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Everything posted by mareebaybay

  1. This has never happened to me, but it is definitely something I can see happening in the near future. It is something I would definitely be looking forward to some day.
  2. Most of those languages are all some of which that did not surprise me much. I was kind of anticipating all of them but a few. I mean I knew English was a first runner up.
  3. I was about to say how hard it must be to actually figure out the oldest language. I doubt anyone actually knows that. You have to take in consideration all the old spoken languages.
  4. In English we refer to our mothers and fathers in a variety of ways. I really think it depends on your cultural background. It depends on where you come from and what you are accustomed to doing.
  5. The best advice I ever got about learning a new language, was sticking to it. One of my old friends told me to stick to it, because it would produce great results for me in the long run. They said don't quit.
  6. I speak two languages. English and Spanish. Although I speak English much better than I speak Spanish.
  7. I think my thirst for knowledge and my need to learn a new language, is what makes me interested in learning a new language. Learning a new language helps you in a number of different ways. It helps you mostly in a mental beneficial way.
  8. I think that depends on the word and how they choose to use so. I mean I can see them trying to create a similar word, then again I can see them just creating a new word that is similar as well. I think it really depends on the word and where it is intended to be created.
  9. I have never wished I had a different native tongue. I think my native tongue is the best language able to be spoken. My native language, is English which I think is the easiest languages that can be learned.
  10. I have never used Software to learn a foreign language. Although I am a fan of using technology to help me learn a foreign language. Ever since I was young I would use different types of translators to help me learn a foreign language better or easier.
  11. I too am a big fan of smileys and looks, it adds some emotion to your posts.
  12. I am pretty sure there are language competitions in the US. There should be a easy way to find out directly by doing a quick search using a engine and your state.
  13. I agree, I have seen plenty of people who had tattoos that they messed up on because they tried to incorporate something they did not know a lot about.
  14. I think it would be difficult, but I think it could be done. I think it all has to depend on what the "How To" book has to offer you. If it does not have a great amount of knowledge it can teach you, then it might not be a good idea but if it does it might be very beneficial.
  15. That is a very good question. I think I would be able to understand a language close to min very well. I mean how hard would it be if they are very similar in many ways.
  16. I started learning my second language my freshman year of college. At first I did not think it was that difficult, but after actually pursing it I began to realize how difficult it actually was.
  17. I don't chat on webcams to help me learn new languages, although I know people who learn using similar techniques. I just don't happen to be use to these types of learning techniques.
  18. I think the world's most difficult language to learn is Japanese. Japanese looks so difficult because of all the characters you have to learn and how different it seems to be from what I am accustomed to.
  19. I never considered this a method of learning a new language either. I guess it is trying to help you get into the habit of living like the culture of the language you are learning to better help your understanding.
  20. Nice to know Linguaholic is expanding. That is what I like to hear! Glad to know Linguaholic is doing so well.
  21. This seems like a new advancement in learning a new language. This method would probably be beneficial to a lot of people. It makes their schedules much more versatile. I am assuming they can learn whenever they feel like it.
  22. There are a number of benefits to learning a new language, I agree. Although I think the most beneficial would be added to your intellect. It also would help you in some job areas as well. I mean if they needed a good multi language speaker who would they choose? The guy who knows one language or the guy who knows more than one?
  23. I think learning classes, are more effective than living in a foreign country. I think if I was trying to learn a new language by living in a foreign country, I would probably have a difficult time, because there it would basically be like being thrown into the fire. Learning classes would be better and help you more effective.
  24. Yes, I have experienced this before. For me it was fairly simple, learning my native language again. I was getting it all back in bits and pieces, but it did not really affect my comprehension in a negative way. I think it would probably differ person to person.
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