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Everything posted by Trellum

  1. one of my first encounters with language learning was Esperanto. I actually made a new friend thanks to this interest back then Sadly I didn't get too far with this language, it was fairly easy to learn, but the motivation was just not enough. Back then there were several organizations behind the spread of this language, lots sites... sadly most of those sites are now gone
  2. Oh no! I hate that kind of tricky questions, I think it was thanks to one of those tricky questions that I didn't get a perfect score in the reading exam. But I am sure you will do great! Did you know that they say highly sensitive person happen to be highly intelligent as well? It makes a lot sense!
  3. No te preocupes, yo a veces ni uso los acentos De hecho la mayoría de las personas que hablan español, pero que viven en el extranjero tienen el mismo problema Yo por eso voy a llevarme esta laptop, porque tiene su teclado en español Ya que espero poder seguir practicandolo (temo olvidarlo un poco si empizo a hablar holandés). Pero chica, eres tan modesta! Estoy segura que tu nivel es A2 o quizas B1! Mi nivel en holandés es solo A1, pero yo no me puedo comunicar de forma escrita en el mismo nivel que tu lo haces en español! Asi que definitivamente tu nivel es mas alto que A1! Estoy segurisima! Siento oir que tu profesora tuvo ese efecto en ti ¿Que era su clase tan aburrida y tediosa? ¿Era acaso esa clase de profesoras que sigue su libro al pie de la letra?
  4. I'm from Mexico.... I'd say these are the most popular names: Women: Carmen Maria Isabel Laura Maria Guadalupe Gabriela Teresa Rosa Men: Daniel Fernando Jorge Pedro Antonio Alejandro Ramon Luis Jose
  5. Bueno, la verdad no sé s podamos darte links a sitios con esa clase de contenido Especialmente con contenido pirateado Me temo que tendrás que realizar una búsqueda con Google y ver si encuentras algo.
  6. I'm sorry, I got a bit confused because you used the word ''teach'' instead of ''practice'' In that case I have no idea what could be crossing your friend's mind. A friend once asked me to send him 5 new words every day with pronunciation, but he did it in a time in which I was super busy with my own exams D: I got so stressed thinking about it, maybe your friend is also very busy right now? You should really ask her, if you are good friends she will surely understand
  7. How could we know if she ever did? I mean, up until recently she wasn't even that well known, you know. I think it says a lot the fact she consider herself Mexican. To me that says loads, because there are many people out there that once they leave their country tend to forget their origins... I keep seeing that in Europe. I don't agree with the Latin term though, but that is just me. I prefer to refer to someone by their name, and if there is no other choice by nationality.
  8. Yeah, my therapist went on holiday to one of those Islands He recognized my ''Naar Nederland'' cook immediately, he said: ''Oh Dutch!''. And yes, I supposed it was because they are communist, but did you know their kids are doing way better academically than the rest of Latin America? We were talking about that the other day a friend of mine and I. They also they have the best doctors there, kinda blows the mind... I know someone who has visited that place and the things look so different in the street.
  9. I agree with the OP The world would be a better place if we could understand each other better I just can't imagine what would have happened if I had never learnt English on my own when I was 16... I'd have never meet my fiance I've heard of couples who can't really understand each other, but that has never been for me My school never had an interest in us learning English or any other language, I mean, was at the same low levels as us xD I'm so glad one day I finally had the drive to actually start trying to communicate with people in English. But yes, schools should start motivating their children more, specially when it comes to learning new languages.
  10. I think most of the Caribbean either has English as their national language or as their second official language, excepting for Cuba, of course. It's odd, I was talking to a guy who is from the Dominican Republic, but his English doesn't seem to be so good.
  11. My friend has a keyboard with Arabic characters. my laptop has the Spanish one Which basically means I've the ''ñ'' letter and I've other keys that make it super easy for me to add the accents to the words. Other than that the Spanish keyboard is not so special, it actually looks a lot like the one the English speakers use, but since Spanish is my mother tongue the lack of a ''ñ'' letter would be too much for me to handle.
  12. By teaching you mean really ''teaching'' or just having conversation with you in Spanish? Because you should know that a friend doesn't have to teach you anything, I'm a former teacher and teaching is a really hard work... I spent a lot time preparing my lessons every single day, but I was getting paid. So I don't think it's fair someone asks a friend to do that for them, some people don't mind this, but most do. I think that she is a bit afraid that by agreeing to teach you she will end up adding more work to her schedule, and if she ever feels like wanting out she might also be afraid you guys might have an argument. If you want to learn Spanish do it on your own or go to a school. If you got any doubt or questinos regarding to the language I' sure your frend will be glad to hel you with that, but don't ask her to teach you the language. That is a very daunting task
  13. Well, it sure looks like you have your whole language learning schedule so planned out By the way, I felt the same way towards french, and that is why I never really felt so motivated to learn that language. I found so many words that sounded so similar, then I thought meh. But I will eventually go back to French Best of luck with everything!
