messaging friends and family, I don't think anything is wrong with it. But if you're writing something for work or school, I don't think it is appropriate.

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        I don't think I overuse it. I think it depends on the nature of the conversation. If I say something that I think is funny, or the other person writers something funny, I will definitely use it. In an average conversation on messenger I will use it at least once.  Maybe twice, if we are joking about something. If nothing is said that calls for it, I don't use it.

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        Proud to say that I rarely use that term. In fact, I don't even know when to use it exactly. I don't get why people find the need to add that in every sentence when it brings absolutely nothing to the overall context.

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        I certainly agree with the person that pointed out that generation gap has alot to do with the way people speak and text. Can't say i've used it quite often.My children however, are as guilty as can be  :smile:.

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        I too think I do out of habit these days.  :party: 90% of the time I am not even laughing! I just add it to the text/tweet or whatever. I think with it, even if you aren't laughing, it adds a level of friendliness to the conversation. Without it, some people might think you're way too serious when you text. SMH! Ha!

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          On 9/26/2013 at 11:23 PM, Jaxter said:

        I am totally guilty of this and it's almost a creature of habit now. Sometimes I'm scrolling up in a conversation I am having with a friend and i notice just how many "lol" I use in my sentences. Growing up in the instant messaging generation I have just been so used to it that it is now part of my every day vocabulary. Or when I do not know what to say or how to respond, "lol" seems to be the easiest thing to write. "Lmao" is another word that comes to mind that I seem to spam to my friends.  :tongue:

        Well short hand texting or typing is easier , But will affect you in the longer run, especially if you should write a job letter , you might make the mistake to type short hand so its good to spell your words the correct :tongue: :tongue:

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        Yeah I'll use it basically use it whenever I find anything remotely funny or just as a filler for small talk, it's pretty much gotten to a point where it is almost an instinct to use it.

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        I am also guilty of using 'lol'. It also seems appropriate to use it at the end of sentences or when there is no other reply to a message that someone has sent me, I put 'lol'. I try not to use alot of slang and text talk but for some reason think that 'lol' is acceptable. Maybe I should challenge myself to see if I can stop using it and see how long it lasts.

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        When it comes to  writing or chatting with my friends what i find really difficult is using this short forms of words. I will write the whole word down which at times gets on my pals nerves but I just never get myself  to do it. I guess i am the opposite of you.

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        Scrolled over an old conversation of mine one day and realized I do this, so I decided to just stop altogether. Two days and a few abruptly stopped conversations later my friend tell me I seem bored and/or depressed....

        I guess my over-use was really that obvious

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        • 2 weeks later...

        I use "lol" far more often than I should. I mostly use it at the end of texts that I think may be taken the wrong way. For instance, if I am being sarcastic, I always put "lol" after whatever I am saying because people always take my sarcasm the wrong way. I mean, it's not like I'm obnoxious with it, it just comes off all wrong. I'm thinking that maybe I should avoid sarcasm all together and can therefore avoid excessive "lol-ing".

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          On 9/26/2013 at 11:23 PM, Jaxter said:

        I am totally guilty of this and it's almost a creature of habit now. Sometimes I'm scrolling up in a conversation I am having with a friend and i notice just how many "lol" I use in my sentences. Growing up in the instant messaging generation I have just been so used to it that it is now part of my every day vocabulary. Or when I do not know what to say or how to respond, "lol" seems to be the easiest thing to write. "Lmao" is another word that comes to mind that I seem to spam to my friends.  :tongue:

        Indeed this word is a bit overused. I mean...I use it, but I don't believe I overuse it. I try my best to limit my use of it, especially how some of my friends are now saying that the use of it represents allegiance to Lucifer (Lucifer our Lord). I don't believe this of course, but for their sakes I don't text it to them in our conversations. I much prefer "lmao".

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          On 9/26/2013 at 11:36 PM, thekernel said:

        I don't over use it, at least, I don't think I do. I say "haha" when I'm really laughing at something, and "lol" when something is funny but it doesn't draw as much laughter. Which I guess is ironic given the meaning of the acronym.

        I do use it but only when there is a need to use it. It is just a short and spices way to let someone know that you find it real funny. lol. :laugh:

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        I'm guilty as well. Originally I used "lol" as what the acronym stood for, but now I seem to have replaced the filler words like "uh" and "um" with "lol" online.

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        As opposed to most people, I usually only use "LOL" when I actually laugh out loud.  If I receive a funny video or witness something hilarious, I laugh out loud!  Where people get in trouble usually is when they use it in the wrong context, or where they are trying to make others laugh themselves, which never works.  This only comes across as annoying!

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        I've gone on a "LOL" strike (this time doesn't count) where I refuse to say the phrase. I honestly think that in this day and age it's overused, so I use "haha" or "ah ha" or something like that instead.


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        Very, very often! In SMS, work chat client, even in emails! It's easier than actually typing a smiley since L is close to O hahahaha! Also, whenever I pretend to have interest in someone's story, I always use it too. Guilty as charged. I know others are too!

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