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Next language you'd like to learn


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I think the next language after Spanish I will try to learn is Russian. The idea of learning another language with a completely new alphabet intrigues me (I don't think I am quite ready to dive into most Asian languages with different characters), and I also think that it could give me a gateway into learning other Slavic languages such as Polish.

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I would really like to learn Chinese or Spanish they are widely used languages.  I live in an area where Spanish is used more than English, so that can benefit me a lot whenever I go out.  I'd also like to move to China when I get older, learning Chinese would be the best thing to do.

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Something important to think about when learning a language is its relevance. You don't want to go through the process of learning it to never speak it and forget it all over. I look for languages that are prominent around the world. Mandarin, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Russian, those are all languages that you would be able to use frequently. Does anyone else choose languages based on how used they are around the world?

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I'd love to learn to speak colloquial hebrew, I understand some hebrew already, but I really need to learn more.  That's the next language I'd like to learn, right now I'm studying dutch because I might be going there on January.  Right now I'm not very sure I'll be going tho (I was planning to go with my boyfriend, but things are a bit iffy right now).  If I ditch dutch anytime soon, I'll definitely dedicate my time to studying hebrew :)  I really love the way it sounds, plus my grandmother was a sephardic  jew (mother side), so I'd really like to visit Israel one day.

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I'd love to learn Chinese or Japanese. The college I'm attending has actually started a Chinese course last year. I'm honestly thinking about picking it up. I've always loved the culture, and I think the language is very interesting.

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The next language I want to learn is spanish. Some of my co workers and clients are speaking spanish. It will be nice if I know how to communicate with them. It will improve my relationship with my co workers at the same time I believe I can give better service with the clients if I know how to speak their language. Somehow it's a plus.

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I personally love languages, being Indian, I already know Hindi, Marathi and English. I had English as my first language at school and then I had the opportunity to travel UK and U.S.A, so it made my English much stronger. After three languages, I have a desire to learn Spanish and French. I am planning to re-locate to Canada and I guess some parts of Canada require one to have some knowledge of French so that will be my next bit.....

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I would actually like to learn more Cantonese as well, being Chinese and all. I grew up in Guangzhou, which is a Mandarin + Cantonese environment where everyone living there can speak to each other in one of the two languages and reply in the other, with perfect comprehension. Since my family is originally a Mandarin speaking family, my Cantonese skills are not up to par with my Mandarin, which is why I would like to learn it and get better at it (my pronunciation in Cantonese is horrible :) )

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I'm trying to learn Portuguese. I love how it sounds. But my real reason is I want to be able to watch Brazilian movies without subtitles and to be able to enjoy them and their language.

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I've always wanted to learn Mandarin because I think it's very useful in business.  You would find Chinese anywhere in business.  Even tasks like sourcing suppliers, you would need to understand Mandarin because a good number of those manufacturers are in China.

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I would like to learn Indonesian next. Right now I'm studying Japanese, but once I master that, I'll be self-studying Indonesian. Recently, I've been listening to some Indonesian music and the language sounds really good to me. It's completely different from what I currently speak so hopefully it won't be too hard.

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Guest chives152

[glow=red,2,300]I would really like to learn some Japanese. I would pick Japanese because they are growing really fast so jobs and opportunities will be growing there too. If I can learn Japanese I can move there and make some money possibly.[/glow]

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The next language I would like to learn is German. I would like to learn German because it is so closely related to Spanish. I would also like to learn German because it would make me bilingual. Being versatile in your languages will give you an edge over the competition. It's scientifically proven that bilingual people are less likely to suffer dementia later in life.

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I'd really love to learn Japanese. I don't really know why, it's just a language I've always wanted to learn although I understand it's pretty difficult.

My boyfriend is Chinese and while he doesn't know very much Chinese, some of his family does so I'd also like to learn that a bit. Although I always found it very difficult to understand/pronounce, so we'll have to see about that!

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The next language I would like to learn is Dutch. My father grew up in Holland and moved here when he was 14. I wish he had taught me Dutch when I was growing up but he didn't. I would love to visit Holland one day and it would be great to know the language.

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I always wanted to learn french, in fact I was prepare to opt for french language in the university but unfortunately there was no option for french in the syllabus.

Actually I have decided to learn french when I was a school kid but now I am graduate and did't get the time as well as the opportunity to learn the same.

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When I was in school I learnt German and French. I then tried to teach myself French again a few years ago but stopped after a week.

I would like to try both again but I have little patience and expect quick results. I know that this is not possible and I need to dedicate valuable time to it. I have visited Paris a number of times and would love to speak to the people in their language!

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In my opinion, it sounds like the sexiest language of all. What I really like is that it is similar to Spanish, so it would be easy to learn. The pronunciation is what drives me crazy though. If any girl randomly talked to me in Portuguese I would feel extremely attracted right away hahaha. :love:

I wouldn't do it to be better at business or because it is used in many other places, but just for the sole purpose of me liking it.  :wink:

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I'm a big fan of Korean dramas and I also love to watch KBS World and Arirang. It would really be nice if I don't have to read the subtitle at the bottom of the screen when I watch. Back in my college days I used to tutor a Korean kid. I never thought that I'll ever be as fascinated with them and their language as I am today.

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