  14. I'm really getting into the Dutchpod101 videos on YouTube They are so educative and at the same time very entertaining, actually that is how I started using their site and decided that I will indeed buy a subscription to their web site in the future. I also plan to watch more TV shows in Dutch, but that will happen when I am already living in the Netherlands YouTube really helps in general though
  15. Interesting blog post, it does make sense, every language has something that makes it easier and harder at the same time But you have to admit that those components vary a lot depending on the learner's mother language. Like for example me learning Japanese or Chinese. I think it's good we all know our limits (I know mine), I've drawn my limits at those languages, but not Russian or Hebrew
  16. Right now I'm leaving the rules behind, I'm waiting to get more familiar with Dutch so I can finally look deeper into its language rules I didn't do that with English and I am fine, but I admit I sometimes felt a bit confused. I don't want the same thing to happen, because while learning English I made a lot mistakes, I plan to make a lot mistakes in Dutch as well, but I want to keep them to a bare minimum, specially around the in laws who mock everything and everyone they like ad don't like.
  17. I've the theory that by writing down you are aiding your memory to actually remember what you are writing down. I think it's because while we are writing something down we keep repeating it in our heads (at least that is what happens when I writing something down). That got to help loads to retain info and new words
  18. I've noticed that by writing things it's easier for me to remember most words :) I did this actually with my Memrise list, I first wrote down the words I was planing to add on a notebook (to avoid repeated words as much as possible), then copy them to a word file and that is how I did it I can say this process helped me remember those words better, even better than using the Memrise course
  19. My future husband it's Dutch, I am Mexican so we are also an interracial couple We have agreed our kids will learn Spanish and English, of course. Dutch is also a must since they will grow in the Netherlands. We will try to raise them as trilingual kids, the rest will be up to them, but I'll try to instill my love and interest in languages in them I'll read a lot to them, and try to expose them to a lot foreign music, movies and cultures.
  20. I don't quite agree with the latino term (real latinos per se are supposed to be Italians because hello... Latin language! - but the English speaking people decided to market people from latin america as ''latinos''), I personally prefer the term Hispanic (not 100% accurate, but I feel it's more accurate than the term ''latino'' which is used so freely nowadays). Anyways, I do believe she has all the right to identify with Mexican people... as she was born in Mexico. I'm a woman of Spanish origin mostly (I'm very mixed actually, but I don't want to complicate the things too much), but I was born in Mexico. So I am Mexican... it'd be the same if I were of African descent. That doesn't change a thing... I've met people of different origins but born in Mexico. I consider them as Mexican as any other. I mean, my neighbors are Chinese, but their kids were born here, to me they are Mexican. Same with Mennonite people born here... they speak a German dialect, but we regard them as Mexican, since they have been living here for generations.
  21. I've a Dutch grammar book that includes some ''rules'' regarding to De and Het, but yeah, sadly not all words play by those rules In Spanish there are very few exception to well established rules, but that doesn't that often. One example of this is words like ''Sarten''. A lot natives think it's 'el'', but in fact it's ''la''. By the way, why aren't you no longer studying Spanish?
  22. Thank you! As usual a very clear and good explanation, very nicely done. The colors really make it much better I will stick to Want for a bit You should really consider teaching Dutch!
  23. No, no, it was the A1 I've to wait at least 3 years for the A2 one, but since I got those scores I was told by my fiance that I might not have to take all the exams that are part of the A2 examen. I am just so happy I passed really, I hadn't slept at all the previous night prior to the exam. I was exhausted, my head hurted bad by the time I was trying to do the second exam (the reading one). So glad I didn't do the speaking one first, I panicked when I was told i only had 25 minutes to complete that one (I had 30 minutes each for the other two). Glad it's over for now. And thank you
  24. It's official; I passed! I got my results yesterday evening. This came as really nice and surprising news, because the day prior to my exam I couldn't sleep at all. I am so happy i will not have to go back to mexico city! So happy! My results are as follows: Spreekvaardigheid: 10 (I actually thought I'd not pass this one). Leesvaardigheid: 9 Kennis van de Nederlandse Samenleving: 10 I took a whole month off from everything in order to completely focus on studying for this exam So glad to see it paid off!
  25. Thank you But I wasn't taking it so seriously until November this year, that is when I took a whole month off from everything so I could completely focus on Dutch, but then again sometimes I ended up playing video games for one hour or so But I always went back to studying it a few hours later. I did this because of the exam In the end it paid of, I passed!!! If only Dutch didn't have such a weird word order If only... right? By the way, I also admire you... your love for languages is amazing? What drives you to learn all those languages??
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