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Which English words do you have trouble spelling?

Guest akasha24

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REQUISITION it is for me... This word came up as commonly used by our new system at work and it's killing me already. I got it right maybe 1 time out of hundred, Outlook spelling saves me every day. I just can't remember it.

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Pretty much any long word that has letters like R and C. Appreciated is a great example. It's mostly because Finnish spelling is very different and the difference between spelling some letters is very big.

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I've got two words that I used to have a lot trouble spelling.

Embarrassing and definitely. Embarrassing since it's so long and the double rr and ss used to confuse me.

Definitely because even though it's so easy, the pronunciation sounds nothing like that.

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I am constantly making spelling mistakes in words with double consonants. I also find I swith "it's" with "its" more often than I should, especially in the context of text messaging or forum posting. Obviously I try to be a lot more careful with work related writing, but still, good thing there's spell checkers!

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  • 2 weeks later...

For some reason, of all the words I tend to get tripped up on, I go crazy when it comes to the word "business". You would think that the i would go between the u and the s, but for some reason it doesn't. And for me, it looks more like it should be pronounced like "bus-y-ness" if it is spelled like that.  :bored:

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My spelling has gone down the tubes considerably since I've stopped writing and type just about everything now.  With Word auto-correcting me or at least pointing out I've spelled something wrong it is far too easy to get sloppy.

Of the words I use regularly and should remember, committed is the one I misspell the most.  I always do one m.

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Now that I don't read as much as when I was younger, I find that I have to think twice before spelling some words with double letters :doubtful:.Words like really and channel.I also recall that when I was younger I would always spell through for though and though for through :confused:.I guess I need to go back to reading alot :smile:.

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"Necessary", "Unnecessary", and "Embarrassing" are words I mess up all the time. The double consonants are hard to remember for each individual word. I'll always end up with a missing n, a missing r, or an extra c. I hate when I get that red underline every time I try to type those words, yet somehow I don't remember the differences between them.

Same here. I sometimes have trouble spell the word "embarrassing", which I always forget there are two 'r's instead of one. Good post.

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Definitely (I actually spelled it 'Definetely' right now, but my auto-correct fixed it haha) and unfortunately (wow, spelled ti correctly haha!). There might be a few more, but I can't remember them right now. I also tend to forget some letters sometime (see what I did there? :D).

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wouldn't say I have trouble spelling them but there are a few words that I have had to focus on just to make sure I have spelt correctly.Words like, development and maintenance because the spelling does change as the figure of speech changes.

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Anesthesia is pretty hard to spell. Though if you're learning English it shouldn't be something you run into too much hehe. Unless your dream is to be an English speaking anesthesiologist. That is the dream of most children.

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