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Everything posted by linguaholic

  1. HI Marie-France. Warm welcome to Linguaholic! Hope you will enjoy your time here! regards Lingua
  2. Welcome Waki. Interesting approach you got there! I kinda like Memrise as well, but I am usually studying Chinese with boring resources like old dictionaries and stuff
  3. Welcome to Linguaholic, overwatch. Thank you for providing this interesting introduction about yourself. It looks like we got another linguaholic on here and therefore it seems you came to the right place! See you in the threads L
  4. Welcome Myth Eater Thanks for this great introduction of yourself! I am sure you will have lots of fun here! See you in the threads Lingua
  5. Welcome Fcuco! It's my pleasure to have another Linguaholic in here! Hope you will do fine with your German and Italian studies. Feel free to ask me questions about German, it is my native language. Best Linguaholic
  6. Hi There Joshua. I am German Native and I studied Chinese at university. I might be of some help to you! Hope you are enjoying yourself here at linguaholic.com! Kind regards L
  7. yes and depending on which area you are in China, there is a preference for using either 说 or 讲.
  8. 你好 Jenny! 欢迎来到Linguaholic.com! It is very nice to have you here! If there is anything I can help you with, please let me know! We have some eager Japanese Learners on here, so I am sure you will feel comfortable. Have a nice day 马塞尔
  9. if you are advertising, at least make sure that the desired page loads in a reasonable time. It takes about 5-10 seconds to open the specific website that you linked to. Google will not like that :=) Advertising is only allowed in the Promote your language business section. So stop doing it in here. thank you.
  10. Don't forget to add Linguaholic as a resource as well. Thank you. :=)
  11. Welcome Yoshie! Hope you have fun here and learn lots of new things. Best L
  12. Hi everyone I temporarily changed back the custom theme to the default theme (forum software). Like this, the software is much faster. A new theme is under construction. Best Linguaholic
  13. Hi Zhenni. So nice to have you here on linguaholic.com. I lived in Nanjing for one year and I am studying Chinese as well :=) Hope you are doing good! See you in the threads L
  14. Hi Petra! Welcome to linguaholic.com. It's nice having you here! I hope you will enjoy yourself here. Best wishes from Switzerland L
  15. @Rumpelstilzli hehe. Ja, was das ageit, isch Biel scho sehr cool. Isch ou süsch rächt e spezielle Ort, wo mega viu Kulture ufenang pralle. Het scho öppis, dä Ort :=) und das mit em Französisch-Ifluss bi de Dütschschwizer us Biel stimmt natürlech ou. Hät da ou no es paar gueti Sache uf Lager gloubs :=)
  16. @Rumpelstilzli Ah luschtig. Das mit em 'Swiss-German' isch mr ou mau ufgfalle, hani aber inzwüsche scho lang wider vergässe. Das hani ursprünglech gar nid aus 'Vorlag' dänkt gha, aber irgendwie hets es när als Vorlag abgspicheret. Aber du hesch scho rächt, isch scho nid so wahnsinnig repräsentativ für di meischte Lüt uf dere Wäut :=) Und ja, ig bi Bärner, aso eigentlech Bieler, aber in Biel red me fasch genau glich wie in Bärn, aso jedefaus wenn me Dütschschwizer isch. Französisch chani zum Glück aber ou, Biel isch ja bekanntlech bilingue. Wohne aber itze sit eme haube Jahr in Luzärn. Gfaut mr mega guet dert. Schön, dass de im Sprachfieber bisch. Bini scho immer xi und wirdi äuä ou immer blibe. So Sprache lehrä isch scho öppis mega spannends und faszinierends!
  17. Grüezi. Schön mau e angere Schwizer ds xeh i mim Sprachforum. :=) D Wäut isch haut glich relativ chli. Hoffe jedefaus, das du hie im Forum viu Spass hesch und de chli öppis für dini Zilsprachä chasch drzue lehrä! Häbs guet LG us Luzern Lingua PS: Wennd no nach guete Site zum Spanisch lehrä und Französisch lehrä suechsch, de wirfsch vilech am beschte mau no e Blick hie inä: http://linguaholic.com/forum/75-online-language-learning-resources/
  18. Dear MacyLovesAsia You sound way too enthusiastic about studying those languages all at the same time. This reminds me about me when I was a little bit younger. I also wanted to study Chinese and Japanese at the same time and I also did that for some time. However, I ended up just doing Chinese because I noticed at some point that my passion for Chinese was much bigger than Japanese. At that time I was studying Chinese and Japanese at University and I also noticed after some months that It is way better just to concentrate on one language because most likely you will not be able to keep up your motivation for both (or even three languages) at a time and trust me, lots of motivation is necessary to truly master both Chinese and Japanese. So I would suggest that you are either focusing on Chinese or Japanese first and then you still have plenty of time to study the other one.
  19. thanks for providing those great resources Teira. Tae Kim's guide gets mentioned here on linguaholic.com every now and then. Must indeed be a great resource!
  20. Welcome to the Forum VenusFaery. I am not very familiar with Japanese, so I can't suggest anything, but my moderator friend Blaveloper can surely point you in the right direction. I will ask him about it. regards L
  21. Welcome! My Spanish is very limited but I guess I can tell what you just wrote there. Anyway, I would like to welcome you to our language learning community! Hope you have a good time here! regards L
  22. I wrote a small article about Chinese New Year in German. Feel free to have a look at it, in case you speak/understand German :=) http://www.chinesisches-neujahrsfest.de/chinesisches-neujahrsfest/ regards Lingua
  23. Welcome Weltschmerz! Wow, you are just 17 years old and already a true 'Linguaholic'. I wish I was that 'wise' when I was at your age! Your name is really interesting, too! I am a German native speaker in case you need some advice! Best L
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