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      How do you Text? - Page 3 | English Language | Discussion Jump to content

      How do you Text?


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      I text the same way I write. Probably because I'm one of those grammar nazi types. I can't handle having poorly worded sentences coming from myself. There are of course a few exceptions depending on my level of patience that day. In general I definitely try not to use shortcuts or acronyms.

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      I use shortcuts because I am too lazy to type it all out. I do make sure to adjust my language according to whom I'm sending a message though. For example, if it's work related, I try to minimize the shortcuts. If it's to someone who's a bit older, I don't use any shortcuts as they might not understand the message and it would take longer to explain the whole message rather than just spelling it correctly in the first place. However, if it's just to friends and peers, then that message will be filled with LOLs and smileys.  :tongueout:

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      • 2 weeks later...

      I avoid using shortcuts when I text. I remember using shortcuts when I was in High School. I don't mind it at all when people prefer using shortcuts. I mean, text is an easy and quick way of communication, so it's alright if people want to use shortcuts. I am perfectly capable of reading them, I just don't like using shortcuts myself. It all comes down to personal preferences :P.

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      I think I'm probably more like you. When I text, I tend to use perfect English and grammar (grandmother was an English teacher). I do use "LOL" a lot though. Probably more than I should and mostly at inopportune moments. And like you, people who use bad grammar and no punctuation and way too many acronyms in their texts...really bothers me...I would be embarrassed if it was me because I feel like it would make me look like an idiot to whoever read the text.

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      • 2 weeks later...

      I always text with mostly full words as I often forget I can shorten them. Sometimes I use text speak as it is shorter and it sometimes means I can get a message in one text rather than two and save money of two texts. It doesn't bother me when people use text speak but sometimes it is annoying if you can't work out what they are trying to say and then end up texting them again just to ask them.

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      It takes more effort for me to text in short-hand, I much prefer using full sentences and proper grammar. There are a couple quick things I use, like substituting "right now" with "rn" and "Hi, how are you doing?" with "sup."

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      I used to use shortcuts and acronyms when I was younger, but I quickly grew out of them. I think most children and teenagers went through a phase where every text was filled with "lol" or "u" instead of "you." It's just a part of being young.

      Now that I'm older, I appreciate how much easier it is to read texts with proper spelling and grammar. I want to make my texts easy for the recipient to understand, so I make sure to cut out acronyms, spell everything out, and use punctuation.

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      I usually text with proper full words and grammar, it's not like there's an unresonable character limit or anything for texts, so why not make full use of the space given?

      However, I do use stuff like LOL, brb, nvm, and asap which I kinda pronounce as the individual letters rather than the whole word? When I see other use txt spk n typ lik dis 2 u it's okay though, I'm not really bothered by it if it's an informal text, but if an employer or someone who should be writing full sentences does it it irks me.

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      I actually text with good grammar and with correct spelling. Sometimes I forget to capitalize the first letter of my sentences and sometimes my phone doesn't do it automatically, but that's probably the only grammatical mistake I make.

      I don't often say 'u' instead of 'you', I don't replace my 'O's' with zeroes, I don't even disregard the use of commas.

      I've been writing online for a long time, so I've practiced using correct grammar and spelling.

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      I don't use shortcuts, not even in my own language. I think it's very important to stop using abbreviations, since they're altering the respective language.

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      I am kinda new to texting because alot of shortcuts that are used I'm not familiar with. My son who is in high school. He does alot of texting and I can not get with this new thing. I sometimes have to ask him for help on shortcut words.

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      I only use acronyms and such as a joke. I'm typically very diligent about using proper grammar and spelling when I'm texting with somebody. I can't say the people I'm texting with are all the same way!

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      I text the regular old fashioned way, I type the words and that's pretty much it. It's rare for me to type in English and in my language I never gained the habit of writing abbreviations.

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      I usually text with proper full words and grammar and I don't write '2' instead of 'to' or '4' instead of 'for' but I have to admit that I use shortcuts sometimes when I'm in a hurry like 'idk', 'ikr', 'lol' 'ttyl', etc. but I don't use numbers though. I also use shortcuts when I'm joking.

      I hate it when people write 'K' like how hard is it for them to write 'Okay' or simply 'Ok'? But if they are pissed then I can try to accept that.

      We all have different ways but we should just accept that everyone is different.

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      When I text I write everything out in complete sentences. I don't use text talk or any type of short hand ,although I do understand it. I don't always us punctuation. I think it is a horrible idea to get in to the of habit  producing lazy writing even casually.

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      • 4 weeks later...

      I text the same way I write a letter, only I leave out the capital letters. I don't like too many abbreviations and short cuts unless I am in a hurry. For me personally it's almost like a sign of disrespect towards my friends and family to bombard them with "text lingo". I rather keep my message short and to the point instead of writing a small novel using short cuts.

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      When texting I tend to use proper English, including comma, capital letters and the correct spelling of all my words,not shortcuts.This has become a source of great amusement,especially among the younger members of my family and friends.

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      I am a lazy texter. I prefer talking for important things because I am just so slow at texting. That is why when I really have to reply thru text I use shortcuts. It's much more practical. I just make sure that my shortcuts are understandable.

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      • 2 weeks later...

      This depends on what I intend to text, haha. If it's for formal purposes (say, to a higher-up in an organization), I use correct grammar and spelling. If it's for my peers, I generally do the same. But when I have to hurry up (say, I'm about to ride a train, or I'm on my way somewhere), that's the time when I'd use shortcuts.

      Of course, when I intend to joke on someone, I generally t4k3 d1s m4nn3r 0f sp34k1ng, haha!

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      When I compose texts, I use the whole words for shortening them too much would leave the receiver of my messages confused. :) The first time I knew how to do sms, my words were really cut short but as time went by, I grew tired of these short messaging and  went back to typing the whole actual words.

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      I actually really hate shortcuts, and I always write everything out. I actually don't have any friends that use shortcuts, but I imagine it gets annoying pretty fast! I can see how the shortcuts are useful though, if you're a slow texter or you don't have a smartphone.

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