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      Importance of good English grammar | English Grammar Jump to content

      Importance of good English grammar


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      I am not a native American but I can say that I have a good command of English language. Since it is one of the most common languages in the world, we can fairly say that it is extremely important that learning English grammar is imperative, especially if you are trying to get a good. In my country alone, most interviews are done using this language and if you cannot express yourself well, you will most likely do not get the job you are applying for.

      In my current job, I probably won't make it if I have poor grammar and little understanding of the English language. It is a big help actually, since I earn even if I am only staying at home.

      How about you, what is the importance of having good grammar to you?

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          On 9/19/2013 at 7:20 AM, cecil15 said:

        I am not a native American but I can say that I have a good command of English language. Since it is one of the most common languages in the world, we can fairly say that it is extremely important that learning English grammar is imperative, especially if you are trying to get a good. In my country alone, most interviews are done using this language and if you cannot express yourself well, you will most likely do not get the job you are applying for.

        In my current job, I probably won't make it if I have poor grammar and little understanding of the English language. It is a big help actually, since I earn even if I am only staying at home.

        How about you, what is the importance of having good grammar to you?

        cecil15, I agree on all points.  I'm a native speaker of English and I was fortunate to be raised by parents who were very strict with grammar.  I didn't have a chance to develop any bad habits because they always corrected me.  Looking back, I am extremely appreciative!

        Unfortunately, even among native speakers in the U.S. where I live, you will hear a lot of incorrect grammar.  People who fall into these habits in daily life will have a more difficult time in circumstances in which proper English grammar is imperative, such as in a job interview as you mentioned.

        I hear all kinds of errors in daily speech.  For example, people will say "There's a hundred children in that school," for instance.  It should be -- "There are a hundred children in that school" --  because "a hundred children" is a plural subject.  On the other hand, if you said "There's a gifted child in that school" that would be correct because it's a singular subject. 

        Despite the pervasiveness of poor grammar in society and culture, you are still held to high standards generally in professional settings.  Considering how much competition there is for jobs these days, using poor grammar would put you unnecessarily at a disadvantage.

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        I try to improve my grammar every day as my work involves writing in English all kind of information intended to reach English speakers.

        I'm aware not all of them can write properly, but I know that my job is being evaluated by its grammar, and have to make sure it's withing the standards of good writing.

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        I believe that grammar separates the professional from the unprofessional. At a glimpse of a letter, you can immediately see if it reflects the professionalism of the sender by merely looking and inspecting his or her grammar. It has nothing to do with intelligence. Grammar is something you can fix with a quick search on Google. It has something to do with attention to detail.

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        The use of good or even perfect grammar is very important. Any message, in whichever form it is sent or stated, will not be fully understood if there is an error with syntax. This goes for all languages.

        One thing I have noticed though, about second language learners, is that they are more keen when it comes to grammar. My Asian students, for example, are always conscious about the way they form their sentences and deliver them. My native speaker friends, however, have a tendency to commit some mistakes and take if for granted in a funny way.

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        • 2 weeks later...

        I sometimes become what people call a "grammar nazi." I wince and rant when I see a grammar error. I always get an urge to correct the person, but I don't -- unless we're close enough that I can joke about it. Nowadays, I usually see grammar errors in tweets. I let it pass sometimes since there is a character limit.

        I'm a broadcast journalist. In my line of work, it couldn't be said that your information is accurate if your spelling, pronunciation and sentence construction is wrong. It is also quite hard to get your message across to your audience if your grammar is incorrect.

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        I too believe that Good English Grammar is very important. Good English Grammar alomg with proper pronounciation can make our impression great in front of people. There is no need to speak English if we are weak in Grammar.

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          On 10/9/2013 at 5:49 AM, davidexct said:

        I too believe that Good English Grammar is very important. Good English Grammar alomg with proper pronounciation can make our impression great in front of people. There is no need to speak English if we are weak in Grammar.

        I agree! Good English Grammar is very important for me because people do notice the way I speak and how I write in English. I pay attention to English Grammar more than anything else because it's important to acknowledge the concepts in English language. 

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        • 3 weeks later...

        Good grammar (not just in english but as well as other languages) is very important. It boost self confidence, help you achieve or land a good job, makes traveling less stressful. Good grammar somehow  reflects the personality,educational background and status of a person. In non english speaking countries, most people who can speak good english are those who have a good education or came from a well to do families.

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        It's definitely important. I used to work as a game tester, and great English grammar was a prerequisite, even though the company was based in Montreal. When you're working for an international company, great English grammar is usually a must.

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        • 3 weeks later...

        The importance of good English grammar is evident when dealing with people internationally. I would agree with most of what have been said on this page, but at the end of the day, it only boils down to one question: did you get your point across properly? I believe that this is the sole purpose of having good English grammar; to avoid being misunderstood, mostly. Otherwise, I think being able to speak English on an average level is alright.

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        • 2 weeks later...

