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Everything posted by caparica007

  1. Welcome to linguaholic Valerie. :wacky: I wonder what made you study Icelandic... I've studied Russian and German too, so maybe I'll see you in those forums?
  2. Welcome to the forum Claudiu. :wacky: How do you manage to study two languages at the same time? Are you in school? I hope to see you around. :ninja:
  3. Welcome to the forum Silverhoop! I've seen that thread, but I don't have many quotes in my head... My favorite threads are the practicing ones and the Portuguese forum because I am Portuguese. :grin: I hope to see you around.
  4. Hey there Vlad, welcome to linguaholic. :karate: I am looking forward to see you in the Russian forum, I've studied Russian for a couple of years, but no one seem to go there to practice. :wacky:
  5. Welcome to linguaholic Issam, it's a great forum we have here, you can get along with all the nice members and on top of that you get to practice languages. I hope to see you around. :nerd:
  6. Que son empanadas? Yo me gusta el arroz a valenciana, las demas comidas españolas creo que tienem mucha gordura, muchas frituras... :frozen:
  7. Gracias, yo veo lo español casi igual al portugés, pero más feo. Yo juego tenis, es mi deporte favorito. Me gusta much Juan Martin del Potro, pero mi tenista favorito es Federer. Y tu que deportes haces o te gustan?
  8. Podes sempre instalar o português no teu pc e quando estiveres a escrever alternas o teclado e pões um autocolante onde estão os acentos.
  9. Sim, eu sei que não é generalizado, mas se por exemplo estás no Rio de Janeiro não deves ter segurança em lado nenhum porque o pessoal dos morros pode sair de lá facilmente...
  10. Banheiro... That's interesting. How's in France, most people speak Portuguese from Portugal or from Brazil?
  11. Welcome to the forum Dari. You seem to have a pretty good level of English, have you been studying it for how long? :nerd:
  12. Hola pdxchristine, como estás? Learning languages is great and the soon the kids learn it the easier it is for them. Welcome to linguaholic. :beaten:
  13. Hey there Soulsix, welcome to linguaholic. :sweating: I'm glad to know you're learning Portuguese and Spanish because I am Portuguese and I will be glad to help out. I hope to see you around.
  14. Welcome to linguaholic Permidian. :karate: If you don't mind me asking, why have you learned so many languages? :indian:
  15. I had a German friend making fun of me as well because I was saying that I was going to the bathroom in English too when we were at a restaurant and he answered "are you going to take a bath?" :grin: How do Brazilian say it?
  16. Hey there Quincy, welcome to linguaholic. How's your French studies going? You can practice here on the forum, we have a specific thread for it.
  17. La lecture est plus facile que parler non? Nous pouvons comprendre un mot écrit, mais quand il est dit c'est plus dificile.
  18. I really don't know if it is a matter of making the effort or if they are really unable to understand. Here in Portugal we grow watching movies in English and so on and in Spain everything is dubbed, so have a more limited cultural background for languages...
  19. Já ouvi desculpas melhores mas tudo bem. :wacky: É uma pena que não apareçam aqui pessoas para praticar português, é uma oportunidade excelente de aprender. Talvez tu me possas ajudar com o meu francês, vou para a thread de praticar francês passas por lá?
  20. Ui, não sei se isso me cativa. A realidade do Brasil é bastante assustadora, vivem num clima de guerra civil certo?
  21. Welcome to linguaholic Amy, there's a good reason to learn a language, moving to the country! :grin:Are you in North or South Korea?
  22. Welcome to linguaholic twisted. Some particular reason why you are called that way? I hope you enjoy it here! :devil:
  23. Hey there Daniel, welcome to linguaholic. :wacky: I am sure you will enjoy it here and you'll get precious help in learning Italian, I hope to see you around.
  24. Yo tengo platicado muy poco con Yellowbird en Facebook, ella no es muy conversadora. :wacky: Donde eres tu mate? Que tal mi español? :vampire:
  25. Há quanto tempo estás em França Ricardo? Ainda te lembras como se fala português?
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