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      Do you over use "LOL" when you write to your friends? - Page 8 | English Language | Discussion Jump to content

      Do you over use "LOL" when you write to your friends?


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      I use LOL online but even then only in informal places like chat rooms and some forums. I certainly don't write it in any emails or letters to my friends. After all, the exclamation mark can convey something that is meant to be humorous.

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      I am so guilty of this. I mean, is there anyone these days who text without using it? Sometimes I even add that even when I didn't really laughed out loud. LOL (Okay I think I just did it.)

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      Well it depends on what I'm using to write. If I write a letter or an Email I would never use "LOL". I usually try to keep it as formal as possible when I write a letter or Email. But if I chat on Skype then I would probably use "LOL" especially if I chat with some good known friends. =)

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      I am guilty of overusing 'LOL' when I write to my friends, but I can definitely say that I am aware of this issue. I think overexposure to Facebook and other social networking sites is the reason for the tendency to overuse 'LOL', 'ROFL' and 'LMAO'. It must also be kept in mind, that in the present day and age, not using such acronyms will probably make one look old-fashioned and stiff!

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      Yeah, on IM and Whatsapp I'll say 'lol' quite often. I don't take it to mean that someone literally laughed out loud anymore - it's just replaced something like 'haha' and I use it to indicate that I find something funny. It just feels more natural to say. Other acronyms I use include WTF and TIL (today I learned).

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      Now that you mention it, I guess I actually do! Only with people who really do make me laugh though usually. I remember when text language started to become popular, and I would use it wayyyy too much! I'm willing to admit it! Haha When I text now a days though, I try to act more adult depending on who I'm talking to and don't use "lol" as much.

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      I use LOL all of the time, but I find myself cringing after I write it.  I don't know why, but it almost seems pointless to use anymore.  I don't get annoyed when someone else uses it, but it kind of drives me crazy when I do.  Using it has definitely became a habit for me. (going to hold back from using lol right now)  :grin:

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      I think I tend to over uses the term "LOL" but not really during a conversation. For example if they post on my wall a funny meme or picture, then I would be more inclined to say LOL.

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      I use LOL only when there's nothing else to say or I don't really feel like typing anymore. :P Yes, I know it's pretty bad on my part. I use "lmao" when i'm actually laughing out loud. :D The most common term I use though is "haha". It just comes naturally and I'll only noticed that I typed it after sending it. Oh, silly me!

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      I never use LOL when writing in my own language (swedish) but I use it quite often while talking to american friends. I don't really like to use it though cause like most people I don't actually (or very rarely) laugh out loud when writing it, but use it more as an answer for pretty much anything or when I just don't know what to say.. So I guess it's original meaning is more or less lost. LMAO is even worse because, really, who laughs that hard?

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      I try not to overuse it. I think plenty of people use it way too much and sometimes it sounds annoying.

      I've noticed that sometimes it just takes the seriousness out of everything that the person is trying to say. Some people also use it when they don't feel like keeping up with the conversation or when there's nothing else to say.

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      For me, 'lol' is sort of an indication of "that's funny but I didn't actually laugh out loud" whereas if I really  made some kind of physical reaction (snorting, smiling, or actually laughing) I type HAHAHAHAHAHAAH like some insane maniac.

      I also use it to ward off awkward situations and lulls in conversations when I have nothing better to say on instant messaging or chat.

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      Yes. A resounding yes. Embarrassingly so. I've even been questioned on it. A friend once asked me, "why does that sentence start an end with a lol?". It's honestly become like some sort of punctuation for me. It's crazy, I use 'lol' and emoticons a lot. I try hard to curb it though.

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      :clown: I totally overuse LOL, and in the worst ways possible. Like saying "LOL" where it doesn't belong, or when I'm nervous about what someone will say to what I'm saying. . . Example: "I accidentally ran over your cat this morning and it's dead lol." it is absolutely awful and I'm trying to fix that because oh my goodness the look on someone's face must be priceless when you say "I was so sorry to hear about your mom...I hope your family is doing okay lol"'s not pretty.

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      Forget using it in writing, I have friends who say 'lol' in real life, completely unironically! I'm not such a fan of that but I think it has entered the language as a common phrase. To be honest I don't really use it in writing either though, it feels a little dated and I just use 'haha' instead. (Or like fluffyducky said, HAHAHAHAHHAHA if I actually laugh xD)

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      I pretty much never do! I used to adamantly refuse to for moral reasons (I thought it was stupid sounding and I hated that everyone used it), but, I'm a gamer and as it's become super commonplace, I don't really feel that way anymore. Also, I was like 14, so, yeah.

      Nowadays I use 'haha' or 'lmao' or 'lmfao', but very, very rarely 'lol'. It didn't become part of my online typing style, so I just don't use it! I don't say any of those things out loud, though I have friends who do occasionally. It's a bit silly, but it's just how things are. :)

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      I only use 'lol' and the link when I'm chatting someone up who also uses it. When I talk I do this weird thing where I try to emulate the other person. So if he uses lol, I start using lol. If she keeps to the haha then that's fine, I'll do that too. It's weird because I feel like I have no speaking pattern that I label as my own. My manner of speaking just automatically changes depending on who I'm talking to.

      On a different note, people who say 'lol' or 'lmao' in real just make me cringe. *shudder*

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      I don't use 'lol' as much as I used to. I've gotten to the point where I use more smilies than 'lol' or anything else like it. Smilies have a lot more variety. ^^

      Also, I've gotta agree with how annoying it is when people say 'lol' or other acronyms in real life. -.-

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      I use "lol" mostly in video games and I really see no problem with this. In online games there's not much time to write out long sentences and "lol" is fast and everybody knows what it means so why not? I do see people sometimes overuse it, like they would use it after every sentence, but that's their problem.

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