        I agree with most of you here. The benefits of good grammar are evident in all our daily life. In all fields of living good grammar is seen to contribute a portion. For instance good grammar improves the success of businesses in such away that the quality of emails and texts a business sends to their clients determines whether they would be give a positive or negative feedback.  In addition the way you talk determines how people would say about you. Besides all that as someone said during interviews your grammar can determine your fate.

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        English is my second language and I truly believe being fluent and conversant in the English language is but essential for it is the universal language. Lots of opportunities will be offered to you if you are one of those fluent speakers and writers in English. Being an English writer and English teacher by profession, I use English everyday of my life and it has always been my favorite subject in school. :)

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        • 2 months later...

        I believe having good grammar is extremely important in the way you write and the way you speak. I understand there are thousands of different dialects in the English language that derive from different cultures and parts of the country that should not be considered incorrect, but when you use proper grammar you present yourself as intelligent and professional. As a teacher I believe it is part of my job to know proper grammar and be a role model when using it. The kids I teach today are part of the next generation, and I want them to be able to present themselves to the rest of the world with that sense of intelligence and professionalism.

        That's why it drives me crazy when people write "wat r u doin l8tr?" Are you kidding me!? It takes more effort to come up with that goofy nonsense than to just type the standard form of the sentence. Even things like "I got used of it" or "I did it on accident" make me cringe. Students I can correct, but it's a touchy subject with adults, as you want to avoid making them feel stupid (which is how they sound).

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        Right now at this point of my life I don't need English at all as I am living in Germany and studying in German. English grammar isn't that important as it's a really easy language which anyone can understand what you are saying. I don't mean you you don't need to know grammar but you don't need as much as let's say German to be understood.

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        Each to his own I guess. . .

        Good grammar means nothing to me. If I get my point across regardless of how many grammar rules I break, who cares? I used to be a grammar puritan but what made me change was that no matter how well I could write, the stories I submitted for publication consistently got rejected. So I kicked the grammar rule-book out the window and started blogging. . .

        Good thing is my readers like my casual writing style.

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        The more time I spend with foreigners, the more I learn that I need to be flexible when communicating with them. I see a lot of foreigners who tried very hard to get their message across, and I admired their dedication to learn a foreign language that they seldom use. While grammar do helps in getting messages across, beginners might not be too proficient with grammar and it is important to be patient with them.

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        If you want to speak and understand English fluently, it is very necessary that you have a good command of the English grammar. Grammar is a set of structural rules which govern the composition of sentence, clauses or phrases used in the language. A good command of grammar also increases your comprehension skills.

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        It depends what you want to use it for. If you want to use English for a job, you should be pretty fluent. If you want to go to school in America you should at least be able to recognize your grammar mistakes so you can avoid them on papers. However, if you just want to learn English to get around then grammar doesn't matter so much.

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        I think having the knowledge of knowing what good English grammar is, is very important. Within certain contexts it will absolutely be needed, but there are other circumstances though where it won't have as much importance. By this I mean: within an occupation where you will need to communicate with co workers and superiors, proper English grammar is an extremely important tool. If just ordering from a fast food restaurant or conversing with someone on a bus stop it won't be as big of a deal!

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        • 2 weeks later...

        Grammar is everything to me. Sentence construction, grammar and vocabulary are one of the most important aspects of the English language, It is the basis and the foundations of the English language and you must pay attention to grammar and sentence construction always.

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        • 1 month later...

        For me having a good grammar is vital, sadly it's easier to say than to do most of the time.  I'm actively working as much as I can to improve my English, but I still have some issues with my pronunciation and the use of some propositions.

        Native English speakers will be scrutinizing us non native speakers most of the time, and that's why it's so important to keep up with that. I mean, one of my teacher back when I was going to junior high school said that speaking a mediocre English wasn't good enough, we had to work on it, because depending on our language and communication skills we could come across some really nice opportunities.

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        • 7 months later...

        For me, it depends on your profession. If your job requires that your written work is flawless, then you need to adhere to a high standard of grammar. Having good grammar in the said profession is one of the many ways you can achieve credibility in your job. However, if grammar isn't a very important thing in your work, then you can get away with having a few grammatical mistakes. As one of the posters said, if you can get your message across without confusing your reader, then you have done a fine job.

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        I think good English grammar is very important because it tells a lot about who the person is. Granted, it still isn't and should still never be the sole measurement by which a person is judged but still it would be foolish to dismiss that it at least gives you an impression of the person's background. I don't think it is entirely necessary especially for those who are just trying to communicate something instead of actually trying to be good at the language, but it is favorable to be correct with grammar in general.

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          On 9/19/2013 at 7:20 AM, cecil15 said:

        I am not a native American but I can say that I have a good command of English language. Since it is one of the most common languages in the world, we can fairly say that it is extremely important that learning English grammar is imperative, especially if you are trying to get a good. In my country alone, most interviews are done using this language and if you cannot express yourself well, you will most likely do not get the job you are applying for.

        In my current job, I probably won't make it if I have poor grammar and little understanding of the English language. It is a big help actually, since I earn even if I am only staying at home.

        How about you, what is the importance of having good grammar to you?

        It is important to me because it is used oftenly in almost everything, all examinations are set in english, almost all jobs require you to have some english skills.

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