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Which English words do you have trouble spelling?

Guest akasha24

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Occasionally always throws me a curveball, it takes me a couple tries before I finally get it right. I have always found that I can never spell buffalo without spelling it bufallo first. I know that there are definitely several other words out there that trip me up, I just can't for the life of me remember any of them.

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A lot of English words are difficult to spell for non-native speakers (or even native speakers) because of the way they are pronounced. Sometimes the pronunciation simply doesn't match up with how it is spelled.

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For me, the one word I have to double check myself on everytime, is definitely.  I almost always write it as "definetely" but since my tablet does a sort of predictive text  I'm able to spot the error straight away.

I also have to watch my double consonants  as in; occasion (spelt that wrong straight away..oops) and necessary. Like a lot of you, ive also had trouble with  calendar,  using an 'er' instead of 'ar'.

I think the different spellings between America and England confuse matters too, especially if you are using an online tool to help with your spelling.

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Based on the past couple of days I have been always misspelling "separate" and "necessarily". With separate I would always put an E after the P instead of an A. And with necessarily I would always mix up whether it's 2 c's or 2 s's or both and so on. I'm sure there are more words that I have trouble spelling but those are the most recent ones that I can remember.

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I really have a hard time spelling the words: mesmerizing, apparently, and there was another word that I'm forgetting but I will add it to the list when I remember it.  If I didn't have a spell check at my disposal then I think I would have a hard time being correct, lol.

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  • 1 month later...

I always take time spelling occasion (oh my god I got it on my first try). I usually spell it as occassion and ocassion, but I almost never spell it correctly that the word processor does the correcting for me.

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I can never spell "rythm" as  I have just proved, it should be "rhythm" as I have just used spell check. I have no explanation why I can not spell this particular word. However not having the ability to spell, is not a major problem,as most of my writing is done on my lap top, which has the wonderful  creation spell check.

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I hate the word dachshund. Love the dogs, hate the word. It is so difficult to spell. I even had to google it to type it here. And yes, my original spelling was wrong. Psh.

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I have terrible spelling! Thank goodness for spell check, otherwise I would be basically unintelligible. But words that trip me up often are ones that have double letters such as "necessary" or words that have the strange "i before e rule" such as beige or feisty.

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I often find myself troubled spelling these words:

accommodate - I often leave out the other m.

occasion - I often put 2 s and sometimes I put only 1 c.

citizen - I am confused if the second i is supposed to be e.

aggressive - I often spell it with a single g.

tomorrow - I sometimes put 2 m.

I am confused with a lot more words. They are the ones that I can remember for now.

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I always second guess myself when it comes to spelling simple words like "receive" and "believe".  Sometimes I run into trouble when I spell English words adopted from foreign languages like "bourgeoisie". 

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I have a hard time spelling, 'itinerary' without having to spell check it. I always spell it like 'itenerary' because that's how it's heard. Thank goodness for spell check nowadays, right? Haha!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My first thought when I look at this question is that I have some problems with the words where As and Es sound pretty much the same.

Now with the second one I bet a lot of people will laugh at me. I tend to have problems with i before e except after c or when sounded as a as in neighbor or weigh. Whenever I'm spelling a word with an ie combination, I have to think of the little poem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, I have more to add here. These are more words that I have trouble spelling:




I usually spell them the way I think they are spelled then check them with spell checker. A lot of the time, my spelling's wrong.  :sad:

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  • 1 month later...

For me it would be word Embarrassing. Sometimes I just really forget if it's double R and single S, or single R or double S, or both doubles.

The second one would be occasion. I keep thinking it's single c and double s. Since double s seems more common, like passion, mission, and discussion.

The third one would be aggressive. I usually type it with one g.

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The English word that I always have a bit of trouble spelling is the word experience. For whatever reason I always forget how to spell it. Even just now I had to use spellcheck lol. I don't use the word "experience" that much so maybe that is why I always forget how to spell it.

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  • 1 month later...

English is my first language. But there are a few words that drive me crazy because I always spell them wrong. Thank goodness for automatic spelling checks. They have made me lazier, but so much more efficient. :wink:

Some words are:


therefore (i never know if it ends with the "E" or without)



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  • 2 weeks later...

For some reason, I find it difficult to remember the right spelling of the following words:

1. separable

2. shepherd

3. consciousness

But since I listed them here, I think that I will remember them better now! Haha!

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are a few that I'd likely misspell quite a bit if it wasn't for my computer alerting me to that act that it incorrect. Words like similar (which I always want to add an "i" to) usually get me, I'm always wanting to add an "i" because I'm sounding out the word in my head.

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I used to misspell "tomorrow" and "business", but now when I want to write them, for tomorrow I think of the word "arrow" and that's how I know that there are two Rs and not two Ms. And for business I imagine a bus being eaten by the Loch Ness monster.

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