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Everything posted by kitkat0124

  1. I had a german patient and he was really laughing on how I try to speak german. I know my german is still limited but I can still make few phrases. He can speak english but when I greeted him in german he was really surprised.
  2. I have an accent. My english is very different from the way my american co workers speak. Even the americans have their own accent, based on the state they came from. I think everybody have their own accent.
  3. Here in our country, English is included in the curriculum. Everybody is required to learn english. If ever my kid will tell me he doesn't want to learn other language (other language beside english) I will respect that decision. I will not force him to learn something he doesn't like.
  4. I did not really go to other country to learn their language, since I started learning english at a very young age. It was included in our school subjects. I went to germany before and it encouraged me to learn their language. Still I started learning when I went back home.
  5. Sometimes I'm using LOL if I'm writing to my friends, but most of the time I use Hahaha instead of LOL. Sometime if I'm talking to an elder friend they don't understand the LOL. But if I use the hahaha, they can get what I'm talking about better.
  6. I learned english because it is one of our subjects in school. Since english language is an international language, I think learning it is really important. Most countries consider english to be their second language. Personally learning it helps me a lot in terms of my personality, it boost my self confidence, it's very helpful if I'm travelling to another place and lastly it helps in achieving my goal in life.
  7. This is funny, even if they are not really talking seriously, you can say it sounds really great. I also consider french language to be romantic.
  8. I can speak two languages fluently. My native language and english. I can also speak and understand a little german and spanish. But I don't consider myself fluent. I'm not that confident with my german and spanish.
  9. One time in my work place, two of my co workers and I went to lunch. During the meal they are both talking in their own language continuously and I was just sitting with them, without knowing what they are talking about. I was not embarrassed, but more on offended because they did not consider my feelings at that time.
  10. Most of the time if I want to learn something, I read it many times then picture it out. Make a scenario for what I'm reading. I need to be artistic so I can recall what I read easily.
  11. Being able to speak another language helps me a lot when I'm traveling to other countries. Being able to communicate with their own language makes it easier for me to adapt to the place. Another reason is that I was able to apply to the job I want. It is one of the keys in finding success in my chosen career. It helps me to learn more easily and improve myself better.
  12. Welcome. I think they are more concern with the grammar than the accent. Goodluck with your exam.
  13. You really need to take a refresher course. It also happened to me. I learned german, Then I didn't use it for awhile since I went back home. Now I forgot most of what I learned. I think speaking and learning it everyday play a great role in learning the language. Maybe reading, watching movies are helpful and there are many online free tutorials that can be used.
  14. I agree that by living in the country that uses the language you are learning can be very helpful. I can speak english. I started learning since I was a kid. But I didn't use it very often. When I moved to US I became more confident in speaking. My pronunciation improved.
  15. Writing a letter without using capitalization seems really informal. If you are just writing to your friends it's okay if you don't like to use it, but with some letters like applications or some other formal letters, it is necessary to use the right way. I think there is a time when you can disregard rules but there are times when you have to follow. It is the correct way and there is nothing you can do but to follow unless you want to make your own set of rules.
  16. My aunt loves watching german TV series. Without realizing I also join her in doing that. There is no subtitles, but I got hooked with the shows. Through constant hearing, there are some words that I can now understand. Although I still find it difficult to communicate on my own.
  17. I think English is the easiest. I started learning since I was young. Maybe I'm just saying it because English is my second language. But I'm thinking if I did not learn it before and will just start learning now, will I still find it easy? I don't think so.
  18. Yes I did, I am from Philippines. I worked in the US. I find it easier because English is my second language. It was fun. I learned a lot. My co workers was mostly from the Philippines, so I did not have to adjust a lot. Although I also experienced racism.
  19. I think you need to take the exam again. Ielts is valid for two years. So I took the exam again to renew my visascreen. I worked in the US for more than 2 yrs but I still need to do it again. Check the validity of you TOEFL.
  20. I think some people are using it without really knowing the meaning. I'm using jeez most of the time.
  21. I'm from philippines, I went to states, I think my accent changed. I adapted how they speak their languages. You will get used to it.
  22. Kumusta Adobo? is that chicken, pork or both? welcome to linguaholic. This is a great site. For sure you will learn many things here. Enjoy!
  23. I had a penpal when I was in highschool. It was very common in our school. My penpal was a cousin of my friend living in other country. Her first language is English.
  24. The foreign language that I can say I am more confident to use is English. It's my second language. I am still in the process of learning other language at the moment.
  25. It's helpful for me to learn new words in music. It is easier if the lyrics are catchy. It retains in my mind. You can also listen how words can be pronounced. This is a good way to learn.
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