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Everything posted by linguaholic

  1. Hi LaurelLeaf I am happy to hear that you are excited about joining this community! I am very happy to see you joining as well! Hope you have lots of fun here and hopefully our community will be of some help in your 'language learning journey' ! Best L
  2. I will close this forum thread soon. The site is not accessible for many of us. So there is definitely something wrong with that page. Hope that is ok for everyone. If not, please let me know.
  3. Welcome onboard Steven! We are delighted to have you here as well! Best L
  4. Thanks a lot. Of course it does not have to be a 1-to-1 translation into the target language. It should be/sound as natural as possible, but the basic semantic meaning of the source language should be conserved, if possible. If not, it does not make any sense to do a list like this :=)
  5. now that you say it, I have to agree :=) Didn't really think about it too much.
  6. Hi and welcome to Linguaholic! Very interesting questions indeed. Let me think about it. I might come up with some answers later. Can't think of a good answers right away, though. Best wishes Lingua
  7. well, I am in a good mood at the moment, so I did it for you: Full transcript: "ja natürlich gabs Probleme zwischen uns. Zeit war zum Beispiel so ein Problem. wissen sie, wenn man einmal sowas gespürt hat, dann will man das eben einfach nicht mehr loslassen…genusssüchtig ?!? ja vielleicht ist es das. ich weiss manchmal gar nicht was real ist und was nur in meinem kopf passiert. da sind einfach so viele Gedanken und ab und zu kommen die Gedanken dann einfach in flüssiger Form aus den Augen raus, einfach so. Ich kann da gar nichts gegen machen, im Gegenteil. Wenn ich etwas gegen mache, dann wird es nur noch schlimmer. und er hat dann immer gesagt, dass er mich trotzdem niemals loslassen wird. das hab ich ihm geglaubt. Ja, das hab ich ihm wirklich geglaubt. aber manchmal wollte er mir einfach nur weh tun glaub ich. und dann hab ich ihm auch weh getan. aber ich wollte das gar nicht. Kritik, das ist einfach nicht so meins. und dann wars auch wieder so schön..wissen sie, wenn man einfach nur so eng umschlungen im Bett liegt und ab und zu ein paar Worte aus dem Munde tröpfeln, dann ist es einfach perfekt. Ich wollte ihn dann immer beissen vor Glück…und einmal hab ichs gemacht. ich hab ihn einfach gebissen. erst ganz vorsichtig und dann immer mehr. ich konnt gar nicht mehr aufhören. ich wollte ihn einfach haben, wissen sie, einfach haben..es ist ja auch meiner, verstehen sie?" regards L
  8. Thanks a lot for that detailed explanation!
  9. thanks for providing all these wonderful resources! I didn't know about many of them!
  10. Hey guys We have a lot of funny threads about idioms here on linguaholic.com What about fruit and vegetable idioms? I know there must be some in the English language but I can't think of any on the top of my head. Please help me out! thank u
  11. Hi Aze! Welcome to linguaholic.com. I love to welcome speakers of Asian languages. I am a Chinese student myself and I studied some Japanese as well! Hope you have a lot of fun here! regards Lingua
  12. very nice indeed. Why not 一见心中, that would also kinda make sense :=)
  13. No need to apologize Your posts are always appreciated
  14. and how well did that method work for you, if I may ask?
  15. The second one is correct. The first one is wrong. http://www.duden.de/rechtschreibung/moegen regards L
  16. and here you go: All the important English Irregular Verbs in a list and you can easily download this list in every format: CSV, PDF, Numbers, etc! Irregular Verbs
  17. Sometimes an image can help. Check this image out: Advise vs Advice and hopefully you will be able to remember this forever.
  18. Dear Hange Thanks a lot for joining linguaholic.com. Hopefully this website will prove to be useful in your 'language learning journey'! See you in the threads! L
  19. I do agree with almost everything you said Flovo. However, I don't think that it has much to do with the topic " What language should I learn " and you might want to start a new thread about it. I am Swiss, by the way, and I really feel the same about what you said :=)
  20. Hi Crispin I am happy to hear that you are excited about joining this forum. I am also excited to have you as a new member here! Feel free to ask me anything about French. I might be able to help out :=) See you around Best, Linguaholic
  21. Hi Stellar41 Everything is correct in this table. No mistakes at all. Very well done.
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