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      Do you over use "LOL" when you write to your friends? - Page 7 | English Language | Discussion Jump to content

      Do you over use "LOL" when you write to your friends?


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      I think that I overuse "LOL" when I chat with friends. I think I use it to show that I am joking and am not seriously when I want to make a sarcastic comment. I think that everyone is overusing it as well. At work we have this messaging platform and even my manager would write LOL pretty often.

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      No. I can't stand texting acronyms. I always write out the full word and cringe when other people use them. Thankfully, my boyfriend feels the same way so we don't annoy each other. I don't know why it bothers me so much but it does.

      As for when I need to say lol I type "funny." When I'm joking about something I use ;)

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      I always thought writing LOL was really silly and then people started texting it to me, so I would use it sarcastically.  I still actually use it sarcastically but I really try not to use it at all.  Most of my friends know that I think it is pretty silly to write that.  I was walking down the hall at my work the other day and heard someone actually say LOL in a conversation that they were having.  It starts to drive you crazy at the types of things that are going on with our language.....LOL :laugh:

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      I love using lol or LOL, I think it works pretty much in a sentence like the salt and pepper in food, it has extra value and it passes emotion to the sentence, I use it quite often.  :smile:

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      I'm also a victim of using "lol" especially when chatting online because I think it easily expresses my feelings towards a funny sentence/situation. There's never been a better way of expressing my "happy" emotions!

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      A lot, unfortunately! Especially if I'm nervous, like when I'm talking to someone online for the first time. I have to consciously stop myself from trying 'haha' or 'lol'.

      Once I'm comfortable with the person, I rarely censor how I type, so I guess my poor friends do end up spammed a fair bit. I also use the emote :L a lot. Similar meaning!

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      I used to a lot! I always feel like over text I sound a lot more stern or harsh than I mean to and a "lol" or "haha" breaks it up.

      I don't really like it anymore though, trying to wean myself off the habit.

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      Maybe I'm old or old-fashioned, but I've never used lol, lmao or any of the acronyms that suddenly appeared when everyone started texting (there, that's probably the first time I've ever typed them!). I have recently started using smilies sometimes, however  :smile: so I expect I'll get as far as using lol and the rest too at some point!

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      I don't use it at all with friends. The only place where I use it is on the internet in chat rooms or forums. On whatsapp or wte I just use hahaha or something similar. I think over using lol is annoying and rude :x

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      I try not to use it at all. Usually, if something is funny, I'll say "Haha" or "Omg lmao" or "Lmfao" or just the "XD" face. I do this because to me, it's really annoying when someone overuses "LOL". Like, "Lol, I just got home, lol, sorry." Or "Lol, that's funny, lol hahaha".

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      It's so funny that you mention this. I definitely say "LOL" too much sometimes, both in texting and online. I just type it out of habit, even if nothing is funny. At least I don't say it out loud like some people do!

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        On 9/26/2013 at 11:36 PM, thekernel said:

      I don't over use it, at least, I don't think I do. I say "haha" when I'm really laughing at something, and "lol" when something is funny but it doesn't draw as much laughter. Which I guess is ironic given the meaning of the acronym.

      Whenever I use "Lol", It does make the conversation more exiting. So I use it a lot. Lol.

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        On 1/24/2014 at 2:57 AM, ShannonRiveras said:

      I try not to use it at all. Usually, if something is funny, I'll say "Haha" or "Omg lmao" or "Lmfao" or just the "XD" face. I do this because to me, it's really annoying when someone overuses "LOL". Like, "Lol, I just got home, lol, sorry." Or "Lol, that's funny, lol hahaha".

      Right? That's my thought, too. It's overused and redundant and frankly just kind of irritating. There are so many other ways to express amusement.

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      I'm pretty sure that I am guilty of this. It's a very easy habit to get into and a very hard habit to get out of. I would guess that the reason is that it has such a wide variety of uses. You don't only use it if you are actually laughing out loud, you use it for sarcasm, to emphasize something, and to portray various emotions. It all depends on what you add to it.

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      I used to use "LOL" all the time when I was younger. Now that I'm older, I still use it, just not as much. It kinda makes a conversation seem more casual.

      And also, since my friends like to send funny messages, "LOL" is definitely suitable in such context.

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      I do it regularly, but not in the right context. LOL, meaning Laughing Out Loud, should be something like "HAHAHAH" reaction, not "heh" (the one I have). But yeah, I use it in everyday communication on Facebook and Skype, but I don't use it when talking (I know some people who do).

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