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      Misuse/Abuse of words - That is So Wrong! - Page 3 | English Language | Discussion Jump to content

      Misuse/Abuse of words - That is So Wrong!

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        On 9/28/2013 at 8:03 PM, Elizabethr6144 said:

      I get really bothered when people say "gorgeous" I have no idea why. I feel like this word is over used, and misused. I much prefer people to say beautiful, pretty, amazing or any other spin off of this word. Many people where I live refer to just about everything as gorgeous and it jut makes me crazy. So I would have to say that is the thing that bothers me the most.

      I can relate to this.  It's another example of an overuse -- and frankly, misuse -- of superlatives.  Such words really should be reserved for situations that call for them; something or someone that truly is "gorgeous." 

      I mentioned earlier that one of my pet peeves is the overuse of "awesome" which is again is a superlative that gets used to describe circumstances that are not really "awesome."  I would describe a total solar eclipse as "awesome," for example, if I saw one.  That would be awesome!

      So one has to wonder what do people who overuse these superlatives say when something really does deserve a superlative.  Probably something along the lines of "super gorgeous" or "mega gorgeous" I guess!

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        I agree with the skin crawling effect but I think it is a kindness to correct a colleague or friend who uses this abomination.  At first it might sting (like you are a pompous ass) but I think some have used it so long and so often they don't realize it is incorrect.  The favor is that I think others DO judge them for it and maybe now they will know what the glazed eyes or cringe in the shoulders is about.

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          On 8/21/2013 at 3:45 PM, linguaholic said:

        A pretty funny thing I come across once in a while is Asian people writing "tried" instead of "tired". I don't know why but I have seen that sooo many times. I am just wondering why this error happens so frequently. I do not see a special difficulty with the spelling of the word "tired". My guess is that both of them sound pretty similar when spoken...and it must have to do with the letter R :=)

        If you heard (Asian) people writing (saying) "tried" instead of "tired" please let me know..I am really wondering if I am the only one  :cool:

        I am Asian but I think it must be typo mistake only. By the way, I still remain  confused whether TYRES of  a car or TIRES OF A CAR ? Which way you use them?

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          On 8/17/2013 at 6:09 PM, NatureSun said:

        Wow, I've never even heard that word once in my life. People really use that? Which country do you live in? I'm guessing America.

        They're the only ones who butcher English like this, because I've never heard anyone here use that word, ever.

        That is exactly what come to mind as I was reading it. That is the reputation that America has when it comes to English. However that is something that is so wrong to use as English.

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        There are some words like this in English. However, it surprises me to find that such mistakes are made by TV anchors too! I believe the basic duty of a media channel is to proof read or review their work before the final presentation!

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        That is really funny! I have never heard anyone use "irregardless" before. You can be sure that I would call them on it, if I ever heard it.

        Maybe I'm wrong, but doesn't putting "ir" in front make the word "regardless" not mean anything at all?

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        Oh goodness, "irregardless" IS my hate word!! I've had friends, people I'm debating with and even professors use it! And not even ironically. -_- If someone insists on using the term, I absolutely cannot stand talking to them no matter how intellectual they may be otherwise. I know it sounds rather snobby but I just cannot tolerate it.

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          On 10/2/2013 at 12:15 AM, JessiFox said:

        Oh goodness, "irregardless" IS my hate word!! I've had friends, people I'm debating with and even professors use it! And not even ironically. -_- If someone insists on using the term, I absolutely cannot stand talking to them no matter how intellectual they may be otherwise. I know it sounds rather snobby but I just cannot tolerate it.


        Well, actually I did a little bit of research and found out that the word irregardless is a combination of regardless and irrespective.

        But I still don't find it logical. haha

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          On 10/4/2013 at 8:52 AM, mccanono said:


        Well, actually I did a little bit of research and found out that the word irregardless is a combination of regardless and irrespective.

        But I still don't find it logical. haha

        Exactly! It is not logical at all. Not to mention, it makes the speaker sound like a complete tool.

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        • 2 weeks later...

        I have a few personal pet peeves that make me cringe whenever I see them, although nothing really comes to mind now, since I only ever remember that I hate it whenever I see it. However, I've also learned to just ignore it, especially nowadays that I've been exposed to a much broader group of people from all countries online.

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        • 2 weeks later...
        • 2 weeks later...
          On 8/17/2013 at 9:43 PM, mleocasas said:

        It kills me too! I'm usually not one to correct people on that kind of thing, but for some reason 'irregardless' sounds so much like nails on a chalk board!

        I'm also put off by people who use an acronym, then repeat a word that's part of the acronym. An example is like, 'ATM machine'. ATM already stands for 'Automatic Teller Machine,' you don't need to say machine again. That eats at my ear more than it should I guess.

        LOL that bugs me too!  I think people don't even realize what they're saying when they say something like that...

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        • 3 weeks later...

        Didn't even know there was such a word.I too am disgusted by misused words and acronyms. One that is used quite often is "reverse back" and unfortunately they are not only used by the ignorant.

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          On 9/2/2013 at 8:00 PM, deyvion said:

        It is used by ignorant people............


        ..............Who want to use big words so they can come across as being intelligent. But yes, I've heard anchormen and women use words that are barely such.

        Talking heads don't have to be smart, they just have to look good.

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        A giant error that many people make is the use of affect and effect.

        These two words are misused in everyday writings. I have seen it used incorrectly by journalists, writers, bloggers, and so on.

        It is a shame, too. It takes away from their credibility and intellect.

        My intentions can affect someone, or it can have an effect on them. However, I have seen the wrong usage.

        My intentions can effect someone, or it can have an affect on them.. Urrgg. that totally irritates me.

        Any thoughts?

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        • 2 weeks later...

        My pet peeves with pronunciation are many: nucular instead of nuclear, calvary instead of cavalry and so on.

        However, the worst misused word IMHO is "borrow". So many people say "He borrowed me some money" when they mean "He lent me some money". Borrow and lend. Two words. They mean different things. I do wish people would learn to use them.

        And my favourite mistake is "I could care less." They mean to say "I couldn't care less" and end up saying that they do, indeed, care. I will admit being rude and pompous because I generally thank them with a big smile and say that I'm very glad they care, pointing out their stupidity at the same time.

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        • 2 weeks later...

        The word "epic" has already been proven to be used way too much in today's society, so bringing it up in this thread will probably roll some eyes.  It's taken an otherwise amazing word for describing something unreal and totally made it just annoying to hear.  Unfortunate.

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