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Everything posted by darkchild

  1. My biggest problem was getting distracted easily and getting bored. I guess because there is no time frame or aptitude tests I was scheduled to write. It makes me give excuses not to learn.
  2. Welcome Michael! It's great to have you on board. Feel free to express yourself and contribute your language experiences. We are all here to learn.
  3. Hello Mary, Welcome to the forum. You are sure to have fun here and gain lots of tips and experiences relating to language. foreign people and their topics on language learning. Hoping to see more of your posts.
  4. In my opinion, I prefer a native of the language teach me the language or use of YouTube videos; language apps do not always make things sound like they do in reality.
  5. I think the reason why many of us learn these swear words easily is because of their sounds which seem to be intense. Many people are attracted to aggressive words and tend to retain them faster than normal regular sounding words. As a child, I learnt my neighbors foreign swear words only without learning the entire language.
  6. I would like to suggest a section created for anything else where members can discuss life, experiences and challenges. This could be a magnet for many to come to the site to express themselves on a particular thread or discussion.
  7. There are so many translation mistakes I have come across but I just think since English is not their first language, the mistake can pass. It would be more ideal for people to invest more in translators than being tagged illiterate because of mistakes. Not everyone forgives translation mistakes.
  8. I think that is a very creative idea. I have sent my feedback and wish you all the best with your platform.
  9. I feel the same way; there is never time to learn the language I want to. But looking through others responses, I think flash cards will help me a lot. That moment I lie down with my phone unable to sleep before midnight, I could just learn a few words on a flash card.
  10. I only did this once for my son who delays in making English sentences and more comfortable with baby sentences. I learnt a child needs a speech therapist if he cannot say up to fifty words. I realized my son can say over a hundred words and a dozen sentences which means he must be taking his time to speak English sentences all day. The same applies to learning a language, identify fifty words you know and keep challenging yourself to learn more. Then let it grow and apply the same to sentences.
  11. Hi and Welcome, There are a lot of Spanish learners and speakers here so I guess you are in the right place. The more you engage yourself here, the more you'll grow. Hope to see more of your posts.
  12. I don't have a particular channel yet but I do use YouTube to learn Arabic, just random lessons. Nothing specific.
  13. This is nice and innovative; it looks clean and easy to use. Will check it out. Well Done!
  14. I am sure there is a culture you are drawn to; why not try to start learning their language? The love for the culture may motivate the learning process and make it easier.
  15. I think living in a foreign country will aid you in learning the language. This is because you will be surrounded by people who speak it and everywhere you go, the language is spoken. One of the first things you actually learn is the currency; how to make transactions and say 'Thank you' then comes the greetings. I feel it is a practical way of actually learning a language faster.
  16. I just looked up your website; it is beautiful and I'm sure it will help children all over the world. I will use it for my toddler who still speaks baby language and not English. Thanks for sharing.
  17. I cannot even read my native language so well, so I am grateful for the English books all around me. But recently, I have started familiarizing myself with my native movies and exposing myself to words that I never understood; everything is coming to light now.
  18. Do you use any type of language textbooks to teach your students language lessons or what aid do you use for teaching that helps fast paced learning?
  19. There are five free apps that aid a person willing to learn a new language. They are: 1. Duolingo 2. Memrise 3. busuu 4. Google Translate 5. iHandy Translator Free Which one do you use or have experience with?
  20. How many of you babble while learning a language? Does it sound funny to you or hideous? I noticed while learning a language, some of the words may be similar to my native language and I tend to babble a lot which makes me laugh that there are similarities in many languages. How often do you babble while learning?
  21. It depends on what we refer to as perfect memory; is it the memory that recalls everything that has ever happened to him or the memory that stores up so much information like those people we refer to as 'photographic memory owners' who see something for the first time and never forget it? There are those with active and sharp memories and others who are forgetful but I doubt if there is anyone with a perfect memory unless we can define what a perfect memory is.
  22. Hello everyone, I need to know if anyone has experienced this before. You are trying to learn a new language, but your brain is just not retaining it no matter how much you try. The resources are there but the brain just rejects these information you are trying to retain. What can you do in such a situation?
  23. It depends on how you take the complement because I think people express themselves in ways they think is right. If you misinterpreted it, which I think you did, then you just have to put yourself in the other person's shoes. Some people are not as smart as others and my term it as a gift, especially when it seems effortless to you to achieve something.
  24. I realized recently how inaccurate google translate is. I was translating a sentence to communicate with my sister in French and she was like there are so many errors in my statement. That was when I realized you cannot use it to learn a language or even communicate; maybe except in rare cases. I wonder why the software is not as accurate as it should be. Though I do not know for certain if it applies to other languages.
  25. I guess the person is just excited to speak English. Encourage him to relax and take time to say his words clearly, be ready to correct and assist. It is normal for someone learning a language and then given the opportunity to speak publicly. You could make the embarrassing moment a chatty one to amuse everyone but not to discourage the new speaker.
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