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Everything posted by Rosa

  1. I didn't know such partnership existed but it does sound interesting, especially if you are eager to learn or have a deadline to achieve your goal. It could also become challenging for some learners too since everyone learn by different methods.
  2. I ran into one of those books sometime ago but I can't recall which. never even scan through it or thought of using one. I know it wouldn't hurt using one though.
  3. I see your English as being perfect. How long did it take you to get this far and what other methods did you use to study the language?
  4. It does sound a little long and awkward in Dusun but I didn't have much problem saying it in Malay. What people speak Dusun and does Kau pronounce kaw, or otherwise?
  5. To say I'm yours in Jamaican Creole would be "mi a fi yu." Not difficult at all.
  6. No, I've never used comic and graphic novels to aide in learning a language. However, I think it could really be beneficial. It has been years since I took up those books but if I ever come across them in the language I am learning I would certainly use them to assist in my study.
  7. Rosa


    I am learning just as a hobby so I need not push too hard. I study at my own pace but I must say when my daughter is at home my pace speeds up because at least I have someone who speaks the language around.
  8. My desire for learning a new language started back in high school. I can say I had the desire because I studied hard and did well because I wanted to master the languages so badly. I also see where some students were not interested and paid little or no attention in those classes but I always thought of it that everyone should know more than just their native language.
  9. One tongue twister I can recall now is one that I always had fun saying as a kid. -Around the rough and rugged road the ragged rascal runs.
  10. I am glad that cursive writing is still taught in schools here. It's truly an art and students who master it are always excited about it. Cursive writing is usually taught to students as early as grade 1 in private schools and grade two in public schools.
  11. I have nothing against graphic novels. As a youngster I read them a lot and I really don't see why anyone should have anything against these books. It takes a skillful mind to even come up with such details and the writers should be commended.
  12. I think her getting a degree in English Literature could be an asset in her line of work. For one, she can be more creative at what she does and also it opens up opportunities for her to do other jobs such as writing TV/movie scripts.
  13. I know that we can be often times mislead and misinformed on the internet but that example of J.D.Salinger surprised me. Hopefully the claim was that he had one outstanding book because it would be rather sad to run into any wrongful statements about authors on the internet.
  14. Words are pronounced based on their root, meaning where they derived from and so on. I believe that the word salmon may be old English or Latin.
  15. I wouldn't say your choice is bad. I too have read a couple of the series and I'm still seeking to get the others. I think the series is a good choice for adults too. There is certainly cunning people as Count Olaf around us who will use any devise available to get their hands on something that doesn't belong to them.
  16. I had thought of audio books as something for those who were a bit lazy and so I wasn't a big fan of it. However, my son got me to start listening to the bible and somehow it has change my thinking. I doubt very much though that I would use it for any other books since I am always doing something while I listen but for other books I would rather relax.
  17. I must confess that I have never come across a book study guide before, except during high school to aide with sitting external exams. Having one of those was a perfect way to get A's in particular subjects but apart from that I never used a book guide.
  18. Maya Angelou was truly a legendary writer and icon who has left a legacy for us all. She will certainly be missed.
  19. This pronunciation is actually new to me. I really don't see how it fits the word either. It's like using a word with a foreign root.
  20. Two fish idioms that come to mind are: To feel like a fish out of water- to be in an awkward position. Have bigger fish to fry- to have more pressing matters to take care of.
  21. All's fair in love and war. The pen is mightier than the sword. Fighting a loosing battle. A battle royal. These are just a few that comes to mind.
  22. Just a few that has come to mind. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bushes. Hands are tied. Left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. Have a hand in something
  23. No, I've never tried learning a language by just using a book. I am the type of person who has to have a teacher or someone I can rely on for correction and guidance or even another learner to share with. I believe that depending only on books can never be enough to master a language.
  24. I am presently fluent in my native language Jamaican Creole and English. Right now I am learning French and Spanish and pretty soon I intend to master at least one.
  25. Ever since I started doing French and Spanish in high school I started having a strong liking for both languages. I learn as a hobby and had stopped for some time but then my daughter got me into it again. This time I intend to master at least one someday.
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