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Everything posted by mareebaybay

  1. In the near future, I will probaby be getting some type of form of music, that will help me learn languages easier. I think learning languages through music, is awesome. It allows you to do something that is needed, in a fun manner.
  2. I won't go as far as saying Chinese is useful in your life, but it could certainly come in handy down the road. Learning Chinese could absolutely benefit you as a person especially if you want to visit China some day.
  3. I try to learn Japanese sometimes by watching Anime. Watching Anime can teach you a lot about languages, because it is interesting and it is actually something I will pay attention to.
  4. I understand this misconception as well, because I sometimes do this as well. There are times when I mix up loose and lose, because I am not thinking straight. I have to immediately catch myself, and think about exactly what I am doing.
  5. No I do not have a accent. Although when I am speaking it sometimes sounds as if I have a accent because of how deep my voice is.
  6. I would much prefer to study apart of a group. I like studying in groups, because there is a greater chance you will learn all you need to with addition help. Learning in groups also help you because there might be someone in the group that is just as bad as you are. Then there are always those experts out the group.
  7. This thread was quite interesting, because I had never actually heard some quotes about the English language. Usually I read or hear quotes about things unrelated to English itself.
  8. I think the term an ear or a ear is only used in certain situation. It is hard to explain when to use either, it just kind of happens naturally with me. I get so use to using an and a nowadays.
  9. These type of relations in words interest me as well. I had to read over what you said a couple of times though, but I think you are talking about funny sounding synonyms.
  10. I am an English speaker who uses this section as well. There is nothing wrong with using this section, because you never know what you might learn just reading this part of the forum. There is always a chance you may learn something new, you just have to open your eyes and try to do so.
  11. I know plenty of people that believe learning a new language is useless. Why do you learn a new language?
  12. I think English is the easiest language to speak. I love English because of how easy the words are and learning it is also easy as well. Is English the easiest subject in your opinion?
  13. My favorite English movie is not like other peoples. My favorite English movie is a action movie that I will never get tired of watching. My favorite movie is All about the Benjamins.
  14. Is there anyone apart of this forum that is bilingual. Being bilingual is having the knowledge of two or more languages. You also have to be able to speak these two languages fluently.
  15. I like subbing of movies, especially movies that have foreign language. Foreign language movies are also great but I love them even more when they are dubbed. Seeing as how I watch Anime, the dubbing and subbing of things are nothing new to me.
  16. My opinion of slang, is any word that made because it is like a shorter term. Words that are made to be spoken quickly or used to shorten words, in any way. That is my opinion of a slang word.
  17. Learning multiple languages is also something I want to pursue in life. Being bilingual is apart of my list of to do's before I die. It would be a awesome feat to reach.
  18. My favorite English quote is the quote about God and how he gives his strongest challenges to his toughest soldiers. I absouletely love this quote, because it is so true. I have faced so much adversity over my lifetime, but each time I get knocked down I get right back up, stronger than before.
  19. I think almost every different language sounds different in its own way. I don't think no two languages sound the same. Although I think there are languages that have similarities, but they don't sound the same. The reason is because of their words spelling and their pronunciation.
  20. I will forever enjoy English, because it is my native language. I also think English is the easiest language to learn. It is also a very easy language to speak. I recommend English to anyone who does not already speak it.
  21. I've known English all my life, it is my native language. English was a language that came to me at a very young age, because it was spoken to me when I was a child. I think English is one of the easiest languages to learn.
  22. I don't usually use the self-study method because I am so use to learning a new language as is. I don't really do none of the extras that some people do. I like to keep my learning methods simple and easy. Although I know lots of people who learn using different methods.
  23. This is a great thread because I am one of those people who have yet to master a language. I think I have learned Spanish to some extent, but I wouldn't go as far as saying I have mastered any yet. Master a language is basically being able to have a full blown conversation with someone fluent in that language.
  24. I enjoy poetry that has romance involved in it. Romance always gets me, especially when it is in poetry form. I like poems that I would say to a girl myself. Those are always the best poems. I like Shakespeare especially, but I mean who doesn't?
  25. Some people considering learning a new language a nuisance, because they don't understand the purpose in doing such a thing. Then there are those who take joy in learning a new language. What makes learning a new language fun for yourself?
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