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Everything posted by Jellyfish

  1. Well, then the old relations between Scandinavia and Germany may not be as tight anymore. You can choose Mandarin in 6th grade?
  2. No, I was born in the region of Germany that is said to have the best German in the whole German speaking area.
  3. I am in here too. Maybe we can learn some basic things and share some online courses or good introduction videos.
  4. Because of the accents? In Switzerland I had to learn that even in a rather small country there can be a high amount of accents.
  5. Wir mögen es, wenn Dinge kompliziert sind. Ich weiss aber auch nicht, warum.
  6. Ach, ich glaube, ich habe nicht so oft die Gelegenheit, Portugiesisch zu sprechen. Aber in dem Portugiesisch-Subforum bin ich jetzt auch.
  7. I did but it was just another country where people speak German. Not only but mainly.
  8. Ich könnte einen Portugiesisch-Kurs nehmen, damit Dein Thread nicht an Einsamkeit stirbt.
  9. Well, lol, it has been some time and I don't think I can do it just now. Isn't it that a lot of Swedish people speak German or at least know so much that they can communicate?
  10. I am not learning a particular language right now but I watch a lot of TV shows and movies in English language. I think English is something you can never know good enough in this world.
  11. Well, first thing to say is that I don't plan to have any children. But I would like them to be able to speak English, French, Spanish and Russian.
  12. A few years ago I decided to learn some Swedish on my own and it turned out pretty well. When your native language is German there are a lot of similarities so you get easily into Swedish which is a pretty simple language the way it is used to day. I managed to learn the language so much that I could easily read news and write some basic sentences. I don't understand much though when someones speaks Swedish.
  13. Das dürfte hier schwer zu erklären sein, aber es ist schon etwas ziemlich Eigenartiges. Macht man das überhaupt in irgendeiner anderen Sprache?
  14. .. when you are freaking active in all kinds of language forums..
  15. That's odd, a lot of people seem to think like that. People seem to have a pretty odd impression of us anyway.
  16. Das vestehe ich nicht ganz. Du meinst, warum wir manchmal Grossbuchstaben benutzen?
  17. Poor little cat. I always thought that polar bears and especially giraffes are really mean animals.
  18. I wonder why there are so many who want to learn that language. Is this because of some current trend or has it maybe something to do with the regions some of you come from?
  19. I know that. It really shows how much and how fast you can get into another language.
  20. "Mein Lieblingsurlaubsziel ist der Strand, ich habe den Strand sehr gern und mein Kind auch." Ist doch gar nicht so schlecht.
  21. I just would like to improve my Swedish. Norwegian would be nice too.
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